
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
世界捕鱼者和工人World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers
世界渔民World Forum of Fisher Peoples
世界滑坡World Landslide Forum
中非合作Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作坛北京峰会Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作坛北京峰会FOCAC Beijing Summit
中非合作坛北京峰会Ministerial Conference of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作坛北京峰会China/Africa Summit
中非合作坛部长级会议Ministerial Conference of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作坛部长级会议FOCAC Beijing Summit
中非合作坛部长级会议Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作坛部长级会议China/Africa Summit
亚洲发展文化Asian Cultural Forum on Development
全球农业Global Forum on Agriculture
全球农业产业Global Agro-industries Forum
全球农业研究Global Forum on Agricultural Research
全球农业研究坛秘书处Secretariat of the Global Forum for Agricultural Research, GFAR
全球涉农产业Global Agro-industries Forum
全球生物多样性Global Biodiversity Forum
全球粮食安全和营养Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
全球粮食安全和营养FSN Forum
全球粮食安全和营养政策及战略FSN Forum
全球粮食安全和营养政策及战略Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Policies and Strategies
全球领导人Global Leaders Forum
全球食品安全管理人员Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators
关于热带和亚热带国家森林繁殖材料的种子采购及法律条例国际专题讨International Symposium on Seed Procurement and Legal Regulations for Forest Reproductive Materials in Tropical and Sub-tropical Countries
关于高粱和谷子农业气象学国际专题讨International Symposium on the Agrometeorology of Sorghum and Millet
农业本体服务Agricultural Ontology Service
加强援助效率高级High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
加强援助效率高级Second High-Level Forum on Harmonization and Alignment of Aid Effectiveness
加强援助效率高级High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results
动物遗传资源科学Scientific Forum on Animal Genetic Resources
千年Millennium Forum
协商Consultative Forum
南太平洋South Pacific Forum
发展中国家林业Forestry Forum for Developing Countries
国际先锋International Herald Tribune世界股价指数IHT World Stock Index (根据全世界230种股票所建立的指数)
国际应用生物技术的风险影响专题讨International Symposium on Risk Impacts of Applied Biotechnology
国际渔船安全及工作条件专题讨International Symposium on Safety and Working Conditions aboard Fishing Vessels
国际理与应用湖沼学协会International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology
国际理化学与应用化学协会International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
国际理化学和应用化学协会International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
国际理物理与应用物理学联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
国际理物理和应用物理联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
国际生物技术和基本食品国际贸易专题讨International Symposium on Biotechnology and International Trade in Basic Foods
国际花生International Peanut Forum
国际营养规划International Nutrition Planning Forum
国际青年International Youth Forum
太平洋岛屿Pacific Islands Forum
太平洋岛屿坛渔业局Forum Fisheries Agency
太平洋岛屿坛渔业局Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency
拉丁美洲及加勒比种子磋商Seed Consultative Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean
政府间森林Intergovernmental Forum on Forests
比利时-卢森堡坛联合会Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union
民间社会Civil Society Forum
民间社会组织/非政府组织CSO/NGO Forum
渔业产业磋商Consultative Fishery Industry Forum
磋商Consultative Forum
私营部门Private Sector Forum
粮食和农业生物技术电子Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture
粮食安全和营养问题Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全和营养问题FSN Forum
联合加强援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
联合加强援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级Second High-Level Forum on Harmonization and Alignment of Aid Effectiveness
联合加强援助效率协调、共同行动和结果高级High-Level Forum on Joint Progress toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness Harmonization, Alignment, and Results
行动Platform for Action
行政系统规划Administrative Systems Planning Forum
非政府组织NGO Forum
非洲Africa Forum
非洲农业研究Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
非洲农业、粮食和自然资源部长Forum of African Ministers of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家加勒比Caribbean Forum
非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家加勒比Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
食物权Right to Food Forum
高级别专家坛:2050年如何养活世界High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050