
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一般均衡理general equilibrium theory
任何原因的一切险all risks whatsoever
原因的一切险all risks whatsoever
已否发生损失条款lost or not lost clause
损失如何irrespective of percentage
是否同意nolens volens
灭失与否条款lost or not lost clause
百分比的海损average irrespective of percentage
买卖合同理bargain theory
在价格、条件等方面不休haggle (about, over, for, with)
会计理accounting theory
倾销理theory of dumping
储蓄过度理Oversaving Theory
关税同盟theory of customs unions
内生经济周期Endogenous Business-Cycle Theory
凯恩斯效应理Keynes-Effect Theory
初步议preliminary discussion
受控价格理administered price theory
受益征税理benefit theory of taxation
可贷资金利息Loanable-Funds of Interest
吉芬反giffen paradox
哈佛商业评Harvard Business Review
商业理mercantile theory
商行理theory of firm
国际劳工评international labour review
国际发展评international development review
国际海事工业international maritime industries forum
国际经营博奕international operation game
国际经营对策international operation game
国际贸易international trade forum
国际贸易的纯理pure theory of international trade
均衡equilibrium theory
垄断引起通货膨胀的理theory of inflation induced by monopoly
基金与银行评fund and bank review
就一方的辩所作的判决judgement rendered by default
工资基金wages-fund theory
工资谈判理bargaining theory of wages
和索赔条款discrepancy and claim clause
持不同意见的仲裁员的dissenting opinion (of one of three arbitrators)
提出结与建议present the conclusion and recommendations
效用价值utility theory of value
提货与否均需付款Take or Pay
次好second-best theory
比较成本理theory of comparative costs
法律legal argument
流动性偏好利息理liquidity-preference theory of interest
消费不足理underconsumption theory
消费不足理under-consumption theory
上的最高责任maximum theoretical liability
折旧theoretical depreciation
重量theoretical weight
leading article
社会舆所造成的通货膨胀social inflation
经营理business ethics
统计推statistical inference
备忘录discussion memorandum
议定结agreed conclusion
码,打出售sell by the dozen
打出售sell by the dozen
斤卖sold by the catty
日佣船契约daily charter
时佣船time chart
码出售sell by the yard
重量by weight
货币者的变数monetarist variant
货币者的通货膨胀学说monetarist theory of inflation
货币数量理quantity theory of money
货币面钞veil-of-money concept
购买力平价理theory of purchasing power parity
购买力平价理purchasing-power-parity theory
边际生产率工资理marginal-productivity theory of wages
选址Location Theory
部分均衡理Partial-Equilibrium Theory
金融专money article
长期停滞secular-stagnation thesis
长期停滞的理theory of secular stagnation
阶石理steppingstone theory
需求引起通货膨胀的理demand-pull theory of inflation
需求过多引起通货膨胀的理theory of excess demand of inflation
预测引起通货膨胀的thesis expectation of inflation