
Terms for subject Air defense containing | all forms
一体化通信、导航别综合航空电子设备integrated communication, navigation, identification avionics
个人别码personal identification number
信号别指南signal identification guide
信号别误差signal identification error
信号分类与signals classification and recognition
光电目标别和分配系统electro-optical target acquisition and designation system
军事military identification
冲激雷达目标finite impulse radar recognition
切向目标tangential target detection
半自动雷达别装置semiautomatic radar identification equipment
单目标跟踪与single target tracking and identification
参与者定位与participant location and identification
别空地图像recognized air and surface picture
固定频率敌我fixed frequency IFF
图形图像pattern recognition
在拦截前经别为友方identified friendly prior to interception
地物ground object identification
地面敌我别设备ground based IFF equipment
P 型显示器 P-STAR 便携式搜索和目标别雷达portable search and target acquisition radar
声纹voice print recognition
多普勒目标Doppler target recognition
多频雷达multi-frequency radar recognition
安全标security identification
广播访问broadcast access identification
当前威胁immediate threat recognition
快速截获与别系统rapid acquisition and identification system
成像imaging recognition
战场敌我别系统陆军battlefield identification friend-or-foe system
战斗别系统fighter identification system
战术自动通信辐射源定位别系统tactical automated communication emitter location and identification system
捕获跟踪和acquisition tracking and recognition
收端标terminating marking
敌我identification, friend or foe
敌我天线IFF antenna
敌我别与选择识别特征identification, friend or foe/selective identification feature
敌我别信号侦察reconnaissance of IFF signal
敌我别信标identification friend or foe beacon
敌我别器identifier of foe or friend
敌我别器转换电路identification friend or foe switching circuit
敌我别对抗identification of friend or foe electronic warfare
敌我别系统干扰identification of friend or foe system countermeasure
敌我别询问机interrogator (of friend or foe)
敌、我、中立identification friend, foe or neutral
无线标语言wireless markup language
早期任务别系统early mission identification system
有效敌我别雷达咨询区positive identification radar advisory zone
机载别装置airborne identification equipment
机载地面辐射源定位和别系统airborne ground emitter location and identification system
机载通信位置别系统airborne communication location identification system
机载高分辨率监视与别雷达Hughes integrated synthetic aperture radar
极化polarization recognition
极点pole recognition
器脉冲转换marker pulse conversion
脉冲mark pulse
模式pattern identification
波形waveform recognition
激光视觉别系统laser visual identification system
电光目标别装置target identification set, electro-optical
监控、别与相关monitoring, identification and correlation
目标能力target identification capability
目标destination identification
目标别与捕捉target identification and acquisition
目标别与搜索系统target identification and acquisition system
目标别雷达target identification radar
目标分辨和别试验雷达target resolution and discrimination experiment
目标探测、别和定位target detection, identification and locating
目标探测、别和定位系统target detection, identification and locating system
目标早期别自动信号情报系统automated SIGINT system for early recognition of target
目标特性target character identification
目标自动别分析automatic target recognition analysis
相位别脉冲phase identification pulse
共享网络knowledge sharing network
系统knowledge based system
移动式地面辐射源自动定位与别系统automatic ground transportable emitter location and identification system
空中交通air traffic identification
空空air-to-air identification
空空别侦察air-to-air recognition reconnaissance
空空敌我air-to-air identification friend or foe
精密定位和precise position location and identification
红外infrared recognition
自动地形别与导引系统automatic terrain recognition and navigation system
自动目标别、辨析和检测automatic target recognition, identification and detection
自动频谱显示与信号别系统automatic spectrum display & signal recognition system
观察、探测、别、压制observation, detection, identification and neutralization.
触发trigger recognition
别为友方identified friendly
别服务请求service request of identification
别脉冲identify pulse
别范围identification coverage
别装置recognition device
谐振resonance recognition
距离剖面range profile recognition
轨迹locus recognition
轻车辆万向别系统omnidirection range for light vehicle
辐射源radiation source recognition
辐射源别示例emitter ID example
辐射源威胁identification of threat grade of radiant source
辐射源定位和emitter location & identification
辐射源平台emitter platform identification
识别脉冲identification impulse
远端检测remote detection identification
选择别特性特征selective identification feature
选择别特性selective identification feature
选通标strobe designation
通信、导航、communication, navigation, identification
通信、导航、别综合系统integrated communication navigation and identification
通信、导航和communication, navigation and identification
通信网台identification of communication net and station
通用唯一标universally unique identifier
速度speed recognition
雷达别与定向系统radar identification and direction system
雷达别器radar identification set
雷达别点radar identification point
雷达信号identification of radar signal
雷达可变距离标电路radar variable range marker circuit
雷达"指纹"别对抗radar fingerprinting countermeasure
雷达敌我别系统radar IFF system
雷达检测别与计算系统radar detection, identification and computation system
雷达的字母标频段letter-band for radar
雷达目标radar target recognition
雷达目标别技术radar TR technique
雷达目标别技术radar target recognition technique
非协同目标non-cooperative target identification
频谱估计目标spectrum estimates TR
飞机identification of aircraft
高级研究计划局远距离跟踪和别雷达ARPA longrange tracking and identification radar