
Terms containing 订货期 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.从订货到交货的日期lead time
commer.合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时期的最低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
textile周期性订货cyclic order
el.固定周期订货批量法fix period order quantity
econ.如果此后质量也很好,他们将向我们定期订货If we repeat this quality they will place regular orders with us
textile定期订货place regular order
interntl.trade.定期订货firm order
busin.定期订货cyclic order
busin.定期订货制fixed-order-interval system
busin.定期订货制fixed interval ordering system
exhib.定期订货方式fixed-interval system
logist.〔物流〕定期订货方式fixed-interval system
tech.定期订货系统periodical ordering system
tech.定期订货系统periodic ordering system
econ.已订期货back order
textile延期交货订单open order
econ.延期订货back order
shipb.延期订货delay an order
econ.延期订货通知单back order memo
econ.我们预期不久可以完成你们的订货We expect to finish your order very soon
commer.我们预期不久将完成你方订货We expect to fill your order very soon
textile按期订货periodic order
textile撤销前期订货canceling former order
busin.撤销前期订货cancelling former
econ.期交订货order for future delivery
tech.期初订货initial order
busin.期货订单order for future delivery
commer.期货订单order for futures
textile期货订单forward order
agric.期货订单future (复)
busin.本期订货current orders
econ.由于我们老客户的续订单大量涌入,我们很难保证即期交货Since many repeat orders from our regular customers are rushing in, prompt shipment cannot be guaranteed
econ.由于许可证临近期满,他们急切地想知道他们的订货是否已装运They are very eager to know whether their order has been shipped because the licence expiring is imminent
securit.签订期货合同enter into a futures contract
logist.〔物流〕经济订货周期Economic Order Interval
logist.订货处理周期order cycle time
busin.订货交货期lay time
econ.订货先期通知advanced ordering information
textile订货到货间隔期order lead time
textile订货周期order cycle
proj.manag.订货周期order cycle time
textile订货周期ordering cycle
proj.manag.订货周期long-lead time
econ.订货周期lead time
interntl.trade.订货周期时间order cycle time
exhib.订货处理周期cycle stock
oil订货期lead time
econ.订货的先期通知advanced ordering information
busin.订货至交货期间lead time
interntl.trade.订货、订期货contract for future delivery
busin.订货间隔期lead time
textile订货间隔期order lead time
busin.订货间隔期order interval
exhib.订购期货order for future delivery
busin.让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing
busin.远期交货订单order for future delivery
busin.远期订货forward order
space远期订货备件long-lead spares
tech.长期订货secular order
avia.长期订货standing order
busin.长期订货制造费用manufacturing expense of standing order
econ.预期订货至交货的时间qualified lead