
Terms for subject Securities containing 认购权 | all forms | in specified order only
上限认购期权capped call
不合理的认购期权irrational call option
与认股权证反向的套购reverse warrant hedge
买人合成认购期权long synthetic call
买人碟式认购期权利差long butterfly call spread
买人认购期权long call
优先股认购期权call option on preferred stock
优惠认购股权证书rights letter
保护性认沽期权购人protective put purchasing
保护性认沽期权购人策略protective put buying strategy
债券认购权证书bond warrant
债务认购权debt warrant
创设认购权create call warrant
利率交换期货的认购期权call option on interest rate swap futures
前一天认购权证收盘价closing price of warrant of the precious day
加倍的认购期权call of more option (指一种可以允许买方依相同的条件购买双倍于约定数量证券的选择权)
卖方认购期权sellers call
可流通政府证券认购权warrants into negotiable government security
可流通的政府证券认购权warrant into negotiable government securities
可认购证券的期权option to acquire security
合成认购期权synthetic call option
合成认购期权synthetic call
合成认购期权长仓synthetic long call
向上迁仓滚动认购期权roll-up call
向下滚动认购期权roll down calls
向下迁仓认购期权roll down calls
员工股份认购权计划employee share option scheme
售出认购期权write a call option
售出认购期权short call
商品认购权commodity warrant
回购认股权证covered warrant
回顾性认购期权look back call
备兑认购期权covered call options
大宗认购期权block call
定期认购期权拍卖periodic call auction
实值认购期权in the money call options
对新股有优先认购权have priority in subscription for new shares
尚未发行股票的认购权option in respect of any unissued shares
带有新股认购权的公司债券bond with subscription warrant
平均价格认购期权average price call
延期认购期权deferred call
执行人员股票期权认购计划executive share option scheme
持有认购权证不过夜的策略strategy of "no over-night holding of warrants"
指数认购权index call warrant
新发行股票无认购特权ex rights
无害认购权harmless warrant
无担保认购权non-collateralized call warrant
无担保认购期权naked call (option)
无担保认购期权立权人uncovered call writer
无新股认购权new share off
无股利欧式认购期权non-dividend paying European call options
无认购新股权不含权right off
无风险的认购期权承销策略covered call writing strategy
普通认购期权vanilla call option
有保护的或无风险的认购期权承购人covered call writer
有保护的期权对比裸式认购期权covered vs. naked calls
有保护的认购期权承销策略covered call writing strategy
有先后次序的股票认购权tandem stock option
欧式认购期权European calls
欧式认购期权European call option
欧洲债券认购权Eurobond warrant
毒性认购期权poison put
比率认购期权价差ratio call spread
流通的非担保认购权outstanding non-collateralized warrants
熊市认购期权差价交易bear call spread
现金或无价值认购期权cash-or-nothing call
用实物结算的认购期权physically-settled call option
看跌期权的认购期权call option on put option
累进认购期权出售graduated call writing
结合认购权wedding warrant
美式认购期权American call
股份认购权一定期限内按预定价交易股票的权利share option
股权认购权equity warrant
股权认购equity subscription
股票认购权stock warrant certificate
股票优先认购权stock lock-up options
股票升值认购权管理者有权以优惠条件购股,优惠价可低于市场价50%,期限最长为 10 年。此举是决策补偿机制,为了避免管理者与股东之间的利益冲突stock appreciation right
股票增价认购权stock appreciation right
股票认购授权证stock subscription warrant
获利认购期权证券市价高于执行价格的认购期权down-and-in call
认沽与认购期权交易商put and call dealer
认沽与认购股票期权put and call
认沽期权和认购期权put and caU
认沽/认购期权经纪人put and call broker
认股权回购收益yield to warrant call
认购优先权subscription privilege
认购利率掉期期权call swaption
认购新股权利subscription privilege
认购新股的权利right to apply for new shares
认购期权takeup option
认购期权calling options
认购期权交易call transaction
认购期权交易比率call option buy-sell ratio
认购期权价格price of call
认购期权出售者call writer
认购期权合同call contract
认购期权和认沽期权平价call and put parity
认购期权差价call spread
认购期权认购期权call option on call option
认购权right to subscribe
认购权application rights
认购权rights letter
认购权warrant to subscribe
认购权call warrant
认购权证交易warrant trading
认购权证内在价值spread of the stock's price and exercise price (股价与执行价之差)
认购权证内在价值intrinsic value of call warrants (股价与执行价之差)
认购权证最高交易价格maximum trading price of warrant
认购股权凭证share warrant
认购认沽期权put and call option
认购认沽期权组合put call parity
记名认购权registered warrant
财产优先认购权一种锁定期权assets lock-ups options
货币认购权currency warrant
货币认购期权currency call option
购人认沽期权buy a put
超额认购优先权oversubscription privilege
超额认购期权oversubscription option
超额认购选择权oversubscription option
道・琼斯认沽和认购期权Dow Jones put and call option
重新认购权reload options
限定股票认购权qualifying stock option
集团认购期权clique call option
香草型认购期权vanilla call option