
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不可转not negotiable
不可转义务non-assignable duty
不可转的单据non-negotiable documents
不可转的多式联运单据non-negotiable multimodel transport documents
不可转的提单non-negotiable bill of lading
不可转的期票non-negotiable notes
不可转的票据non-negotiable instruments
不可转票据unalienable paper
专利受transferee of patent
专有技术转偿付payment to be made for the transfer of know-how
互相split the difference
亚洲美元可转定期存单Asian Dollar CDs
产权转transference of title
产权转transfer of title
产权转transfer of title on property
仅支付给…不得转让pay only to... not transferable
仅支付给…不得转让pay only to... not negotiable
价格减price concession
企业出sale of business
优惠关税减preferential tariff cut
保险标的转assignment of interest
信用与人grantor of credit (与信用受让人 (grantee of credit) 相对)
公司内部的转intra-company transfer
关税减reduction in tariff
关税减公式tariff reduction formula
准备出技术的转让人prospective technology transferor
关税制度bargaining tariff-system
原股权转assignment of original shares
反对做任何be opposed to making any concession
可开可转支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可转信用工具negotiable paper
可转信用证assignable L/C
可转单据negotiable documents (常指经背书的提单 (bill of lading), 仓库收据 (warehouse receipt))
可转可分割信用证transferable and divisible letter of credit
可转定期存单negotiable certificate of deposit
可转提款单账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
可转支票bearer check
可转票据negotiable bills
可转票据assignable instruments
可转许可证license n.
可转账户assignable account
向企业与部分权力与利益relinquish part of the power and profits to enterprises
商标租trade mark leasing
国际技术转守则international code of conduct for the transfer of technology
国际礼原则rules of international comity
在岀口交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前岀对货物的占有权In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price
在约定期限内技术引进方有权享受转方技术改进的成果access to improvements in technology
备抵销售折allowance for sale discount
宣布租合约无效annul a concession contract
工业产权转assignment of industrial property rights
已转的产权transferred title
应得款项与书assignment of claims
延期补偿费转assignment of deferred compensation
强制转involuntary transfer
当货运单据转给最终买主,他就取得提单收货人的资格When the shipping documents are transferred to the final buyer, he acquires the status of a consignee of the bill of lading
我们不想你方负担不必要的费用We don't want to involve you in unnecessary expenses
房地产的the cession of real estate
所有权转proprietary rights transfer
菲律宾所有权转证书transfer certificate of title
技术许可证贸易转方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
技术许可转technology licensor (与技术许可接受人(technology licensee) 相对)
技术转中保密条款confidentiality clause in technology transfer
技术转中断条款break clause
技术转transferor of technology
技术转technology assignor
联合国贸易与发展会议技术转委员会Committee on Transfer of Technology
技术转提成费royalties for transfer of technology
技术转party transferring the technology
技术转让技术转方义务commitments by the technology supplier
技术转的支付方式payment of technology transfer
技术转fee for technology transfer
把商行转给另一家大公司cede one's business to another large company
把票据权利背书转给别人endorse over a bill to another person
把财产与别人convey an estate to another person
与回扣allowance and rebate
折扣与价政策policy of discount and allowance
抵押品转alienation of the pledge
担保物转collateral assignment
拒绝转refusal to negotiate
提单assignment of B/L
政府对大众强烈反对作岀步,降低了汽油税As a concession to the public outcry, the Government reduced the tax on petrol
整箱折亦用 CY discountcontainer yard allowance
整装拆FCL allowance
无保留转unconditional transfer
无息可转提款通知书non-interest bearing negotiable order of withdrawal
无记名转assign in blank
暂时折provisional allowance
有条件转的债券escrow bonds
有条件转的契约escrow agreement
权益转证书letter of subrogation
来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
欢迎光临沃顿家具世界,众多家具总有一款你满意Welcome to Wharton Furniture World, there are a lot of furniture for your choices with satisfaction
欺诈性fraudulent alienation
欺诈性转fraudulent assignment
清洁的可转的提单clean negotiable bill of lading
特殊关税减special tariff concession
目前市场情况可能人误以为价格将下跌The present market situation may mislead one to think that the prices are going down
直接转straight transfer
租船合同转charter party assignment
经许可转的技术licensed technology
综合技术转integrated technology transfer
股本转交易equity capital transaction
股权与委托书stock power
股票转share transfer
股票转代理人transfer agent
一条船下水launch a ship
人承包put out to contract
concessional price
岀市场份额grant market share
我们进入下一项议程Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda
某人出入海关免受检查frank sb. through customs
步性协议concessionary agreement
渡条款alienation clause
证券转凭证street certificate
财产渡契约摘要brief of title
账户transfer of account
购买折purchase discount
购买折purchase allowance
资本转capital transfer tax
起草转契约draw up deed of transfer
亦缩为 assi.assignment
价格定价transfer pricing
分类账transfer ledger
transfer order
契据deed of assignment
契据deed of transfer
产权契约quit claim
性支付transfer payments
或委派限制assignment limitation
技术适用范围scope of application of the technology transferred
收据transfer receipt
收益transfer income
的信用证assigned L/C
的信用证assigned letter of credit
的债权assigned claims
的债权assigned claim
的票据assigned instruments
的账户assigned account
美国抵押贷款记名street name
账户transfer account
assignment fees
assignment charges
通知notification of transfer
通过谈判使买主作出negotiate a buyer into making concessions
通过转获得技术acquire technology by transfer
部分转partial transfer
重大substantial concession
重大vital concession
销售折allowance for sales
销售折selling concession
销售折allowance on sales
附可转提单的即期汇票sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached
运输overland transit
非商业性技术转uncompensated transfer of technology