
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
一次对话的次要结secondary end of a session (计算机人机对话)
专业书籍、文及设备professional books, papers and equipment
信息理information theory
先期技术过渡advanced technology transition demonstrations
全俄控制科学研究所VNIIK (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
全国能源研究开发与证委员会National Energy Research Development and Demon strati on Council (澳大利亚)
全波理full-wave theory
兰道理物理研究所ITF (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
关键技术演示critical technology demonstration
内伏牛顿流理embedded Newtonian flow theory
军事航天理military space theory
冲突理conflict theory
分子理molecular theory
分子运动理kinetic molecular theory
分形市场理fractal market theory
分析方法analysis methodology
初步方案证阶段concept formulation phase
判定理decision theory
前屈曲完全理prebuckling completed theory
升力线理lift line theory
升力面理lift surface theory
半刚性理semi-rigid theory
协同方法synergetics methods
协方差控制理covariance control theory
单粒子轨道理particle orbit theory
博弈theory of game
原理concept definition
发电机理dynamo theory
可行性feasibility demonstration
可行性先期feasibility pre-definition study
各向异性宇宙anisotropic cosmology
合同证阶段contract definition phase (装备采办中)
回路成形理loop shaping theory
因次理dimensional theory
国际地球科学和遥感专题讨International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
国际控制学会International Association for Cybernetics
国际空间年空间机构讨Space Agency Forum on International Space Year
国际航天空间技术和科学讨International-Symposium on Space Technology and Science
graph theory
graph theoretic code
运算graph theoretical operation
field theory (物理学)
场模理field mode theory
field theory (代数学)
多用户信息multiple-user information theory
多目标优化理multi-objective optimal theory
大变动理catastrophe theory
大形变理large deformation theory
大挠度理large-deflection theory
大气传输理atmospheric transmission theory
大爆炸理big bang theory
大系统控制large scale system cybernetics
大系统理large-scale system theory
大系统理theory of large scale system
大系统理large system theory
宏观系统理macro system theory
对策theory of game
导弹制导理missile guidance theory
导弹姿态控制理missile attitude control theory
导弹理长度missile theoretical length
导弹部队作战理missile unit battle theory
寿命估计方法life assessment methodology
小扰动理theory of small perturbations
小样本理small sample theory
工程方案证阶段project definition phase (stage)
布兰斯-迪克宇宙Brans-Dicke cosmology
布朗月球运动Brown lunar theory
布朗月球运动理Brown lunar theory
广义射线理generalized ray theory
广义相对theory of general relativity
广义相对general theory of relativity
广义相对修正general relativistic correction
建模理modeling theory
弗洛里-施托克迈尔理Flory-Stockmayer's theory (关于高分子凝胶化的理论)
强度动力学理dynamical theory of strength
德朗奈月球理Delaunay's lunar theory
德朗柰月球理Delaunay's lunar theory
战略理strategic doctrine
排队queuing theory (运筹学的一个分支)
控制机器cybernetic machine
控制系统cybernetic system
摄动理perturbation theory
效益理effectiveness theory
数学机器理mathematic machine theory
方案概念proof of concept
方案project definition
方案证和初步设计definition and preliminary design
方案证试验飞行器proof-of-concept vehicle
最优控制理optimizing control theory
最经济控制理most economic control theory
有效市场理efficient market theory
有限位移理finite displacement theory
有限差分理finite difference theory
有限弹塑性理finite elastic-plastic theory
机遇theory of chances
板壳理plate shell theory
核冬天on nuclear winter
概念研究和关键技术concept and development definition
概率最优控制理probabilistic optimal control theory
模型理model theory
A-B-X 模式理A-B-X model theory
模糊图fuzzy graph theory
横流理cross flow theory
正态回归理normal regression theory
比安奇宇宙Bianchi cosmology
气体动力学理kinetic theory of gas
汉森理Hansen theory (小行星运动的)
流动理flow theory
测定与结determination and findings
渗透理penetration theory
滤波理filtering theory
潮汐共振理resonance theory of tides
激光相对卫星laser relativity satellite (意大利计划发射的科学卫星)
激励理theory of encourage
火箭飞行理rocket flight theory
灰色系统理grey system theory
灾变catastrophe theory
爆炸波理blast waver theory
牛顿宇宙Newtonian cosmology
牛顿理Newtonian theory
物质一反物质宇宙matter-antimatter cosmology
狄拉克-约旦宇宙Dirac-Jordan cosmology
狭义相对special relativity
狭义相对修正special relativistic correction
信息率失真理rate distortion theory
现代控制理modern control theory
下限theory lower bound
修正法theoretical correction method
单位蚀除量theoretical specific metal removal
叶型basic airfoil profile
线assumption diagram
填充因数theoretical fill factor
天体物理学院Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (挪威)
容积theoretical volume
射程theoretical range
弹道theoretical trajectory
排气速度theoretical exhaust velocity
推力系数theoretical thrust coefficient
杀伤指数theoretical lethality index
欲度theoretical margin
比冲theoretical specific impulse
比冲theoretic specific impulse
混合比theoretical mixture ratio
特征速度theoretical characteristic velocity
特征速度theoretic characteristic velocity
空气动力学theoretical aerodynamics
空气量stoichiometric air mass
评估鉴定theoretical evaluation
边限theoretical margin
重力theoretical gravity
theoretical origin
导弹顶点theoretical cusp point
顶点point of theoretical cusp (计算导弹参数、外形尺寸所选择的参考原点)
首件成本theoretical first unit cost (第一件产品的预测成本)
生物控制biological cybernetics
目标设置理goal setting theory
相似性理原理similarity theory
相寸效应摄动perturbation of relativistic effect (航天器轨道运动的)
相对relativity theory
相对天体物理学relativistic astrophysics
相对宇宙学relativistic cosmology
相对性时间延长relativistic dilatation of time
相对性粒子relativistic particle
相对性红移relativistic red shift
相对改正relativistic correction
相对磁控管relativistic magnetron
相对质子探测器relativistic proton detector
相对质量方程relativistic mass equation
矩阵matrix theory
硬系统方法hard-systematic methodology
磁离子理magnetoionic theory
神经控制neuro cybernetics
科学价值axiology of science
科学方法scientific methodology
稳定性-适应性理stable-suit theory
突变catastrophe theory
突变方法catastrophe theory methods
米氏粒子理Mie theory
粒子轨道理particle orbit theory (研究等离子体的近似方法之一)
系统总体方案system concept demonstration
系统system theory
系统systematic demonstration
系统证模式systematic demonstration mode
系统体系结构和要求system architecture and requirements definition
系统概念system concept demonstration
系统科学方法methodology of system
线性化理linearized theory
线性网络理linear-network theory
细长体导弹理slender body theory
细长体理slender theory
经典控制理classical control theory
经济控制economic cybernetics
统一场unified field theory
统计决策statistical decision theory
统计判定理statistical decision theory
统计滤波理statistical filter theory
美国控制学会American Society for Cybernetics
group theory (数学的一个分支)
群聚相对relativistic bunching
耗散结构方法methods of dissipativity structure theory
自由体积理free volume theory
航空航天理研究教育中心Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education
范戴克理Van Dyke (高超声速空气动力学的广义理论)
薄激波层理thin shock-layer theory
薄翼理thin airfoil theory
薄膜理membrane theory
虚拟现实理virtual reality theory
衍射理diffraction theory
证方法论demonstration methodology
证模式demonstration mode
设计证书design verification article
诱导推abductive inference
赋值valuation theory
超图数据结构hypergraph-based data structure
超循环理hypercycle theory
软系统方法soft-systematic methodology
辐射传输理radiative transfer theory
边际效用理marginal utility theory
过度刺激理hyperstimulation theory (强调航天运动病严重程度是刺激强度的函数,是一种运动病因理论)
运载火箭轨道理theory of launch vehicle trajectory
运载火箭运动理theory of launch vehicle motion
通信理communication theory
逻辑理logic theory machine
逼近theory of approximation
量子场quantum field theory
team theory
队决策理team decision theory
阿克雷特理Ackeret theory
阿贝成像理Abbe's theory of image formation
阿贝理Abbe's theory
限制损害damage-limitation school (一种战略思想)
随机服务系统理stochastic service systems theory (对导弹作战效能进行评估的一种解析方法)
集合语言set-theoretical language
集合语言set theoretical language
集合覆盖set cover theory
香农理Shannon theory
验收结acceptance conclusion
鲁棒控制理robust control theory