
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
世界反犯罪反恐怖主义world anticriminal and antiterrorist forum
世界城市World Urban Forum
世界气候方案政府间Intergovernmental Meeting on the World Climate Programme
世界水World Water Forum
东亚和东南亚增长经验区域讨Regional Seminar on East/South-East Asian Growth Experience
东北亚商业North-East Asia Business Forum
东盟区域ASEAN Regional Forum
中亚跨国有组织犯罪问题讨Central Asian Seminar on Transnational Organized Crime
为不分年龄人人共享社会规划可实现目标国际专题讨International Symposium on Planning Attainable Targets for Societies for All Ages
亚太国际比较项目和价格统计讨Asia-Pacific Seminar on the International Comparison Project and Price Statistics
亚太城市Asia-Pacific Urban Forum
亚太打击跨国有组织犯罪能力建设部长级讨Asia-Pacific Ministerial Seminar on Building Capacities for Fighting Transnational Organized Crime
亚太木材生产和出口国合作Cooperative Forum of Timber Producing and Exporting Countries of Asia and the Pacific
亚太环境新闻工作者Asia-Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists
亚太经社会/世界旅游组织关于亚太区域新千年旅游业人力资源开发面临的挑战讨ESCAP/World Tourism Organization Seminar on Challenges for Human Resource Development in Tourism in the Asia-Pacific Region in the New Millennium
亚太经社会/国贸中心/贸发会议/PRODEC亚洲发展中国家进口管理讨ESCAP/ITC/UNCTAD/PRODEC Seminar on Import Management for Developing Asian Countries
亚太经社会社会和有关统计讨ESCAP Seminar on Social and Related Statistics
亚太非政府组织妇女参与发展专题讨Asian and Pacific Symposium of NGOs on Women in Development
亚洲及太平洋可持续工业发展和结构调整区域 Regional Forum for Sustainable Industrial Development and Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋海岸演变讨Seminar on Coastal Evolution in Asia and the Pacific
亚洲民事登记和生命统计讨Asian Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
亚洲环境新闻工作者Asian Forum of Environmental Journalists
亚非防治荒漠化Asia-Africa Forum on Combating Desertification
伊加特伙伴IGAD Partners Forum
伊斯兰环境价值观讨Seminar on Environmental Values in Islam
促进无害环境的健康城市区域讨Regional Seminar on the Promotion of Environmentally Sound and Healthy Cities
全国对话Forum for National Dialogue
全球反腐败坛:维护司法和安全官员的廉正Global Forum on Fighting Corruption: Safeguarding Integrity Among Justice and Security Officials
全球环境global environmental forum
全球移徙与发展Global Forum on Migration and Development
全球部长级环境GMEF =Global Ministerial Environment Forum
全球部长级环境Global Ministerial Environment Forum
公路交通事故记录, 分析和低成本补救措施讨Seminar on Road Traffic Accident Recording, Analysis and Low-cost Remedial Measures
公路交通对环境影响评估讨Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Transport
关于妇女参与发展的区域非政府组织专题讨Regional NGO Symposium on Women in Development
关于相互关联国家模式系统的区域讨Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System
军事理Military doctrine of possessor states
切尔诺贝利Chernobyl Forum
加入国际公路和铁路公约影响讨Seminar on the Implications of Accession to the International Conventions on Road and Rail Transport
化学品危险评估和管理政府间Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Risk Assessment and Management
化学工业在环境保护中作用讨Seminar on the Role of the Chemical Industry in Environmental Protection
区域备灾讨Regional Seminar on Disaster Preparedness
卫星作物监测区域评价讨Regional Evaluation Seminar on Satellite Crop Monitoring
印度支那促进妇女参与经济发展讨Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development
发展中国家与国际环境法专题讨Symposium on Developing Countries and International Environmental Law
发展形势下预防犯罪和刑事司法的规划讨Seminar on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development
发展环境下预防犯罪和刑事司法规划训练讨Training Seminars on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Administration in the Context of Development
可持续发展与国际法国际专题讨International Symposium on Sustainable Development and International Law
可持续发展伙伴关系国际International Forum on Partnership for Sustainable Development
可持续发展全球模式Global Modelling Forum for Sustainable Development
可持续城市发展Forum for Sustainable Urban Development
各党派All-Party Forum
合作Partnership Forum
国家和地方"城市坛"活动准则Guidelines for the Activities of National and Local "Urban Forums"
国家帐户审查和制订讨Seminar on Review and Development of National Accounts
国际全球化International Forum on Globalization
国际减少自然灾害十年区域专题讨Regional Symposium on the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction
国际土壤恢复力和土地可持续使用专题讨International Symposium on Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use
国际城市贫困问题International Forum on Urban Poverty
国际环境保护标准讨Seminar on International Standards for Environmental Protection
国际预防犯罪和刑事司法讨International Symposium on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
城市与荒漠化问题市长Forum of Mayors on Cities and Desertification
城市环境Urban Environment Forum
太平洋民事登记和生命统计讨Pacific Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
太阳能科学和技术专题讨Symposium on Solar Science and Technology
妇女参与政治、经济、社会发展区域讨Regional Seminar on the Participation of Women in Political, Economic and Social Development
实现亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的目标和亚太经社会区域残疾人机会平等区域Regional Forum on Meeting the Targets for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons and Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the ESCAP Region
审查和制订国家帐户讨Seminar on the Review and Development of National Accounts
家庭经济活动调查讨Seminar on Surveys of Household Economic Activities
对华合资协议谈判和执行 讨Seminar on Negotiation and Execution of Joint Venture Agreements with China
工业废物管理的经济和环境方面问题讨Seminar on Economic and Environmental Aspects of Industrial Waste Management
巴西气候变化Brazilian Forum on Climate Change
干旱半干旱土地的可持续水资源管理国际专题讨International Symposium on Sustainable Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
干旱和荒漠化国际专题讨International Symposium on Drought and Desertification
2000年世界教育坛《达喀尔行动纲领》Dakar Framework for Action of the World Education Forum, 2000
应变安排统计工作讨Seminar on the Organization of Statistical Work in a Changing Environment
应用系统分析开发水资源区域讨Regional Seminar on Systems Analysis for Water Resources Development
废水回收用于水产养殖国际讨International Seminar on Waste-Water Reclamation and Reuse for Aquaculture
开发人力资源提高中等城市生活质量区域讨Regional Seminar on Human Resources Development to Improve the Quality of Life in Intermediate Cities
提高公众对低收入住房和住区问题和政策的认识区域讨Regional Seminar to promote Public Awareness on the Issues and Policies of Low-income Shelter and Settlements
援助实效问题高级别High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results
援助实效问题高级别High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
改善亚太经社会区域农村住房条件区域讨Regional Seminar on the Improvement of Rural Housing for the ESCAP Region
政府间化学品安全IFCS =Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
政府间化学品安全Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
服务和发展问题讨会:外国直接投资和贸易的作用Seminar on Services and Development: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade
欧洲刑事司法信息系统电脑化讨会:现状、方法、前景和效果European Seminar on Computerization of Criminal Justice Information Systems: Realities, Methods, Prospects and Effects
毗连地区荒漠化过程:科技政策问题与选择国际讨International Seminar on desertification processes of contiguous areas: science and technology policy issues and options
水利开发应用计算机讨Seminar on the Use of Microcomputer in Water Resources Development
法律的作用与可持续发展全球法官专题讨Global Judges' Symposium on the Role of Law and Sustainable Development
淡水协商Freshwater Consultative Forum
清洁生产问题国际高级别讨High-Level International Seminar on Cleaner Production
湄公河流域区域发展国际专题讨International Symposium on the Regional Development of the Mekong Basin
热带木材生产和出口发展中国家政府间协商Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries
煽动性言和宣传inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda
犯罪与社会Forum on Crime and Society
环境、宗教和文化问题国际讨International Seminar on Environment, Religion and Culture
环境正义网络Environmental Justice Networking Forum
环境法和可持续发展问题司法专题讨会:拉丁美洲伸张环境正义Judicial Symposium on Environmental Law and Sustainable Development: Access to Environmental Justice in Latin America
环境规划署/贸发会议资源利用模式、环境和发展战略专题讨UNEP/UNCTAD Symposium on Patterns of Resource Use, Environment and Development Strategies
生物技术风险评价国际专题讨International Symposium on Risk Assessment in Biotechnology
电力与环境问题高级专家专题讨Senior Expert Symposium on Electricity and the Environment
电力系统节约和优化能源专题讨Symposium on Energy Conservation and Optimization Relating to Power Systems
确保同归于尽mutually assured destruction A/CONF.130/30
社会及相关统计学讨Seminar on Social and Related Statistics
空间技术促进发展专题讨Symposium on Space Technology for Development
经济预测互联国家模式系统区域讨Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System for Economic Forecasting
综合利用遥感和地理信息系统进行土地和水资源管理区域讨Regional Seminar on Integrated Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Land and Water Resources Management
老龄问题专题讨会:政策问题与未来挑战International Symposium on Ageing: Policy Issues and Future Challenges
联合国审查各岛屿领土特别发展需要区域讨United Nations Regional Seminar to Review the Special Development Needs of Island Territories
联合国森林United Nations Forum on Forests UNFF
联合国森林United Nations Forum on Forests
联合国环境与发展United Nations Environment and Development Forum
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法领域国家通讯员欧洲讨European Seminar for United Nations National Correspondents in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
自然资源应用金融学区域间讨Interregional Seminar on Applied Finance for Natural Resources
节能和车辆燃料两用潜力讨Seminar on Energy Conservation and Potential Dual Fuel Use for Vehicles
坛领导人静修会关于气候变化的声明Forum Leaders retreat statement on climate change
贫穷和收入分配统计-讨Seminar on Statistics of Poverty and Income Distribution
贫穷和环境问题部长Forum of Ministers on Poverty and Environment
近海油气环境Offshore Oil and Gas Environment Forum
通力提高援助实效高级别协调实施、目标一致、追求实效High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results
通力提高援助实效高级别协调实施、目标一致、追求实效High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
道路养护管理系统讨Seminar on Road Maintenance Management Systems
遥感技术应用于土地使用规则和环境测量区域讨Regional Seminar on the Applications of Remote-Sensing Techniques to Land-use Planning and Environmental Surveying
遥感用于大地构造测绘和探矿区域讨Regional Seminar on Remote Sensing Applications for Geotectonic Mapping and Mineral Exploration
防止水灾涝地管理原则-讨Seminar on Principles of Flood Plain Management for Flood Loss Prevention
陶瓷和其他硅酸业节约能源区域讨Regional Seminar on Energy Conservation in Ceramics and Other Silicate Industries
青少年犯罪预防与待遇及公众参与国际讨International Seminar on the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency through Community Participation
非政府组织/媒体关于环境宣传的专题讨NGO/Media Symposium on Communication for Environment
非洲发展ADF of ECA
预防和制止石崩及煤, 气喷泄专题讨Symposium on the Prevention and Suppression of Rock Bursts and of Coal and Gas
预防犯罪和健全国家发展国际讨International Seminar on Crime Prevention and Sound National Development
高级别战略High-Level Strategic Forum