
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一致性理consistency theory
一致结agreed conclusion
一般区位理general localization theory
一般相互依存理theory of general interdependence
三度three-dimensional theory
灭失与否条款系海运提单和海运保险单上条款lost or not lost clause
不变量理invariant theory
不完全竞争theory of incomplete competition
不完全竞争theory of imperfect competition
不成比例theory of disproportionality
不成熟—熟理immaturity-maturity theory
不成立的invalid argument
与…进行了讨论discussed with
业务量demonstration of operational capability
业绩评performance review
个人行为理personal behavior theory
个体风险individual risk theory
个案讨方法case discussion approach
中伤言injurious words
中心区位理central place theory
中肯argumentum ad rem
主观效用理subjective utility theory
乘数理multiplier theory
与仲裁dispute and arbitration
中的in dispute
之点moot point
事件matter in issue
事实结conclusion of fact
二分法theory of dichotomy
二因素理two-factor theory
二因素需要理two-factor need theory
二维理two-dimensional theory
互动体系interaction system
互补松弛complementary slackness theory
人工成本理labor cost theory
人格体质理constitutional theory of personality
人类需要层次hierarchy of human needs
人群关系理human relations theory
人际关系human relations approach
企业个体权益entity equity theory
企业本位theory of an enterprise-based economy
企业行为理behavior theory of the firm
《会计木文集》美国证券交易会期刊Accounting Series Release
会计个体entity theory
会计学导introduction to accounting
会计理theory of accounting
估计theory of estimation
伺服理servo theory
作结bring to a conclusion
依我的in my submission
依赖theory of dependency
假的fallacious evidence
偏好相似theory of preference similarity
停滞theory of stagnation
储蓄—投资理saving-investment theory
充分就业Employment Theory
公开言overt word
公正贸易theory of just trade
公民言civil liberty
共同生产成本理joint cost theory of rates
共同风险collective risk theory
内因商业循环理endogenous business cycle theory
内生经济周期endogenous business cycle theory
决策theory of decision
决策模型decision theory model
决策decision theory school
决策结构decision theory framework
决策控制模式cybernetic model of decision-marking
决策理研究decision theory approach
分析analytical evidence
分析实证analytical positivism
分而之策略strategy of divide and rule
创新理innovation theory
判断theory of judgement
利息平价理interest parity theory
英国西尼尔利息折扣Agio Theory of Interest
利息节欲abstinence theory of interest
利息边际生产率理marginal productivity theory of interest
利率期限结构理theory of term structure of interest rates
利益扩散理trickle-down theory
利益理benefit theory
制动器anchor argument
制止进口价格理theory of entry-preventing price
剥削理exploitation theory
剩余价值surplus-value theory
剩余出路vent for surplus theory
剩余权益residual equity theory
加速理acceleration theory
动态树理kinetic tree theory
动机内因content theory of motivation
动机理motivation theory
劳力流动性theory of labor mobility
劳动价值labor theory of value
劳动价值labor-value theory
亚当斯密劳动价值Labour Theory of Value
劳动决定价值labor commanded value theory
劳动决定价值理labor embodied value theory
劳动商品commodity theory of labour
区域间讨inter-regional seminar
单因monocausal theory
博弈theory of games
危险点关税争peril point tariff argument
厂商理firm theory
厂商管理理managerial theories in the firm
参与管理理theory of participative management
双缺口理theory of two gaps
反多米诺理domino theory in reverse
合理argumentum fortiori
合理预期理theory of rational expectation
吉芬反Giffen's paradox
后进理theory of underdevelopment
唯条件theory of the unique importance of condition
唯理学派"theory-only" school
唯生产力theory of the omnipotence of productive force
商业周期收获harvest theory of trade cycle
商业理theory of commerce
商业理基础underpinning in commerce
地域分工theory of regional division of labor
地域分工理theory of territorial division of labor
地方本位locality-based theory
地理决定geographical determinism
地理决定geographic determinism
增殖理multiplier theory
增长率growth-rate theory
增长率理theory of rate of growth
增长阶段理stages of growth theory
外因theory of the external origin
外因商业周期理exogenous business-cycle theory
外源external source hypothesis
外部相互依存理theory of external interdependence
多元pluralistic theory
多元推multivariate inference
多元统计决策multiple statistical decision theory
多米诺理domino theory
多级系统multilevel systems theory
大样本分布理large sample distribution theory
大样本理large sample theory
大系统large-scale system theory
大系统稳定性理stability theory of large scale system
太阳黑子理sun-spot theory
失谐理dissonance theory
妄下结jump to conclusion
存在、相关和发展的需求理ERG needs theory
存量理inventory theory
学习曲线learning by doing theory
完全就事实而in sober fact
宏观分配macro-theory of distribution
宏观动态理macro-dynamic theory
官方评official comment
last word
实质性结substantive finding
实际余额效应real balance effect theory
实验经验experimental empiricism
审计理auditing theory
审计理audit theory
审计理与实务auditing theory and practice
审计结findings of audit
客观价值理objective value theory
小样本理theory of small sample
就业Employment Theory
就业保护theory of protecting employment
就业理employment theory
就动差而moment with respect to
市场加速理market acceleration theory
市场学导introduction marketing
市场推销理marketing theory
市场行为theory of market behavior
布局theory of location
平均价值理mean-value theorem
幼稚产业理infant industry argument
幼稚工业保护theory of protecting infant industry
幼稚工业保护理infant industry argument for protection
庇古效应Pigou-Effect Theory
应用计量经济学理基础underpinning of applied econometrics
开发不足理theory of underdevelopment
弱环理weakest-link theory
弱键理weakest-link theory
弹性理theory of flexibility
归纳推inductive inference
影响商业周期的日班效应sunspot theory
得岀结draw the conclusion
微摄动理theory of small perturbations
微观平衡理microequilibrium theory
微观平衡理micro equilibrium theory
微观理micro theory
微观经济理micro economic theory
性格、个性理trait theory
成就欲望achievement need theory
成本价值cost theory of value
成本控制的决策理研究decision-theory approach to cost control
成本推动膨胀theory of cost-push inflation
成长理growth theory
我们已经就所有讨过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
或然率theory of chances
所得确定theory of income determination
hand wheel
扩散diffusion theory
技术差距theory of technological gap
技术差距technological gap theory
技术验收technical acceptance demonstration
投资组合效用utility theory of investment combination
投资诱导theory of inducement of invest
投资过剩over investment theory
投资过剩危机crisis theory of overinvestment
投资选择理theory of portfolio selection
折旧增值理depreciation-appreciation deduction
报复theory of retaliation
抽样法正态理normal theory applied to sampling method
指数平滑基本理fundamental theory of exponential smoothing
按级grade commodities and fix price accordingly
按质fixing prices according to the quality of products
排队waiting theory
排队理waiting line theory
接受acceptance theory
控制theory of control
控制control theory
控制模式cybernetic model
控制图理theory of control charts
deductive method
deductive approach
搜索search theory
收入再分配theory of income re-allocation
收入分配theory of income distribution
收支理income and expenditure theory
收敛理convergency theory
收敛理convergency thesis
收费闸口理turnpike theorem
政策配合理policy mix theory
效用价值utility-value theory
敏感度理sensitivity theory
数学稳定性理mathematical stability theory
数量quantity theorist
数量逼近理quantity theory of approach
新古典学派理neoclassical theory
新工资资金理new wage-funds theory
方格grid theory
普通X效率理general X-efficiency theory
最小平方相关理least squares correlation theory
最小最大理minimum maximum theory
有争in dispute
有根据的solid arguments
未来成本避免future cost avoidance theory
本期经营成果current operating performance theory
机会theory of chances
机会成本alternative cost doctrine
权变理学派contingency theory school
权变管理contingency theory of management
权变领导理contingency theory of leadership
权威源自接受acceptance theory of authority
极大似然估计值的大样本理large sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation
极大极小检测理minimax detection theory
极限theory of limit
构建理框架construct a theoretical framework
样条理spline theory
格伦费尔德投资理Grunfeld's investment theory
检定假设理theory of testing hypothesis
检验理theory of test
概率公理axioms of probability theory
概率原理elementary theory of probability
概率决策decision thesis of probability
模式理model theory
气候周期即气候引起商业萧条的周期理论weather theory
沃克利润理Walker's theory of profit
流动偏好决定利率liquidity preference theory of interest rate
流动偏好理theory of liquidity preference
流动偏好理liquidity preference theory
流动性理theory of liquidity
测度measurement theory
测度方法measurement theory method
消费者决定consumer determinism
消费者行为theory of consumer behavior
消费行为理theory of consumer's behavior
消费选择理theory of consumer's preference
消费选择理theory of consumer's choice
渐进估计理asymptotic estimation theory
演绎deductive theory
激励—保健因素理motivator-hygiene theory
激励保健因素理motivation-hygiene factor theory
激励引发理arousal theory of motivation
激励比较水平不等comparison level inequity theory of motivation
激励的公平理equity theory of motivation
激励行为选择理choice of behavior theory of motivation
激励认识cognitive theory of motivation
物价指数近似值理approximation theory of price index number
特征characteristic theory
现代人口理modern population theory
现代企业管理理modern enterprise management theory
现代会计理与实务modern accounting theory and practice
现代信息modern information theory
现代国际贸易理modern international trade theory
现代国际金融理modern international financial theory
现代均衡增长理modern theory of even growth
现代市场理modern market theory
现代管理理modern management theory
现代组织理modern organization theory
现代贸易理modern trade theory
现代资产阶级管理理modern capitalist management theory
现代通讯理modern communication theory
现代金融理modern financial theory
Z理theory of Z
X理X theory
Y理theory of Y
Y理Y theory
Z 理z theory
X理theory of X
上的利息speculative interest
上的需求speculative demand
中位数theoretical median
价格测算calculation of theoretical price
假设theoretical hypothesis
允许水平theoretical allowable level
先验信息theoretical prior information
可取性theoretical plausibility
X理和Y理论theory X and theory Y
工作theoretical work
应力分析theoretical stress analysis
性要求预测theoretical requirement forecasting
成本标准theoretical cost standards
收益theoretical yield
收益率theoretical yield rate
效果theoretical result
数据theoretical data
—数量方法theoretical-quantitative approach
构成theoretical construction
标准成本theoretical standard cost
生活费指数cost of living index number on a theoretical basis
空间关系theoretical space relationship
级限theoretical class limits
组限theoretical class limits
表述theoretical formulation
计量经济学theoretical econometrics
重量即按商品规格、尺寸计算出的重量theoretical weight
限界分析theoretical limit analysis
生产成本cost of production theory
生产成本均等化theory of equalization of production cost
生产报酬递增theory of increasing returns
生产选择theory of producer's choice
生存工资理subsistence theory
生死过程理theory of birth-and-death processes
疲劳evidence of fatigue
"硬心"理hard core interpretation
社会有机体theory of social organism
社团结合community integration theory
经济禁欲指英国经济学家西尼尔主张控制消费欲望,节制开支,以积聚资本, 用于投资Abstinence Theory
离散分布理discrete distribution theory
程序争point of order
稳健估计量渐进理asymptotic theory of robust estimator
穆尼组织理Mooney's theory of organization
fine-spun theory
策略对策理theory of game of strategy
管理均衡management equilibrium
管理学上的X理X theory in management
管理导introduction management
管理理theory of control
管理理theory of management
管理理managerial theory
管理理丛林难题jungle of the theory of management
管理理基础underpinning in management
管理网理managerial grid approach
管理过程理management process approach
粗略货币数量理crude quantity theory of money
精确抽样理exact sampling theory
累积过程理theory of accumulate process
线性组合linear combination theorem
线性规划理linear programming theory
组合理combinatorial theory
组合理cluster theory
细分市场理segmental market theory
群体理group theory
职业竞争job competition theory
职权的形式理formal theory of authority
联合理association theory
势力force of public opinion
机关organ of public opinion
舒松理tension-free climate theory
节制理abstinence theory
营业实体理business entity theory
营销学导introduction to marketing
营销理基础underpinning in marketing
萧条理stagnant theory
行为理behavioral theory
行为选择理choice of behavior theory
补偿理compensatory theory
被接收的理theory of acceptance
要径方法critical path methodology
要素流动性theory of factor mobility
规模报酬递增theory of increasing returns to scale
自由liberty of speech
自由freedom of speech
自由freedom of expression
计量经济学方法methodology of econometrics
计量经济学理theory of econometrics
认知失调theory of cognitive dissonance
小组discussion group
式结算表discussion statement
阶段talking stage
领导艺术discussion leadership technique
小组buzz group
记述性决策descriptive decision theory
件商品piece goods
件折旧depreciation by job
价出售bargain away
份共有权coownership by share
体积by volume
basis of an argument
断性决策predictive decision
断性决策理论predictive decision theory
talking point
证证据supporting evidence
artificial argument
证券现值理theory of stock present value
证据结summing up evidence
识别反paradox of identification
诉讼争issue in action
调剂余缺theory of swapping shortages and surplus
调查结果与结摘要summary of findings and conclusions
谈判理bargaining theory
unsound arguments
贝叶斯理Bayesian theory
货币价值的生产成本cost of production theory of the value of money
货币投资过剩理monetary over investment theory
货币景气循环理monetary theory of business cycle
货币现金余额理cash balance theory of money
购买力平价理purchasing power parity theory
贸易理mercantile theory
贸易理基础underpinning in trade
资产评价理theory of asset valuation
资产选择理theory of asset preference
资本争capital controversy
资本摊销理capital amortization theory
资本流动性理theory of capital mobility
超 Y 理beyond theory Y
趋同convergency theory
趋同convergency thesis
边际价值marginal theory of value
边际成本定价theory of marginal-cost pricing
边际效用marginal utility theory
边际效用价值marginal-utility theory of value
边际效用决定价格理theory of the determination of prices in response to marginal utilities
边际理marginal theory
边际生产率theory of marginal productivity
边际生产率marginal productivity theory
过分投资理overinvestment theory
过度投资理theory of over-investment
过程激励理process motivation theory
选择理theory of choice
道琼斯理指用道琼斯工业平均指数预测股票价格动向Dow theory
遗传学控制genetic control theory
鉴定人结expert conclusion
钩理hook theory
销售理marketing theory
长尾理分布long-tailed theoretical distribution
长期停滞theory of secular stagnation
长期波动理long-wave theory
防止损害theory of preventing harm
防止现金外流theory of preventing cash outflow
随机游走theory of random walks
随机过程理theory of random processes
集体讨group discussion
集团利益保护theory of protecting bloc's interests
需求引起通货膨胀demand-pull theory of inflation
需求理theory of demand
需要层次hierarchy of needs
需要层次理need hierarchy theory
需要序列need-ranking theory
预测prediction theory
预算案辩budget debate
领袖理leader theory
马尔萨斯人口Malthusian theory of population
马斯洛需要阶梯理Maslow's need hierarchy theory
马歇尔价格理Marshallian price theory
麦克莱兰激励需要理Mcclelland's needs theory of motivation
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