
Terms for subject Commerce containing 计量 | all forms | in specified order only
不一致的估计量inconsistent estimator
产出的数量估计quantitative assessment of output
产品估计量product estimator
产量计划output program
他们估计产量将增加百分之三十They reckon the output will increase by 30%
以水尺计量货物重量checking weight by draft
估计资本流量imputed capital flow
公制计量metric measure
列昂惕夫投入产出经济计量模型Leontief input-output economic coefficient
国家计量National Metrology Bureau
国际计量单位international unit of measurement
多维估计量multidimensional estimator
如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
威尔科克森等级和统计量Wilcoxen rank-sum statistic
威尔科克森统计量置信区间Wilcoxen statistic confidence intervals
工作计量work measurement (标定,测定)
工序计量控制procedure quantification control
1983年中国核桃的最后产量估计为带壳重量20,000公吨The final outturn of the 1983 walnut crop in China is estimated at 20,000M/T in shell
应计价装载重量chargeable weight of load
按全部材料和人力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs
无效估计量inefficient estimator
板材计量board measurement
盈利能力计量profitability measurement
精确计量单位units of accurate measurement
累计数量折扣cumulative quantity discount
结构计量经济模型structural econometric model
统计数量statistical quantity
计价装载重量charged weight of load
计划产量scheduled output
计划产量planned output
计数产量enumerated quantity of production
计算出的事量为2,000公吨The weight figures out at 2,000M/T
计量中心centre of measurement
计量准确be accurate in measurement
设计计划产量designed output
质量管理计划quality control plan
质量统计管理quality statistical control
质量设计变量qualitative design variable
费用计量研究cost measurement study
运费必须按尺码吨而不是按重量或价值计算Freight is to be calculated on measurement tonnage not on weight or value
运费每吨按重量或容积计收W/M per ton
运费每吨按重量或容积计算由船方决定weight or measurement per ton at ship's option
近似计量approximate measurement
重量与计量条例weights and measures act
钢丝截面面积计量单位园密尔circular mil
高斯-马尔可夫估计量Gauss Markov estimator