
Terms for subject Commerce containing 证 件 | all forms | in specified order only
以取得岀口许可证为条件subject to approval of export license
以取得进口许可证为条件subject to import license
以开立信用证为条件subject to the opening of a letter of credit
关于付款条件,我方只接受即期信用证With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight
出示证件后,检查员获准检查银行账簿After showing his credentials, the inspector was allowed to see the bank's records
卖方同意以信用证为付款条件The seller agreed on L/C terms
原始证件primary documents
合同规定付款条件为即期信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
寄送证明文件作为索赔依据send documentary proofs to back up a claim
我方的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight
文件证明documentary evidence
法院保管这些文件作为证据The court impounded the documents to use as evidence
海关证件customs papers
符合借款担保条件的证券eligible security for collateral for a loan
索赔证件documents for claim (包括明细表 (detail list),鉴定证书 (surveyor's certificate), 装运单据 (shipping document s))
索赔必须有证明文件方为有效Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim
要件与保证conditions and warranties (合同)
证券持有人同意更改证券条件的证券assented securities
该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
造船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修整的工程师guarantee engineer
除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading