
Terms for subject Commerce containing 认 M 为 | all forms | in specified order only
认为该发盘已经失效The offerer has promptly informed the acceptor that he considers the offer as lapsed
他们认为这些价格无法成交They entertain the idea that the prices are not workable
以我方最后确认为条件subject to our final confirmation
以我方确认为有效的报盘offer subject to our confirmation
你方确认必须于本月十五日前到达我方,否则该项交易被视为取消Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off
卖方认为有必要进一步调查The seller thinks it desirable to make a further investigation
当一方当事人坚持认为合同落空时An arbitration clause is usually not invalidated when a party maintains that the contract is frustrated
我们认为合同将会落空We assume that the contract will be frustrated
我们认为尺码不完全正确We hold that the measurements are not completely correct
我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
我们认为我方价格并不过分We don't think our prices are exaggerated
我们认为接受该报价是愚蠢的We count it foolish to accept the offer
我们认为暂缓讨论独家代理为宜We consider it advisable to postpone the discussion on sole agency
我们理所当然地认为货物品质存在一些差异We take it for granted that there exits some difference in quality of the goods
我方坚持认为这两个问题应分别予以处理We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately
按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
普遍认为此货质量符合标准It is generally acknowledged that the quality of the goods is up to standard
本报盘以经确认为有效The offer is subject to confirmation
认为合理的价格justified price
认为… 有理由justify
认为要求买主在装船日期前一个月开立信用证是合理的consider it reasonable to ask a buyer to establish L/C a month before the date of shipment
认为货物质量重要reckon quality of goods as important
货物被认为是第一流的The goods are rated as first-class