
Terms for subject Business containing 证 书 | all forms | in specified order only
一级品证书first-class certificate
一级品证明书first class certificate
上诉败诉付费保证书appeal bond
不抗辩证书certificate of no defence
不结汇进口许可证申请书application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement
证书分开的转让权assignment separate from certificate
临时证书scrip certificate
临时证书provisional charter
临时完税证书temporary duty certificate
主管当局证明书certification by the competent authority
乡村医生证书certificate for rural doctors
买卖双方书面保证express warranty
书面证据literal proof
书面证据evidence in writing
书面证明合同contract evidenced by a writing
书面证言written deposition
交接证书certificate of completion of handing over charge
交货证书delivery verification certificate
交货与验收证明书delivery and acceptance certificate
交货证明书delivery verification certificate
产品化验分析证明书certificate of analysis
产地证书fee for certificate of origin
产权转让证书Transfer Certificate of Title
代理权证书certificate of agent's authorities
代表权详细证书minute representation letter
以后兑股息证书scrip dividend
价值证明书certificate of valve
优惠关税产地证明书指海关为防止滥用普惠制,要求进口国产品出示受惠国产品的产地证明generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
会计师证书testimonial by accountant
余额证书balance certificate
作出拒付拒兑证书期限time limit for notice of dishonour
使用权证书deed of appropriation
证书certificate of security
证书deed of covenant
保护证书certificate of protection
保险证书保险公司发给被保险人certificate of insurance
保险证明书保险人临时签发的保险凭证,具有保单同样效力cover note
信息证书information certificate
信托证书certificate of trust
信用证书credit certificate
信用保证书creditability document
信用证修改申请书application for amendment of credit
信用证修改申请书application for alteration of L/C
信用证开发申请书application for opening letter of credit
信用证申请书credit application
银行印制的信用证约定书commercial credit agreement
信用证结汇证书exchange settlement certificate for letter of credit
信用证部分转让申请书application for partial transfer of L/C
借用债务证书instrument for debt
债权证书document of obligation
健康证书certificate of fitness
健康证书medical certificate
健康合格证明书health certificate
健康检验证书inspection certificate of health
偿还保证书letter of commitment
允许展期偿债证书letter of licence
免作拒绝证书指背书人在汇票或本票上注明: 如拒付即退回,免作拒绝证书。又称 re tour sans prot etretour sans frais
免税证明书exemption certificate
免除拒付证书protest waived
入会证书certificate of entry
全权证书full powers
证书certificate of survey
公司债票证书certification of genuineness
notarial deed公证证书deed of notarial
公证委托书letter of commitment
公量证书certificate of conditioned weight test
关栈证书bonded certificate
关栈卸货证明书landing certificate (for bonded goods)
关桟运货证明书bond notes
再出口保证书reexport undertaking
再出口保证书re-export undertaking
冻结资金证明书blocked funds attestation
出口证书export certificate
出口免税证书certificate of export duty exemption
出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of drafts under L/C
出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit
出口检疫证书exit medical inspection certificate
出口检验证书export inspection certificate
出口检验证书certificate for export
船只出口结关证书outward clearance certificate
出口结汇证书certificate of foreign exchange settlement for export
出口证明书certificate of exportation
出口预收货款证书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
出境证书exit certificate
初审证书preliminary review documents
制成拒付或拒兑证书draw up a protest
制造证书certificate of manufacture
制造厂证明书manufacturer's certificate
制造厂证明书certificate of manufacture
制造商数量证书manufacturer's certificate of quantity
制造商质量证书manufacturer's certificate of quality
副本证书duplicate certificate
加工证书certificate of processing
劳合社海损保证书Lloyd's average bond
劳氏证书Lloyd's certificate
包装检验证书certificate on packing
化验证书fee for analysis certificate
化验分析证明书费fee for analysis certificate
化验分析证书analysis certificate
卫生证明书certificate of health
印签证明书letter of indication
卸货证明书由输入国海关出具landing certificate
厂商证书certificate of manufacturer
厂商检验证书manufacturer's inspection certificate
厂方按订单生产证明书certificate of manufacture
原产地证书original certificate
商品原产地证明书certificate of origin
参与权益证书participation certificate
参加证书Participation Certificate
反对证书counter deed
发明人证书inventor certificate
发明人证书author's certificate
发明人证书制度investor's certificate system
发行证券说明书prospectus on an issue of security
受益人证书beneficiary certificate
合伙证书partnership certificate
合格证书qualification certificate
合格查账证明书qualified audit certificate
合法证书letter of legitimation
合理置疑证书certificate of reasonable doubt
品质证书quality certificates
品质证书fee for quality certificate
品质检验证书certificate of inspection of quality
品质证明书specification of quality
由卖方提供的品质证明书quality certificate
商品出厂证明书certificate of merchandise
商品展览证书commodity exhibition certificate
商品检验证书commodity inspection certificate
商检局证书commodity inspection bureau certificate
商检局证明书certificate of commodity inspection and testing bureau
国籍证明书certificate of nationality
国际信托证书international trust instrument
国际信托证书international trust certificate
国际转账电报业务凭证申请书application for international transferred account telegraph service card
契约保证书contract guaranty
委托表决权证书voting trust certificate
定额预付保证书imprest warrant
审查证书examination of credentials
审查证明书audit certificate
审査护照签证申请书screen visa application
审计证书certificate of auditing
审计证书certificate of audit
审计员证书certificate of auditor
审计师证明书auditor's certificate
审计证明书certificate of auditor
宣誓度量人重量证书sworn measurement weight certificate
容量证明书certificate and list of measurement and/or weight
对背保证书counter guarantee
就业证书employment certificate
岀口加工原料进口许可证申请书application for import permit of materials for processing export goods
岀口许可证申请书application for export permit
工业开业证书industrial development certificate
工业开发证书industrial development certificate
工厂检验证书work's inspection certificate
工程核准证明书certificate of approval of works
干舷证书free-board certificate
延迟付款证书arrearage certificate
强制债务证书bill obligatory
意外事故非违法破产证明书certificate of misfortune
批准型号证书Approved Type Certificate
承保证明书covering deed
抵押证书memorandum of deposit
抵押证书hypothecation certificate
货主以载货抵押证书letter of hypothecation
抵押担保证书guaranteed mortgage certificate
抵押权证书letter of pledge
抵押权证书letter of hypothecation
抵达证明书指确认进口商已输入高科技产品的证明书delivery verification certificate
担保证书certificate of surety
拒付证书certificate of dishonour
拒付证书notarial protest certificate
拒付证书certified protest
拒付证书nonpayment protest
经公证人证明的拒付证书指拒绝承兑汇票authenticate protect
拒付汇票证书protest for dishonor
拒兑证书protest for non-acceptance
拒兑证书noting a protest
拒兑证书期限time limit for notice of dishonor
拒绝付款证书protest for non-payment
拒绝承兑证书protest for non-acceptance
拒绝承兑证书note of dishonour
拒绝承兑证书期限time for protest
拒绝承兑汇票证明书certificate of dishonour
拖欠证书arrear certificate
证书的会计主任certified general accountant
授权证书certificate of authorities
提货证书delivery verification
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支出证书certificate of expenditure
支票保付证书certification of cheque
收益保证书income bond
收货证书certificate of receipt
数量证书quantity certificate
数量证书certificate of quantity
数量证书bill of quantities
商品数量证明书certificate of quantity
文件证明书affidavit of document
无条件证书unqualified certificate
普遍优惠关税产地证明书generalized system of preference certificate of origin
有息负债证书interest-bearing debt certificate
有效活期证书valid and current certificate
有限合伙企业证书limited partnership certificate
服务证书certification of service
未作拒付证书的拒兑no protest for non-acceptance
未拒付证书no protest
机型合格证书Approved Type Certificate
权利转让证书letter of transfer
查证委托书commission to examine witnesses
样品检验证书specimen certificate
核准证书certificate of authorities
根据书面证据判决decide on the basis of documents evidence
根据书面证据裁决decide on the basis of the relevant documents
检疫证书船只Bill of Health
检验证书certificate of proof
检验证书certificate of survey
检验证书inspection certificate
进岀口植物检疫证明书plant quarantine certificate
死亡证书death certificate
残损证书certificate of loss or damage
残货检验证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo
残货检验证书inspection certificate of damaged goods
残货检验证书inspection certificate of damaged cargo
毁坏证明书certificate of destruction
毕业证书leaving certificate
汽车责任保险证明书automobile liability insurance certificate
法律上的拒绝证书legal protest
法律文书的公证手续legalization of documents
注册证书certification of registration
注册〔登记〕证明书certificate of incorporation
注册会计师证书certificate certified public accountant certificate
派股证书allotment certificate
海上船舶用品证书certificate of sea stores
海损保证书average warranty
海损异议书,海难证明书captain's protest
烟草真实性证书Certificate of Authenticity Tabacco
独立检验证书independent inspection certificate
现金核查清查证书cash verification certificate
现金盘查证书cash verification certificate
申请修改信用证书application for amendment of letter of credit
电传证实书confirmation of telex
电报证实书confirmation of cable
皮重证书certificate of tare weight
短卸证明书short landing certificate
短卸证明书short-landed memo
破产证明书certificate bankrupt
票据拒付证书protest for bills
税款交清证书certificate of compliance
竣工交验证书certificate of inspection and transfer completed project
第三方所开的货物符合合同的证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
签发产地证书issue certificate of origin
签证财务报告书certified financial statement
管理会计证书certificate in management accounting
管理会计考试合格证书certificate in management accounting
红利证书bonus certificate
纯度证书certificate of purity
纳税证明书tax certificate
纺织品出口许可证申请书application for export permit for textile products
经公证的拒付证书authenticated protest
结汇证书exchange settlement certificate
结清账目证书settlement warrant
统计学证书Certificate in Statistics
综合分批进口许可证申请书application for import permit subcovering license
职务证书certificate of job qualification
股票证书share warrant
股票保证书share warrant
背书证实银行证明背书正确indorsement confirmed
航运证书navigation certificate
航运证明书navicert (navigation certificate)
舱、货鉴定证明书certificate on hatch and/or cargo
船级证书船级社所签发classification certificate
船级证书副本copy of class certificate
船级证明书certificate of class
船舶登记证书又称船舶执照certificate of registry
船长海难证明书captain's sea protest
船长证明书即证明船的损坏由灾难造成note of protest
著作者证书certificate of authorization
装运散粮证书证明船舶具有装散粮条件grain cargo certificate
装运证明书house bill of lading
规格证明书certificate of specifications
规格证明书certificate of specification
解雇证书certificate of discharge
认股证书certificate of subscription
认股权证书subscription warrant
认证证书certificate of proof
让与证书deed of conveyance
许可证书letter of licence
许可证申请书application for license
证 〔说〕明书passport
证券抵押书securities depositing statement
Z 证明书Z certificate
证明文书authenticate a writing
责任证书certificate of appointment
账目证明书certificate of accounts
货价证明书certificate of valve
货损证书certificate of breakage
货物证书cargo certificate
货物单程保险证书cargo single risk certificate
货物短缺证明书bad order certificate
订购货物短缺证明书bad order certificate
货物符合合同的第三方鉴定人证明书expert in third party certificate of confirmation of the goods
货物缺损证明书carrier's statement
货物验残证明书certificate on damaged cargo
货载衡量证书certificate on cargo weight and measurement
质权证书mortgage instrument
贷款参加证书participation certificates in loans
资产负债证书certificate of balance
资产负债表证书certificate of balance sheet
资料证书information certificate
资本信用证书capital credit certificate
资格证书考试qualifying licensing examination
赔偿保证书补充函件也可作赔偿保证书用back letter
身份证书letter of identity
转让证书deed of assignment
转让证书transfer certificate
转让证书certificate of transfer
进口厂商声明保证书importer's statement and guarantee bond
进口机动车辆检验证书inspection certificate of imported motor vehicles
进口结汇证书certificate of foreign exchange settlement for import
进口许可证延期申请书application for extension of date of expiry of import permit
退回超额进口税证书overentry certificate
退税证书drawback certificate
送达证明书affidavit of service
选择权证书option warrant
造船证书builder's certificate
遗产管理人证书administrator deed
邮寄证书certificate of posting
采购证明书 B式certificate of purchase B
采购证明书 A 式certificate of purchase A
重量与尺寸证明书certificate of weight and measurement
鉴定证明书authenticate document
银行总括保证书Banker's Blanket Bond
销毁证书cremation certificate
销毁证明书证明收回的证券已销毁cremation certificate
集体证书collective deeds
面值证书face amount certificate
预扣职工所得税认可证书employee's withholdings allowance certificate
预缴出口外汇证明书advance surrender of export exchange
领事证书consular certificate
馈赠证书deed of gift