
Terms containing 识别 信标 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.信标识别数据beacon identification data
telecom.信识别标志channel identify indicator
mil., air.def.敌我识别信标identification friend or foe beacon
avia.敌我识别信标identification "friend or foe" beacon
tech.无线电信标识别radio beacon identification
tech.未识别出的目标尖头信号unidentified pip
el.标准电信自动识别机standard telecommunications automatic recognizer
mil., air.def.目标早期识别自动信号情报系统automated SIGINT system for early recognition of target
el.目标早期识别自动化信号情报系统automated SIGINT system for early recognition of targets
shipb.航行识别信标navigating identification beacon
avia.机场识别信标identification beacon
avia.机场识别信标identification beacon
avia.识别信标identification beacon