
Terms for subject Technology containing 设定 | all forms | in specified order only
一个设计决定resolution on a design
三稳定设备three-stable state device
个别定时设备individual timing device
假定设计应力应变assumed design stress-strain
假设稳定压缩试验法tentative steady compression process
公路假定设计车速assumed design speed of a highway
决定论的设计法deterministic design methodology
决定设计resolution on a design
加利福尼亚州稳定度仪设计法California stabilometer method (柔性路面厚度设计)
加利福尼亚州稳定度仪路面设计法California stabilometer method for pavement design
加荷设备的标定量specified loading apparatus capacity
加载设备的标定量specified loading apparatus capacity
半固定式二氧化碳灭火设备hand hose line type of CO₂ extinguishing system
压力设定pressure setting
变量设定specification of variables
合同规定设备contract rig
同步设备物理定时物理接口synchronous equipment timing physical interface
同步锁定设备sync-lock equipment
否定设计图rejection of plans
固定设备fixed equipment
固定任务数多道程序设计系统multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks
固定发电设备fixed generating equipment
固定在墙上的照明设备wall light fitting
固定床反应设备fixed bed reaction equipment
固定式沥青拌和设备stationary asphalt plant
固定式设备stationary appliance
固定式连续蒸煮设备stationary continuous steaming plant
固定式配料拌和设备stationary batching and mixing plant
固定提升设备stationary lifting device
固定监测设备fixed testing plant
固定装置设施built-in items
固定装设built-in fitment
固定设备fixed appliance
固定设备static installation
固定设备stationary appliance
固定设备fixed plant
固定设备built-in unit
固定设备设计stationary equipment design
固定辅助设备fixing accessories
基准线设定途经baseline approach
奥米伽定位设备Omega positioning and locating equipment
存储表设定storage tab setting
定义公设defining postulate
定位辅助设备fixing aid
定位设备position determining equipment
定位设备locator device
定位设备状态locator device state
定位设备的操作方式locator mode
定值设备操作方式valuator mode
定值设计法deterministic design method
定向纤维预成型设备directed fiber preforming equipment
定向设备orientation equipment
定向设备进近direction finding facility approach
定向设计小时交通量directional design-hour volume
定型部件组合设计modular design
定型模制卫生设备moulded plumbing unit
定型模制卫生设备molded plumbing unit
定型设备off-the-shelf equipment
定型设备prototype equipment
定型设备modular measure system
定型设计type design
定型设计finalized design
定型设计图standard drawing
定型设计房屋type house
定序设备sequencing equipment
定时设备timing device
定案设计工作final engineering
定线设计alignment design
定量配料设备rationing equipment
定长块结构设备fixed block architecture device
家用固定设备线路fixed equipment circuit
工程设计制定的锯材sawed engineered timber
平衡不定全区组设计balanced incomplete block design
建设项目环境保护设计规定regulation on engineering design for environmental protection of construction projects
总定时设备master timing device
恒定优值重新设计法constant merit redesign
手柄设定旋钮handle setting knob
指定设计point design
指标设定target setting
敷设的详细规定specs for laying
无线电定位设备radio location equipment
无线电定位设备radio fixing aids
无线电定向设备radio directive device
未决定的设计方案open plan
机动艇固定无线电设备fixed survival craft radio station
模型设定specification of model
模型设定model specification
模型数学形式的设定specification of the mathematical form of model
比例度设定螺丝proportion set screw
水井出水量测定设备water-well yield test equipment
水流测定设备current measuring plant
水流测定设备current measuring device
液压定位起吊设备hydraulic spud lifting gear
添加固定设备addition of fixtures
物理设计决定physical design decision
率定设备calibrating device
现有抗震设计规定existing seismic-resistant design provision
甲板固定设备deck fitting
电位滴定设备potentiometric titration apparatus
电子设备所定的位置线electronic line of position
电平设定level setting
目标定向程序设计object oriented programming
目标收益率价格设定target-rate-of-return pricing
确定工程建设仼务编制计划任务书project definition
程序设计约定programming convention
稳定塘设计design for stabilization pond
稳定度仪设计法stabilometer design method
稳定电源设备stabilised power unit
稳定设施stabilization works
符合规定要求的设计point design
等稳定设计design of equal stability
管道定线设计sewer alignment design
粒度测定设备grain-size determination apparatus
纵横定位设备coordinate location device
线路定期防护设备track protected equipment
经济计量模型的设定specification of econometric model
经济计量模型结构形式的设定specification of econometric model structural form
结构设计的假定structural design assumption
缺省定位设备数据default locator device data
缺省定值设备数据default valuator device data
美国运输部规定的设计压力Department of Transportation design pressure
自落式稳定土搅拌设备gravity stabilized soil mixing plant
航道定线设计alignment design of channel
规定的架设方法specified method of erection
规定设计和运转的法则construction and use regulations
规定附设停车场obligated parking lot
设备利用定额equipment utilization quota
设备定位equipment siting
设备定期维护equipment periodic maintenance
设备技术规定equipment specification
设备排水能力测定单位drainage fixture unit
设备确定device resolution
设备鉴定appraisal of equipment
自动控制的设定desired value
自动控制的设定set point
设定值范围range of set value
设定值调整set point adjustment
设定值调整器set-value adjuster
设定变址指令set index instruction
设定寄存器set-up register
设定时间set time
设定点调节器set point adjuster
设定目标target setting
设定set symbol
设定股本declared capital
设计假定design hypothesis
设计定义和评述project definition and survey
设计定型试验design fixed type test
设计定高程design crest level
设计概算定额design estimating norm
设定值投入资本paid-in capital in excess of stated value
设定值缴入股本capital in excess of stated value
转速设定speed setpoint
辅助定向设备orientation auxiliary plant
辅助定向设备orientation auxiliary equipment
运输固定设备transport fixed installations
进行定案设计final engineering
远距离设定值调整remote set point adjustment
远距离设定点调整器remote set point unit
选定的设计方案selected design alternative
闸锁定设备gate logging device
零信号无线电定向设备aural null direction finder
静态设定static setting
非确定性程序设计non-deterministic programming
面值或设定价值par or stated value
额定设计值nominal design value