
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
三维有限元理three-dimentional finite element theory
不再被讨drop through
不完整性理imperfection theory
临界切变能理critical shear strain energy theory
传输理transport theory
伦敦理London theory
伯努利理Bernoulli's theorem
位错理theory of dislocation
位错理dislocation theory
位错的相对效应dislocation relativistic effect
位错相对效应dislocation relativistic effect
傅立叶积分理theory of Fourier integrals
傅立叶级数理theory of Fourier series
全国冶金工艺理学术会议national symposium on the theory of metallurgical technology
全应变理total strain theory
共振共价键理resonating covalent bond theory
共格点阵理coherent lattice theory
再结晶的多边形化理polygonization theory of recrystallization
凸形金属弯月面冻结理convex meniscus freezing theory (【技】一种用于解释金属弯月面凝固和振痕形成的理论。)
分子场理molecular field theory
分子弹性molecular theory of elasticity
分子运动kinetic theory
动力学理kinetic theory
动力学理dynamical theory
势垒理theory of obstacles
博士doctoral thesis
原子atomic theory
反应器理theory of reactors
反应器理reactor theory
反铁磁唯象理antiferromagnetism phenomenological theory
合金相能带理zone theory of alloy phases
同时滑移理theory of simultaneous slip
回复形态理formal theory of recovery
回复扩散理diffusion theory of recovery
回复理theory of recovery
因次理theory of dimensions
固体理theory of solid
固体能带band theory of solids
固态区域能带zone theory of solids
固态理solid state theory
均匀轧制理homogeneous theory of rolling
塑性增量理plastic increment theory
奥罗万脆断理Orowan brittle fracture theory
定向形核理oriented nucleation theory
定向成核理oriented nucleation theory
定向长大理oriented growth theory
就…而论in the case of...
屈服强度理theory of yield strength
人类工效学理ergonomic theory
巴丁-库珀-施里弗超导理BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory BCS
巴丁-库珀-施里弗超导理Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
布喇格-威廉斯理Bragg-williams theory
平面应力理theory of plane stress
广义相对general relativity
库仑楔体土压Coulomb's wedge theory
弯月面冻结理meniscus freezing theory (【技】用于解释连铸坯振痕产生机理的理论模型之一。认为连铸坯表面振痕与拉坯速度、负滑脱时间、振频、结晶器弯月面处的传热及凝固条件等有关。)
弱耦合理weak coupling theory
弹性理theory of elasticity
强耦合理strong coupling theory
德鲁德-洛伦茨自由电子理Drude-Lorentz free electron theory
恢复扩散理diffusion theory of recovery
恩格尔-布鲁尔理Engel-Brewer theory
扩散理theory of diffusion
技术经济technico-economical proofing
抽样理sampling theory
按塑性理设计plastic design
排队waiting line theory
排队模型queuing theory model
控制分析法control-theory analysis
撕开和焊合理tear and heal theory (一种解释连铸坯振痕形成的理论)
支导idler (钢丝绳机的)
数学理mathematical theory
明显屈服点理theory of sharp yield-point
晶体生长理theory of crystal growth
晶体范性理theory of crystal plasticity
晶格理lattice theory
晶粒间界迁移理theory of grain boundary migration
曼森-哈夫里德蠕变曲线外推理Mannson-Hafred theory of creep curve extrapolation
最大切应力理maximum shear-stress theory
最大剪切能理maximum shear energy theory
机械滞后理theory of mechanical hysteresis
机械相互作用理mechanical interaction theory (一种用于解释连铸坯表面振痕形成的理论)
格里菲思-欧罗万-伊尔文脆性断裂Griffith-Orowan-Irwin theory
格里菲思脆性断裂理Griffith theory of cracks
格里菲斯-欧罗万-伊尔文脆性断裂理Griffith-Orowan-Irwin theory
格里菲斯脆性断裂理Griffith theory of cracks
模糊理fuzzy theory
模糊识别理fuzzy recognition theory
模糊识别理在漏钢预防中的应用fuzzy recognition theory used in breakout prevention
气体分子运动kinetic theory of gases
气体动力学理kinetic theory of gases
氢气理需要量theoretical hydrogen requirement
泰勒位错theory of Taylor
海特勒-伦敦理Heitler-London's theory
液体粘合理liquid cement theory
溶液分子运动kinetic theory of solution
溶液动力学理kinetic theory of solution
滑移位错理dislocation theory of slip
滑移-干扰加工硬化slip-interference theory
滑移-干扰理slip-interference theory
滑移理theory of slip
滑移的位错理dislocation theory of slip
点阵理lattice theory
烧结理theory of sintering
热力学涨落理theory of thermodynamical fluctuation
热轧剪切面理shear plane theory of hot rolling
燃烧理combustion theory
燃烧理burning theory
物理physical argument
特殊相对special theory of relativity
玻尔-佐默菲尔德量子理Bohr-Sommerfeld quantum theory
玻尔原子结构理Bohr's theory of atomic structure
BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory BCS
产出率theoretical yield
产量theoretical yield
必须theoretical amount
theoretic value
必需theoretical amount
停留时间theoretical residence time
凝固温度theoretical solidification temperature
分析theoretical analysis
分离系数theoretical separation coefficient
切变强度theoretical shear strength
原理theoretical principle
反应热theoretical heat of reaction
喉部theoretical throat
基础theoretical principle
基础theoretical fundamental
基础theoretical basis
塔板数perfect tray
塔板数theoretical tray
塔板数number of theoretical plates
审查theoretical examination
密度theoretical density
带钢形状theoretical strip shape
带钢重量theoretical steel strip weight
应力theoretical stress
应力集中系数theoretical stress-concentration factor
强度theoretical strength
成分theoretical composition
抗剪强度theoretical shear strength
拉坯速度theoretical casting speed
振幅极限theoretical oscillation stroke limit
数值theoretical value
断裂应力theoretical fracture stress
断裂应力theoretical break-away stress
断裂强度theoretical rupture strength
方程式theoretical equation
晶界theoretical boundary
曲线theoretical curve
有效指数theoretical availability index
theoretical tray
perfect tray
板坯重量theoretical slab weight
浓度theoretical concentration
热力学theoretic thermodynamics
热力学theoretical thermodynamics
风口前燃烧温度theoretical flame temperature
风口前燃烧温度raceway adiabatic flame temperature
风口前燃烧温度adiabatic flame temperature
燃烧风量theoretical combustion air
物理学theoretical physics
电压theoretical voltage
真空theoretical vacuum
研究theoretical research
研究theoretical investigation
空气量theoretical air
级数number of theoretical stages
级高theoretical stage height
级高度当量height equivalent of theoretical stage
置换比theoretical replacement ratio (高炉喷吹燃料的)
theoretical consumption
耗量theoretical consumption
计算确定的热处理法PP heat treatment
轧制模型theoretical rolling model
边界theoretical boundary
边缘theoretical margin
还原theoretical reducing potential
还原电位theoretical reducing potential
风量theoretical blast volume
风量theoretical air
验证theoretical examination
电化学理electrochemical theory
电子波动wave theory of electrons
电磁electromagnetic theory
电离理theory of ionization
畸变能理distortion-energy theory
疲劳理theory of fatigue
相似theory of similarity
相对theory of relativity
相对relativity (theory)
相对效应relativistic effect
相对行为relativistic behaviour
相对运动relativistic motion
短程有序理theory of short-range order
碰撞理collision theory
磁畴理magnetic domain theory
磁畴理domain theory
离子排斥理theory of ion exclusion
离子理ionic theory
系统工程理system engineering theory
系统理system theory
线弹性理linear elasticity theory
经典理classical theory
结晶器理散热theoretical mold heat removal (量: An expected minimum shell thickness at mold exit of 19. 4mm for a cast speed of 1. 5m/min was considered as the basis for calculation of theoretical mold heat removal (MHR). 拉坯速度1.5 m/min, 结晶器出口处最低坯壳厚度期望值为19.4 mm 曾被认为是计算结晶器理论散热量的依据。)
结构理structural theory
绝对反应速率理absolute reaction rate theory
绝对速率理absolute rate theory
统计statistical justification
缺陷理imperfection theory
group theory
耗竭蠕变理theory of exhaustion creep
能带理band theory
自由电子理free electron theory
范性形变稳态理theory of stability of plastic deformation
范性流变理theory of plastic flow
范性理theory of plasticity
范性连续体理continuum theory of plasticity
莫特金属应变硬化theory of Mott
莫特金属应变硬化理theory of Mott
蒸发分子运动kinetic theory of evaporation
蒸发动力学理kinetic theory of evaporation
蠕变回复理recovery theory of creep
蠕变回复理recovery theory of creep
蠕变形态理formal theory of creep
蠕变时间律理theory of time law of creep
蠕变耗竭理exhaustion theory of creep
表面理surface theory
贝克尔-奥罗万滑移理Becker-Orowan theory of slip
贝克尔范性理Becker theory of plasticity
贝蒂理Bethe's theory
GLAG 超导理GLAG theory of superconductivity
边界层理boundary layer theory
迁移理transport theory
晶界过渡层理transition layer theory
过渡晶格理transition lattice theory
过渡点阵理transition lattice theory
近似理approximate theory
通用设计理universal design theory
造球理balling theory
酸洗电解理electrolytic theory of pickling
酸洗的电解理electrolytic theory of pickling
量子力学理quantum-mechanical theory
量子理quantum theory
钝态吸附理adsorption theory of passivity
钝态薄膜理film theory of passivity
铁磁学量子理quantum theory of ferro-magnetism
铁磁畴理domain theory of ferromagnetism
长程有序理theory of long-range order
间界迁徙理theory of boundary migration
间界迁移理theory of boundary migration
陷阱理trap theory
障碍理theory of obstacles
非线性弹性理non-linear elasticity theory
非线性理non-linear theory