
Terms for subject Economy containing 认 M 为 | all forms | in specified order only
一些投资公司认为价格已降到最低限度,以后只会上升Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up
不应把公司和经纪人认为是共同合伙人The corporation and the broker shall not be regarded as joint adventurers
从质量方面考虑,我认为你方应加价 2%Taking the quality into consideration, I think you should increase the price by 2%
他们认为不投保平安险而保水渍险会对他们有好处They consider it would be their advantage to have W.A. cover instead of F.P.A
他们认为价格不会受这种倾向的影响They do not think the prices will be affected by this tendency
他们认为准时装货是所有定单的一个必需的条件They regard punctual delivery as a necessary condition of all orders
他们认为对他们遭受的损失应给予赔偿They consider themselves entitled to an allowance for the loss they suffered
他们认为所用出口箱不够牢固,不足以保护这些货物They think the export cases used were not strong enough to protect these goods
他们认为,损坏的原因是由于工具与箱子内壁之间没有足够的空隙They ascertained that the damage was due to the fact that there was no enough clearance between the tools and the inside of the case
他们认为该保险服务不可靠They consider the insurance service unreliable
以我方最后认为subject to our final confirmation
以最后确认为subject to final confirmation
以确认货物为准subject to confirmation
你方认为有利使用,我们可以给予10%的补贴Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%
剩余20万美元将用于购置新设备或用于工程师们认为合乎需要的其他目的The remaining 200 000 dollars shall be used for purchasing new equipment or for any other purposes that the engineers may consider desirable
卖方如由于无法控制的意外事故而不能供应所需货物,该订单将被认为已撤销The order shall be considered to have been cancelled if the seller is prevented from supplying goods required owing to any contingency beyond control
只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price
地震、战争、水灾、火灾等都被认为是不可抗事件Earthquake, war, flood, fire, ect. are considered majeure
大家认为对外销售部经理在中国从事商务The overseas sales manager is believed to be in China on business
对于因此而发生的一切损失,我方将被认为负有责任We will be held responsible for all losses arise-ing therefrom
认为不妨让此事拖延一段时间然后再作决定I deem it proper to let this matter slide for a period of time before we make our decision
认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement
认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement
认为该协议的条款和条件不会对购买者有何不利之处I don't think the terms and conditions of such agreement will be unfavourable to the purchaser
认为这批货的质量等级应降低I think there should be a degradation in the quality of the goods
认为这种新产品将会引起国际市场的兴趣I think the new product will appeal to the international market
我们认为不应把这两个问题分开We don't think we should separate these two questions
我们认为他们没有能力垄断锌市场We do not think they are able to make a monopoly of the zinc market
我们认为你公司应立刻向我方订购这批车床We think that your order for these lathes should be placed with us without delay
我们认为你方报价不合适,因为这种手提包价格现在正在下跌We feel that your quotation is not proper because the price for the travelling bag is on the decline at present
我们认为再和他们联系是不合适的We consider it inadvisable to contact them again
我们认为协议中此项条款应取消We think this clause in the agreement should be revoked
我们认为我们不能承担这些支出We do not think we can absorb these expenses
我们认为有必要作出这些减免We are obliged to make these abatements
我们认为现在给你们寄样品很有必要We consider that it is quite necessary to send you samples right now
我们认为用这种方式处理此事会更好一些We thought it better to deal with the matter along these lines
我们认为目前的形势不会阻碍我们的发展They think that the present situation will not deactivate our development
我们认为结局不会违反我们的愿望We dont think the end will be contrary to our wish
我们认为股票市场的反常现象不会持续很久We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long in the stock market
我们认为要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time
我们认为讨论调整价格的时机已经成熟We think that the time is mature for us to discuss the subject of readjusting prices
我们认为这不会影响发货期限We knew it would not affect the delivery limit
我们认为这些条件与合同是一致的We think the terms are in agreement with the contract
我们认为这些计算机是一流的We rate these computers as first class
我们认为这种商品的质量合乎标准We acknowledged that the quality of the article were up to standard
我们认为这种衣料至少可以卖到5美元一米We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter
我们认为这笔生意只是未来一系列交易的先导We believe this deal is only a forerunner of a series of transactions in future
我们认为这类公司的寿命是永恒的We hold the opinion that the duration of such corporation will be perpetual
我们认为需要开辟科学研究的新领域We think it desirable to open up a new field for scientific research
我们的确认为,我们的服务质量抵得上这种报酬We do think that the quality of our service does justice to the pay
我方认为你方定会同意我公司出口货品质量高、工艺精,足以满足要求极高的顾客We think you will agree that the quality of the materials exported by our company and the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers
我方认为必须提醒你方注意合同的这一款项We found it necessary to remind you of noticing this section of the contract
我方认为麻烦出于你方未通知我方In our opinion, the trouble originates from your failure to advise us
我方仍然认为延迟交货并非仅是我方单方的责任We are still of the opinion that we are not the only party to be liable for the late-delivery
根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
此条款不应被认为是解除承运商对运输中造成货物损坏应负的责任This clause shall not be construed to release the carrier from responsibility for causing damage to the goods in transit
毁掉这些材料被认为是侵权罪The destruction of these materials are regarded as the guilty of trespass
经过仔细调查,我们认为箱子必定是在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运A careful investigation inclines us to think that the cases must have been roughly handled on route
英镑认股权证转为金边证券sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
认为reckon little of (the design, colour, etc., 设计、颜色等不怎么样)
认为无用的规定the stipulation deemed not to be written
认为有必要作为代理安排justify an agency arrangement
该方案可被认为业经双方批准The project can be deemed to have been approved by both parties
该轮船公司被认为应对海运中发生的损坏负责The shipping company is held responsible for the damage incidental to sea voyage
这种由于双方都认可的某些特殊原因而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"
这里所规定的条款不得认为是授予许可证The conditions herein shall not be construed as the grant of a license
集装箱化被认为是一种效率更高的运输办法Containerization is considered as a method for more efficient shipment