
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 证 书 | all forms | in specified order only
三副证书certificate of third mate
三管轮证书certificate of the third engineer
三管轮证书certificate of third engineer
临时人级证书provisional classification certificate
临时入级证书provisional classification certificate
二副证书certificate of second mate
二畐证书certificate of the second mate
二管轮证书certificate of the second engineer
二管轮证书certificate of second engineer
交还船证书certificate of delivery and redelivery
产地检验证书survey certificate of origin
仪表检验证书calibration certificate
保险人的保证书underwriter's guarantee
保险人的保证书insurer's guarantee
停止租赁证书off hire certificate
停租证书off hire certificate
允许装载燃油证书fuel oil certificate
免税证明书duty free certificate
免责证书certificate of formal discharge claim
免除责任证明书certificate of formal discharge claim
出口登记证明书registration certificate of export
制冷装置合格证书certificate for refrigerating appliances
制造厂证书certificate of manufacturer
劳氏船级社机械设备合格证书Lloyd's machinery certificate
包装检验证书survey certificate of packing
包装检验证书inspection certificate of packing
化验证书assay certificate
化验证书analysis certificate
卸货证明书landing certificate
吊货杆试验合格证书boom test certificate
品质证明书费fee for certificate of quality
国际安全航行证书international safety certificate
国际载重线证书international load-line certificate
国际载重线免除证书international load-line exemption certificate
国际载重线免除证书international loadline exemption certificate
复租证书on hire certificate
大副证书mate's certificate
大副证书certificate of first mate
大管轮证书certificate of first engineer
委托证书trust certificate
客轮安全证书passenger ship safety certificate
少卸证书short-landing certificate
巴拿马运河吨位证书Panama Canal tonnage certificate
恢复租赁证书on hire certificate
承运人签发的残损证明书certificate of loss or damage delivered by carriers
报务员证书radio-officer's certificate
抵押证书certificate of mortgage
拖缆合格证书towlines certificate
损坏证明书certificate of damage
救生艇员证书certificate of lifeboat-man
救生设备证书certificate of lifesaving appliances
数量检验证书survey certificate of quantity
无线电报设备合格证书radiotelegraph certificate
无线电话安全证书safety radiotelephony certificate
证书的驾驶员certificated navigator
机械合格证书machinery certificate
柴油机合格证书diesel engine certificate
校验证书checking certificate
核动力货船安全证书nuclear cargo ship safety certificate
根据书面证据裁决decide on the basis of documents evidence
检验证书survey certificate
检验证书inspection and testing certificate
检验证书survey certificate fee
检验证书inspection-certificate fee
残损货物检验证书survey certificate of damaged cargo
汽轮机合格证书steam turbine certificate
测试证明书testing certificate
消防设备和火警探测器合格证书certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus
熏蒸消毒证书fumigation certificate
燃气轮机合格证书gas turbine certificate
理货证书tally certificate
甲板装载证书deck load certificate
电报员证书certificate of radio officer
电机员证书certificate of electrical engineer
电气设备证书electric apparatus certificate
皮重证明书certificate of the tare weight
系缆柱拉力证书certificate of bollard pull
罗经校正证书certificate of compass adjustment
肖毒检验证书disinfection inspection certificate
航海信号灯合格证书navigation light certificate
航海灯合格证书navigation light certificate
舵机合格证书steering gear certificate
船体人级证书certificate of classification for hull
船体入级证书certificate of classification for hull
船员健康检验证书inspection certificate of crew's health
船员合格证书certificate of competency
船员合格证书certificate of sailor competency
船员解雇证书crew's discharge ticket
船员资格证书crew's competency certificate
船舶证书ship certificate
船舶人级证书certificate of classification
船舶入级证书certificate of classification
船舶吨位证书tonnage certificate
船舶吨位丈量证书measurement certificate of ship
船舶国籍证书certificate of nationality
船舶国际吨位证书international tonnage certificate
船舶性能参数、图纸、证书和说明书ship's performance parameter, blueprint, certificate and instruction
船舶检验证书certificate of ship's survey
船舶港籍证书home port certificate
船舶电子仪器合格证书marine electronics certificate
船舶载重线证书certificate of load line
船舶适航证书certificate of seaworthiness
船长证书captain's certificate
苏伊士运河吨位证书Suez Canal tonnage certificate
设备合格证书equipment certificate
证书certificate fee
货物少卸证明书short-landing certificate
货物短卸证明书short-landing certificate
货物破损证明书damage certificate
货船结构安全证书cargo ship safety construction certificate
质量检验证书survey certificate of quality
质量检验证书inspection certificate of mass
质量证明书mass certificate
赛艇证书racing certificate
轮机人级证书certificate of classification for machinery
轮机入级证书certificate of classification for machinery
轮机员证书engineer's certificate
轮机长证书chief-engineer's certificate
轮机长证书certificate of chief engineer
载客证书passenger certificate
载重线证书load line certificate
载重量证书certificate of deadweight
进口证书import certificate
进口商声明和保证书importer's statement and guarantee bond
重量检验证书survey certificate of weight
锅炉合格证书boiler certificate
锚合格证书anchors certificate
锚机合格证书anchor windlass certificate
锚链合格证书anchor chain certificate
锚链合格证书chains certificate
颁发证书issue certificate
饮水系统检验合格证书drinking water system inspection certificate