
Terms for subject Economy containing 记 录 | all forms | in specified order only
买方承诺不泄漏从卖方账册及记录中获得的任何信息The buyer promised not to divulge any information obtained from the seller's books and records
交货记录a boat note
会议记录conference proceedings
会议记录簿a minute book
你们这批货的等级与我们抽査的记录不一致The grade of your goods with our records of the spot check
债务偿还记录debt service record
内部稽核记录internal audit working papers
农场记录farm records
冲撞记录impact recorder
决不允许未经许可查看公司的记录Unauthorized access to the company's records is by no means allowed
凭单记录the voucher record
分录日记帐journal day-book
分录日记账journal day-book
分类账中没有那笔交易的记录The ledger shows no record of the transaction
创造记录make a record
创造记录make record
单位记录设备unit record equipment
单元记录设备unit record equipment
历史增长率记录historical growth record
原始记录the primary accounting
又一年创记录record another year
双方争论的要点已记载在会议的记录The substance of the contention of two parties was recorded in the minutes of the meeting
双轨货币记录dual currency records
双重记录double entry
双重记录dual recording
双重货币记录dual currency record
发言人不希望把他议论审计员的话收入会议记录The speaker wanted his remarks about the auditor not to be minuted
变量记录长度variable record length
记录伤害率recordable injury rate
商定记录agreed minutes
备査记录memorandum entry
复式记录multiple-register accounting machines
多栏式记录columnar records
多道数据记录a multichannel data recorder
她创造了今年第一季度一项销售的新记录She has set a new record for sales in the first quarter this year
如果这类记录不准确或不充分,就作出修改Amendments shall be made if such minutes are inaccurate or insufficient
存货余额记录balance of stores records
审计有权检査会计的账册或记录The auditor has the right to examine the books or records of the accountant
将…记录在案keep in the record
机场就地诊验记录簿record of surveillance
工作记录work sheet
工作人员个人报劑记录individual employee compensation record
工作和检査记录work and inspection record
工作时数记录time sheet
工作时间记录簿time book
工厂记录factory record
总店账册上的记录entry on home office books
情况记录簿position book
意外事件记录unplanned event record (log)
我方代理人答应保存一份完整的交易记录Our agent has promised to keep a full record of his transactions
我方账册和记录随时可供你方查阅Our books and records are available to you at any time
把金额打在现金收入记录机上ring up
投人记录input recording
抵销记录off setting record
操作和检査记录operation and inspection record
操作检査记录operation inspection log
收益记录gain recording
数据记录工具date recording media
记录表决a non-recorded vote
无法提出记录failure of record
日报 system 数字式记录和测量系统污染系数daily report
日记账也叫原始记录簿The journal is called a book of original entry
日记账整理分录adjusting journal entry
明细记录detail record
更正记录correct entry
最高记录record year
月结账记录monthly closing entries
未整理的原始记录unwrought original records
査账记录簿audit notebook
校正记录correction entries
案侦记录case records
检查记录inspection record card
检査记录record of search
检验核准记录check authorization record
永久保存的调査记录permanent working papers
汇兑记录exchange record
测量记录survey recorder
现金支出或收入记录record of cash receipts
现金支出或收入记录record of cash disbursement
生命记录vital records
短卸记录a short-landed memo
记录的产量record output
磁性字符记录器和读出器magnetic character inscriber and reader
秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference
秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关文件The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office
稽査记录check entries
篡改记录falsify a record
索赔记录claim record
组装作业记录assemble operations record
经理应记录对公司内商品的一切评论The manager should record all the comments on merchandise in his company
经过时间交易记录elapsed time transaction
结账记录closing entries
结账后记录post- closing entries
考勤记录an attendance record
职工个人工资记录individual earning records
薪资记录earning records
行市记录quotation record
补助记录auxiliary record
装卸时间记录time sheet
计算器记录calculator charts
记录clock (速度、距离等)
记录accounting document
记录一积分tally a score
记录价值the recorded value
记录保持者holder of record
记录record card
记录原则principle of recording
记录在案的in the book
记录媒介a recording medium
记录开支recorded expenditures
记录成本the recorded cost
记录核对record check
记录管理系统records management system
记录record count
记录账目maintenance of account
记录长度不定variable record length
调査记录record of investigation (表)
货币流入流出的记录liquidity report
货物到达记录簿book of arrival goods
货物存放记录location clerk
贷方记录凭单credit memo
赤字记录red ink entry
载人记录enter on the records
辅助记录an auxiliary record
输入记录the input recording
这些与记录不一致的数字将予以查实The figures which are not in agreement with the records are to be verified
销售记录record of sales
销售记录record of sale
销货记录record of transactions
非极性归零记录nonpolarized return to zero recording
面试, 面谈记录interview
验收记录inspection acceptance record