
Terms for subject Nursing containing 试试 | all forms
万登堡试验van den Bergh test
三小时尿液浓缩试验Volhard concentration test
三小时尿液浓缩试验three hours concentration test
上肢坠落试验upper limb dropping test
下丘脑-垂体前叶功能试验functional test of hypothalamus anterior pituitary
下肢坠落试验leg dropping test
两小时尿液浓缩试验two hours concentration test
两小时尿液浓缩试验Mosenthal concentration test
丹佛发育筛查试验Denver development screening test
乙二胺四乙酸试验EDTA infusion test
乳环状试验milk ring test
交替冷热试验alternate hot and cold caloric test
交替遮盖试验alternative cover test
代谢试验膳食metabolic test diet
低磷试验phosphorus deprivation test
体位变换试验transform posture test
促甲状腺激素兴奋试验thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulating test
促甲状腺素兴奋试验thyrotropin stimulation test
促甲状腺素释放兴奋试验thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test
促甲状腺素释放素试验thyrotropin releasing hormone test
促肾上腺皮质激素兴奋试验adrenocorticotropin stimulation test
促肾上腺皮质激素兴奋试验ACTH stimulation test
促黄体素释放素试验luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test
俯卧试验prone test
催产素激惹试验oxytocin challenge test
内分泌功能试验endocrine function test
冷压试验cold water press test
冷热水试验water caloric test
冷热空气试验air caloric test
冷热试验caloric test
凝溶蛋白试验Bence Jones test
凝胶扩散试验gel diffusion test
凝血活酶生成试验thromboplastin generation test
凝血酶原消耗试验prothrombin consumption test
凝血酶试验thrombin test
凝集抑制试验agglutination inhibition test
出科考试test on completion of a course
分侧肾功能试验split-renal function test
划痕试验Pirquet test
利什曼素皮肤试验Montenegro test
前庭功能试验vestibular function test
前庭试验vestibular testing
包虫皮内试验Casoni test
化学指示剂测试chemical indicator assay
半抗原抑制试验hapten inhibition test
单向辐射扩散试验single radial diffusion test
单耳响度平衡试验monaural loudness balance test
博厄斯试验Boas test
卡索尼试验Casoni test
压眼球试验Aschner test
双倍二级梯运动试验double two-step exercise test
双倍二级梯运动试验double 2-step exercise test
双向扩散试验double diffusion test
双耳交替冷热试验alternate binaural bithermal caloric test
双耳交替响度平衡试验alternate binaural loudness balance test
双耳同时冷热试验simultaneous binaural bithermal caloric test
反向蚀斑试验reverse plaque assay
反向间接血凝试验reverse indirect hemagglutination assay
口声试验live-voice test
口服葡萄糖耐量试验oral glucose tolerance test
吞线试验swallow thread examination
吞线试验string test
吸收放散试验absorption and elution test
吸附洗脱试验adsorption elution test
呼气试验breath test
哈佛台阶试验α-step exercise test
嗅敏度试验Proetz test
嗅试验olfactory test
嗜异性凝集试验Paul-Bunnell test
嗜异性凝集试验heterophil agglutination test
嗜碱性粒细胞脱[颗]粒试验basophil degranulation test
图片词汇试验Peabody picture vocabulary test
地塞米松抑制试验dexamethasone suppression test
垂体后叶素试验pituitrin reaction test
堵耳试验Sullivan occlusion test
墨汁吞噬试验ink phagocytosis test
声反射松弛试验acoustic reflex relaxation test
大剂量地塞米松抑制试验large dosage dexamethasone suppression test
大隐静脉瓣功能试验Brodie-Trendelenburg test
头颅透光试验transillumination of skull
〈简〉奎氏试验Queckenstedt test
奎肯施泰特试验Queckenstedt test
套叠试验telescoping test
妊娠免疫试验immunologic pregnancy test
妊娠试验pregnancy test
孕激素试验progestin test
安体舒通试验aldactone test
定量凝胶扩散试验quantitative gel diffusion test
宫颈黏液精液相合试验Miller-Kurzrok test
宫颈黏膜碘试验Schiller test
宾氏试验Bing test
小剂量地塞米松抑制试验low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
尺压试验ruler pressing test
尿三杯试验urine three-glass test
尿含铁血黄素试验urine for hemosiderin Rous test
尿液浓缩试验urine concentration test
尿素浓缩试验urea concentration test
尿素试验urea test
尿苯丙酮酸试验urine for phenylpyruvic acid test
尿隐血试验urine for occult blood test
巨噬细胞移动试验macrophage migration test
巴尔娄试验Barlow test
巴拉尼试验错指试验Barany test
布罗迪-特伦德伦堡试验Brodie-Trendelenburg test
希尔默试验Schirmer test
希林试验Schilling test
希氏多孔针刺结核菌素试验Heaf multiple puncture tuberculin test
异丙肾上腺素试验isoproterenol test
弓形虫染色试验Sabin-Feldman dye test
弓形虫素皮内试验toxoplasmin test
弗兰克尔试验Frankel test
弗利特曼试验Friedman test
徒手肌力测试manual muscle test
微生物学测试microbiological assay
微量冷热试验minimal caloric test
微量淋巴细胞毒试验microlymphocytotoxicity test
心得安试验propranolol test
心得安试验propanolol test
心房起搏负荷试验atrial pacing test
心电图运动试验electrocardiogram exercise test
心电图运动试验ECG exercise test
愈创木剂试验guaiac test
扭颈试验neck torsion test
抗体吸收试验antibody absorption test
抗球蛋白交叉试验antiglobulin technique for blood cross matching
抗球蛋白抑制试验antiglobulin inhibition test
抗蛇毒血清过敏试验antivenomous serum allergy test
抗链球菌溶血素 O 试验antistreptolysin 0 test
指指试验finger-finger test
握力负荷试验handgrip stress test
摇动试验mobility test
散瞳试验mydriasis test
施瓦巴赫试验Schwabach test
旋转试验rotatory test
无应激试验non-stress test
旧结核菌素试验OT test
旧结核菌素试验old tuberculin test
普雷茨试验Proetz test
普鲁卡因过敏试验procaine allergy test
暗室俯卧试验darkroom prone test
暗室试验darkroom test
朗读试验lombard test
本周蛋白试验Bence Jones protein assay
条件溶血试验conditioned hemolysis test
林纳试验Rinne test
染料排斥试验dye exclusion test
染料流畅试验dye outflow test
染料试验dye test
格思里试验Guthrie test
梅毒血清试验serological test of syphilis
次极量运动试验submaximal exercise test
毒素中和试验toxin neutralization test
氯化铵负荷试验ammonium chloride loading test
氯芪酚试验clomiphene test
汉格-罗斯皮肤试验Hanger-Rose skin test
汤姆森彩绒试验Thomson wool skeins test
沙利文堵耳试验Sullivan occlusion test
法恩斯沃思色相配列试验Farnsworth dichotomous test
泡沫试验foam stability test
浅静脉瓣功能试验Trendelenburg test
海勒试验Haller test
消耗试验consumption test
淋巴细胞细胞毒试验lymphocytotoxicity test
T 淋巴细胞花环形成试验T lymphocyte rosette formation test
深静脉功能试验Perthes test
温度试验thermal test
溶血蚀斑试验hemolytic plaque assay
滴定试验burette test
烟酸试验niacin test
热溶血试验heat haemolysis test
热电偶测试thermocouple assay
特伦德伦伯格试验Trendelenburg test
狼疮试验lupus erythematosus test
狼疮试验LE test
环卵沉淀试验circum-oval precipitating test
环抱试验girdle test
琼脂扩散试验agar diffusion reaction
甘油试验glycerol test
生长激素释放素试验growth hormone releasing hormone test
甲型肝炎酶联免疫吸附试验enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for viral hepatitis A
甲状旁腺素试验parathyroid hormone infusion test
甲状腺激素抑制试验thyroid hormone inhibition test
痿管试验fistula test
白细胞黏附抑制试验leukocyte adherence inhibition test
皮肤转白试验Schultz-Charlton test
皮肤转白试验blanching test
皮质素糖耐量试验corticoids glucose tolerance test
盐水交叉配合试验saline blood cross matching
盖莱试验Gelle test
直接抗球蛋白试验direct antiglobulin test
直腿高峰试验Laseque sign
眼球压迫试验bulbar compression test
瞳孔药效试验pupillary pharmacodynamic test
破伤风抗毒素过敏试验TAT allergy test
碘-玫瑰红钠试验radioactive rose bengal test¹³¹
碘-玫瑰红钠试验¹³¹ I rose bengal test
碘过敏试验iodine allergy test
磺溴酞钠试验bromsulphalein test
禁水试验water-deprivation test
禁水试验water depletion reaction
窝洞试验test cavity
米勒-库尔洛克试验Miller-Kurzrok test
类风湿胶乳凝集试验rheumatoid factor latex agglutination test
粪便隐血试验occult blood test
粪胆素定性试验stercobilin qualitative assay
精子穿卵试验egg penetration test
红玻璃试验red glass test
红细胞沉降试验erythrocyte sedimentation test
红细胞渗透脆性试验erythrocyte osmotic fragility test
红细胞脆性试验erythrocyte fragility test
红细胞连接抗原抗球蛋白试验red cell-linked antigen antiglobulin test
红细胞黏附试验red cell adhesion test
组织胺激发试验histamine provocative test
细胞毒试验cytotoxicity test
绒毛膜促性腺素兴奋试验stimulation test
结核菌素皮内试验Mantoux test
结核菌素皮内试验intradermal terbuculin test
结核菌素试验tuberculin test
耳超荷试验aural overload test
肌力测试muscle testing
肥达试验Widal test
肾功能试验renal function test
肾浓缩试验renal concentration test
胰升糖素试验glucagon test
胶体介质交叉配合试验albumin technique for blood cross matching
胶固补体吸收试验conglutinating complement absorption test
致敏淋巴细胞定型试验primed lymphocyte typing test
舒尔茨-戴尔试验Schultz-Dale test
FM-100 色彩试验FM-100 hue test
D-15 色盘试验D-15 panel test
艾伦试验Allens test
花环试验rosette formation test
药物敏感试验drug sensitivity test
莫森试验Mosenthal test
萨宾-费尔德曼染色试验Sabin-Feldman dye test
葡萄糖负荷试验glucose stress test
蒙氏试验Montenegro test
蔗糖水溶血试验sucrose haemolysis test
血吸附抑制试验hemadsorption inhibition test
血块退缩试验clot retraction test
血型交叉配合试验blood cross matching
血小板凝聚试验platelet aggregation
血小板聚集试验platelet aggregation test
血小板黏附试验platelet adhesion test
血浆蛋白结合 ¹³¹ 碘试验plasma protein bound radioactive ¹³¹I test
血浆鱼精蛋白副凝血试验plasma protamine paracoagulation test
血清试验serological test
补体结合抑制试验complement fixation inhibition test
表试验watch test
触酶试验catalase test
试管婴儿intravaginal culture
试镜片trial lens
D₈₆₀ 试验D₈₆₀ test
试验纸检验strip test
试验膳食test diet
语音试验voice test
费林试验Fehling test
费西伯格尿液浓缩试验Fishberg concentration test
赖特尔试验Reiter test
跟膝胫试验heel-knee-tibia test
跟随试验pursuit test
踏板运动试验treadmill exercise test
踏步试验stepping test
踏车运动试验bicycle exercise test
蹬车运动试验bicycle ergometer exercise test
输卵管通气试验Rubin test
辨别阈差试验difference limen difference test
辨别阈试验difference limen test
过敏试验allergy test
过氯酸盐释放试验perchlorate discharge test
遮盖-不遮盖试验cover-uncover test
遮盖试验cover test
酚妥拉明试验Regitine test
酚妥拉明试验phentolamine test
酚红排泄试验phenolsulfon phthalein clearance
酚红试验PSP test
酚红试验phenolsulfonphthalein \test
酪胺试验tyramine test
酵素试验enzyme test
酶交叉配合试验enzyme technique for blood cross matching
酸溶血试验Ham test
钙负荷试验calcium infusion test
钠负荷试验sodium loading test
钩端螺旋体凝集溶解试验leptospira agglutination lysis test
铜钱试验coin test
铬-51 释放试验51 Cr release assay
链霉素过敏试验streptomycin allergy test
锡克试验Schick test
闭眼垂直写字试验blind-folded vertical writing test
间接血凝试验indirect hemagglutination test
间接补体结合试验indirect complement fixation test
阅读试验reading test
阴性试验negative test
阻尼扭摆旋转试验damped torsion swing test
阿狄斯尿液浓缩试验Addis concentration test
雌激素试验estrogen test
霍尔派克冷热试验Hallpike caloric test
霍桑试验Hawthorne test
青光眼激发试验provocative test for glaucoma
青霉素过敏试验penicillin allergy test
韦伯试验Weber test
音叉与耳语试验tuning fork and whisper tests
音叉试验tuning-fork test
音衰变试验tone decay test
颜面神经试验facial nerve tests
食管酸灌注试验esophageal acid perfusion test
饮水试验water drinking test
饱餐试验heavy-mealed test
饱餐试验full meal test
马多克斯杆试验Maddox rod test
马斯特二级梯运动试验Master two-step exercise test
高渗盐水试验hypertonic saline test
高铁血红蛋白还原试验methemoglobin reducing test
鲎试验limulus test
黄体酮试验progesterone test
黄斑光应力试验macular photostress test