
Terms for subject Psychology containing | all forms
三维归因理three-dimension attribution theory
个体最佳功能区理individual zone of optimal functioning theory
个性理personality theory
人本主义理humanistic theory
人格理personality theory
信号检测signal detection theory
修正的挫折-攻击理revised frustration-aggression theory
内驱力理drive theory
分离理dissociation theory
合理行为理reasoned action theory
合理行动理theory of reasoned action
塞利的压力理Selye's stress theory
多维焦虑理multidimensional anxiety theory
对应推correspond inferring theory
心理动力理psychodynamic theory
心理神经肌肉理psychoneuromuscular theory
心理神经肌肉理mental-neuro-muscle theory
成就目标理achievement goal theory
成就需求理need achievement theory
挫折-攻击理frustration-aggression theory
攻击的本能理instinct theory of aggression
新分离理neodissociation theory
最佳功能区理zone of optimal functioning theory
本能instinct theory
权变理contingency theory
杰出人物领导理great man theory of leadership
格式塔理Gestalt theory
概括化理generalization theory
注意与唤醒定势理attention and arousal set theory
注意唤醒理attention-arousal theory
注意方式理theory of attentional style
焦虑方向理anxiety direction theory
焦虑的定向理directionality theory of anxiety
生命循环理life cycle theory
生物信息理bioinformational theory
生理控制physiological cybernetics
目标定向理goal orientation theory
社会学习理social learning theory
社会认知理social cognitive theory
符号学习理symbolic learning theory
线索利用理cue utilization theory
经典分离理classical dissociation theory
自我效能理self-efficacy theory
计划行为理theory of planned behaviour
计划行为理planned behaviour theory
认知评价理cognitive evaluation theory
运动动机整合理integrated theory of motivation in sport
逆转理reversal theory
道德分析理theory of moral reasoning
道德推理理moral reasoning theory
领导的普遍特质理universal trait theory of leadership
领导的普遍行为理universal behaviour theory of leadership
领导的特殊情境行为理situation-specific behaviour theory of leadership
领导的路径-目标理path-goal theory of leadership
驱力理drive theory