
Terms containing 认真贯彻 | all forms | in specified order only
China, polit.认真贯彻diligently follow
China, polit.认真贯彻earnestly carry out
China, polit.认真贯彻closely follow a principle of
China, polit.认真贯彻中央部署diligently follow the arrangements of the Central Committee
China, polit.认真贯彻党的十六大以来各项方针政策conscientiously implement the principles and policies the CPC introduced since its Sixteenth National Congress
China, polit.认真贯彻党的十六大和十六届三中、四中、五中、六中全会精神diligently follow the guiding principles set out at the Sixteenth National Congress of the Party and at the third through sixth plenary sessions of the Sixteenth Central Committee
China, polit.认真贯彻.....精神closely follow the guiding principles
China, polit.认真贯彻.....精神diligently follow the guiding principles
China, polit.认真贯彻胡锦涛同志的重要论述strictly follow the important guidelines of Comrade Hu Jintao (on)
China, polit.认真贯彻落实conscientiously put into practice
China, polit.认真贯彻落实truly put all policy decisions into effect
China, polit.认真贯彻落实conscientiously implement