
Terms for subject Business containing 计 件 | all forms | in specified order only
计件not counted-in package
专用件计划法planning method for special parts
个人计件工资individual piecework wage
个人计件工资individual piece-rate wage
个人承包计件工资制agreed individual wage on account of piecework earning
借用件计划法planning method for parts from other design
元件寿命评价和可靠性计划components life evaluation and reliability (program)
公司内部估计条件company assessment
公用审计软件utility audit software
包工计件工资制contractual piecework system
单件小批生产作业计划job and small batch operation schedule
单纯计件工资制straight piece-work system
可计时件数countable number of events
基本计件工资率basic piece rate
复式多种计件工资制multiple piece rate system
多部件计算机multiunit computer
定时计件工资制task system of pay
审计系统软件audit package
小组承包计件工资制agreed gang wage on account of piecework earning
差别计件differential piece rate system
差别计件工资differential peace-rate
差别计件工资differential piece rate
差别计件工资制differential piece rate plan
年终合格产品超额计件above-quota piecework wage based on the amount of qualified products at year-end
成套部件计划法component parts planning method
按件计价工作priced work
按件计工work-point on piece work done
按件计工work point based on piece work done
按件计数交接货物handing over lot by lot
按包件计算的责任限制per package limitation liability
按…条件计价priced in terms of
整套硬软件计算机系统turnkey system
文件处理计划documentation plan
无条件估计量unconditional estimator
最低计件标准minimum piece work standard
有条件统计预测conditional statistical forecast
有限计件工资limiting piecework wage
未预计条件off-design condition
条件最优计划conditionally optimal plan
条件概率计算机conditional probability machine
标准件计划法planning method for standard parts
梅里克差别计件工资制Merrick differential piece rate system
梅里克差别计件工资制Merrick differential piece rate plan
泰勒差别计件工资制Taylor differential piece-rate system
生物医学统计分析软件包biomedical computer program
电子计算机系统组件component of computer system
直接计件straight piece
直接计件straight piecework
直接计件straight piece rate
直接计件率制straight piece-rate system
统计元件statistical component
计件by the job
计件counted in package
计件付酬制piecework compensation system
计件付酬法piecework compensation plan
计件付酬法piecework compensation method
计件价格piece-work price
计件价格piece price
计件piece work system
计件piece system
计件piece-rate basis
计件制工资piece rate wage
计件by the job
计件工人men paid by the job
计件工人保证piece worker's guarantee
计件工人补偿津贴pieceworker's makeup allowance
计件工人补偿津贴pieceworker's make up allowance
计件包干 工作taskwork
计件工作job work
计件工作日报daily piece report
计件工资piecework wage
计件工资pay by the piece
计件工资piece-rate pay
计件工资piece-work payment
计件工资tut work
计件工资piece rate
计件工资制piece work wage system
计件工资制piece wage system
计件工资原则piece-rate principle
计件工资法piece-rate wage plan
计件工资法piece-rate wage method
计件工资率piece-work rate
计件工资率rate of piece-wage
计件工资率piece wage rate
计件折旧法unit depreciation method
计件账单unit statement of account
计件超额工资above-quota piecework wage
计件超额工资premium wage on piece rate
计件超额工资above-quota piecerate wages
计件超额工资above-norm piecework wage
计算机信件computer letter
计算机处理的软件加工系统computerized software system production
计算机数据文件computerized data file
计算机生成文件computer-generated documents
计算机软件computer soft
计算机软件的法律保护legal protection of computer software
计算机软件过失与后果损失computer software faults and consequential loss
设计文件design documentation
超定额计件工资制system of piece-rate wage for above quota output
通用件计划法planning method for universal parts
通用审计软件包generalized audit software package
间接计件工资indirect piecework wage
间接计件工资indirect piece-rate wage
集体计件group piecework system
集体计件gang piece work system
集体计件承包商group piecework contractor
零部件可靠性改进计划Parts Reliability Improvement Program
计件工资率制high piece rate system