
Terms for subject Labor organization containing | all forms
公平理equity theory
劳动过程理labor process theory
双因素理two factor theory
古典设计理classical design theory
态度气质理dispositional approaches
态度理theory of attitude
战略权变理strategic contingencies theory
批判理critical theory
效价一工具性一期望理VIE 竞争理论valence, instrumentality and expectancy thewy VIE theory
期望效用理expected utility theory
期望理prospect theory
Z 理theory Z
X 理和 Y 理论Theory X&Y
符号交互理symbolic interactionism
职业生涯理career theory
行动理action theory
行政管理理administrative theory
认知资源理cognitive resource theory
资源基础理resource based theory
转换/交易理transformational/transactional theory