
Terms for subject Securities containing 记 录 | all forms | in specified order only
上市公司信用记录listed companies credit record
上市公司信用记录credit record of listed company
上市公司未决诉讼记录pending litigation records of listed company
上市公司被公开谴责记录open condemnation records of listed company
上市公司诚信记录listed companies credit record
上期记录previously recorded
业务记录track record
业绩记录track record
中央限价指令记录central limit order book
书面记录paper record
买卖价记录bid and ask record
交易价记录bid and ask record
交易持仓记录holding page
交易订单记录失误order recording failures
付款记录pay in book
付款单记录vouchers payable register
以往市价记录historical record of market price
会议记录minute book
伪造记录falsification of records
伪造交易记录forging trading records
作会议记录keep minutes of a meeting
保存记录的规定record keeping requirement
保存的委托记录record keeping for orders
信用记录credit folder
信用记录credit file
具有不规则收益记录的公司companies with uneven earnings records
分项记录itemized record
单日交易记录single-day trade record
单日交易量最高记录single-day record high
历史记录基础上的公司价值corporate value based on track record
历史性记录historical record
原始账册记录book of first record
参与者持股记录报表participants shareholding reports
回报追踪记录track record of return
备存证券借出记录stock lending record keeping
备查记录memo entry
存放记录或文件地点的适宜性suitability of premises for keeping records or documents
审计记录公司财务报表打印出来的记录audit trail
审计记录audit record
记录的证券digested securities
成交记录trading record
承销商记录簿underwriter's book
投资组合记录portfolio entry
担保品登记记录collateral register
按市价记录资产净值mark to market
损益记录profit-loss profiles
损益报表中具有非持续经营记录的公司companies with discontinued operations in income statement
摘要记录written memorandum
改动交易记录altering trading records
更正记录correction voucher
记录交易指令order recording failures
记录在案的off the record
查阅注册记录inspection of register
查阅股东会议记录look up the minutes of shareholders' meeting
标准普尔公司记录Standard and Poor's corporation record
核查记录controlling record
根据历史记录推算出的公司价值corporate value based on track record
证券交易汇总记录consolidated tape
法人注册记录register of company/corporation
涂改交易记录altering trading records
现金记录cash register
电子记录electronic record
电子档案记录legal (纽约证券交易所保存的)
电子现金收人记录electronic cash register
盈利记录profit record
记录record breaking
稽核记录audit record
篡改记录falsification of records
粉饰交易记录tape dancing
结账后记录post closing entry
综合记录consolidated tape
综合行情记录composite tape
美化交易记录tape dancing
股东年会会议记录minutes of annual general meeting
股份记录簿stock book
股息记录dividend record
股票记录stock record
股票交易记录stock trading record
股票交易记录stock activity report
股票借出人留存记录record keeping by stock lender
股票在册记录stock of record
营业记录business record
董事会会议记录board minute
虚假记录false record
要求出示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations
订货记录账目order book
认股记录、认购记录subscription record
记录交易指令order recording
记录所有权record ownership
记录留存期限record retention period
记录虚假信息record false information
记录订单指示order recording
记录说明abstract of record
记录资产净值mark to market
证券交易记录securities trading record
调整记录adjustment memo
造假账的记录false accounting records
银行记录banker's record
销毁交易记录destroying trading records
需登载于公共记录册的详细情况particulars to be included in public register