
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
但这场辩的确反映出、 有多少认知不一致以及彻底的不确定性一一继续威胁着市场But what this debate does show is just how much cognitive dissonance——and utter uncertainty——continues to stalk the markets
你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不你的对手怎么做You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does
冲突功能理functional conflict theory
决策理the decision theory approach
创新扩散理diffusion of innovation theory
利率平价理interest rate parity
双因素激励理Dual Stimulant Theory
发展development herald
只要有 Web 浏览器就能访问讨A web browser is all you need to access discussion groups
《哈佛商业评Harvard Business Review
在讨远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft
套汇定价理Arbitrage Pricing Theory
所有重要问题都必须提交董事会讨Important problem must be submitted to the board of directors for discussion
文中重点讨了电子商务服务器的加固The reinforcement of electronic commerce server is discussed with emphasis
损失如何全部赔偿irrespective of percentage
是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额the difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side
是资源配给过剩还是不足、都将使应用有效性降低、并且使企业运营风险相对增加No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased
灭失与否条款lost or not lost clause
无领导小组讨leaderless group discussion
最后、技术经理也许可以发现这些讨里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project
本节讨设计和执行可升级 IP 地址规划的步骤This topic discusses the steps to design and implement a scalable IP-address plan
杜邦特性理Du Pont Identity
流动性偏好理liquidity preference theory
激励保健motivation-hygiene theory
上入息额nominal earnings
上增加nominal increase
价值nominal value
价格notional price
性道琼斯指数Theoretical Dow Jones Index
由于此功能完全遵守 NNTP 协议、因此用户可以使用任何新闻阅读器客户端来参与新闻组讨Because this feature complies fully 'with the NNTP protocol, users can use any newsreader client to participate in newsgroup discussions
破窗理Break Pane Law
联合国发展UN Development Forum
联合国发展坛商业版UN Development Forum Business Edition
自由不干预理Laissez Faire
色彩调和理在辐射成像的伪彩色处理中的应用application of color harmony in radiation imaging
营销理the Marketing Theory of 4Rs 4R
营销理the Marketing Theory of 4Ps 4P
营销理the Marketing Theory of 4Cs 4C
discussion group
文分析了负载平衡集群服务器的结构和特点This paper analyzes the structure and characteristics of the Load Balancing Cluster Server
谩骂flame war
财政预算案辩budget debate
超 Y 理exceed theory Y
这个结来自当时最新的电脑模型对资源动态使用所做的分析This conclusion flowed from a then state of-the-art computer model of the dynamics of resource use
连载讨threaded discussion
领导生命周期理Life Cycle Theory of Leadership
领导者一成员交换理leader-member exchange theory
麦克里兰需要理Mc-Clelland's Theory of Needs