
Terms for subject Space containing 计数 | all forms | in specified order only
三氟化硼计数BF₃ counter
三氟化硼计数boron trifluoride counter
中央大气数据计算机central air data computer
中央数字计算机central digital computer
中央数据处理计算机central data processing computer
中央模拟数据分配与计算系统center analog data distributing and computing system
中央计时与数据分发系统central timing and data distribution system
串行电子数字计算机electronic serial digital computer
主信道帧计数master channel frame count
云凝结核计数cloud condensation nucleus counter
井型闪烁计数well-type scintillation counter
代数计算机algebraic computer
任务数可变的多道程序设计multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks
任务数固定的多道程序设计multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks
伏特计模拟数字转换器voltmeter analog-to-digital converter
位置计数positional notation (如二进制,十进制等)
低周疲劳计数low-cycle fatigue counter
体内计数whole body counter (监测辐射剂量的)
作战数字计算机tactical digital computer
作战数据自动化计算机系统action data automation computer system
使用小时计数operating hours counter
计数counting in reverse
计数序仪countdown sequencer
计数时间T-time (火箭和导弹发射的)
计数程序countdown procedure
计数计时器countdown sequence timer
偶然计数accidental count
光子计数photon counter
光学一数字混合计算机optical-digital hybrid computer
光学数字计算机optical digital computer
全向数字雷达计算技术omnirange digital radar technique
全能数字计算机all-applications digital computer
典型数字自动计算机typical digital automatic computer
写地址计数word address counter
军用数据计算机field data computer
分子化数字计算机molecularized digital computer
分子化数字计算机MOLE COM molecularized digital comE puter
切伦科夫计数Ceremkov counter
加法计数plus count
加速度计数学模型accelerometer mathematical model
包序计数source sequence count
十进制计数计数部件dekatron scaling unit
十进制计数decimal notation
十进制计数decading counting tube
单指令多数据计算机SIMD computer
卤素计数halogen counter
卫星跟踪和数据获取计算机satellite tracking and data acquisition computer
参数估计estimates of parameters
参数回归估计parametric recurrent estimation
参数电位计parameter potentiometer
参数费用估计parametric cost estimating
计数器计算机two counter machine
反冲质子计数recoil proton counter
反向计数counting in reverse
发射检测和倒计数系统launch checkout and countdown system
取样数据模拟器和计算机sampled data simulator and computer
变换计数测试法transition count test method
可变增量数字计算机digital variable increment computer
启动计数enabling counting
四元数计算quaternion computing
固态模拟-数字计算机solid-state analog-to-digital computer
国际仿真数学与计算机联合会International Association of Mathematics and Computer in Simulation
圆点计数dot counter
地址计数address counter
坐标旋转数字计算机coordinate rotation digital computer
增量数字计算机incremental digital computer
多参数估计器multiple parameters estimator
多基数计算机multiradix computer
多数据流计算机multiple data stream computer
多普勒计数Doppler count
多普勒计数间隔Doppler counting interval
多普勒计数频率Doppler counter frequency
多普勒周计数Doppler cycle count
多路数字温度计multiplex digit thermometer
大型 X 射线正比计数large area X-ray proportional counters
大型数字计算机large-scale digital computer
大气数据计算机air data computer
大气数据计算机器air data computer
大气数据计算机系统air-data computer system
计数hole counter
字节计数byte counting
学生尘埃计数student dust counter (美国新地平线探测器上的)
宇宙线粒子计数cosmic-ray counter
定步计数pacing count (网络用)
实时计数real-time counter
对数计算器logarithmic calculator
导航数字计算机navigational digital computer
导航数据同化计算机navigation data assimilation computer
导航数据类比[同化]计算机navigation data assimilation computer
导航数据类比计算机汇编、监控和执行系统NADAC navigation data assimilation computer assembly, monitor, executive system
射前倒数计时演示试验countdown demonstration test
射电源计数radio source count
X 射线正比计数x-ray proportional counter
小型化数据采集计算机miniaturized data acquisition computer
小型惯性导航自动数字计算机miniature inertial navigation digital automatic computer
尘埃计数dust counter
左移计数指令shift left and count instruction
差拍计数式调频连续波无线电高度表beat counting FM/CW radio altimeter
并行数字计算机parallel digital computer
并行数字计算系统parallel digital computing system
延时计数delay counter
引导参数计算designating parameter calculation
弹上数字计算机missile-borne digital computer
弹道与飞行数据计算机ballistic and flight data computer
弹道数据计算ballistic data calculation
循环程序计数cycle program counter
微程序计数microprogram counter
性能数据计算机performance data computer
性能数据计算机系统performance data computer system
总剩余量计数detotalizing counter
扫描辐射计数据处理器scanning radiometer data manipulator
抽样[采样]参数计算sampling parametric computation
抽样[采样]数据计算机sampled-data computer
数值估计numerical estimate
数值计算误差error in numerical calculation
数字仿真模拟计算机digital simulated analog computer
数字仿真计算机digital simulation computer
数字信息终端计算机digital message terminal computer
数字化离子漂移计digital ion drift meter
数字化设计制造digitized design and manufacture
数字地面弹道计算机digital geoballistic computer
数字式计数寄存器digital-counter register
数字式制导和控制计算机digital guidance and control computer
数字式加速度计回路digital accelerometer loops
数字控制和计算机服务numerical control and computer service
数字控制设计系统digital-control design system
数字控制设计语言digital control design language
数字电子通用计算机digital electronic universal calculating engine
数字积分加速度计digital integrating accelerometer
数字积分计算机digital integration computer
数字计算digital calculation
数字计算机仿真digital computer simulation
数字计算机装置digital computer unit
数字面积光度计digital area photometer
数据中继卫星筹备计划data relay satellite preparatory programme (欧洲空间局)
数据优化计算机data optimizing computer
数据库设计辅助工具data base design aid
数据模拟计算机data analog computer
数据流计算机data stream computer
数据管理和计算委员会Committee on Data Management and Computation
数据记录计算机data logging computer
数据采集与 Ka 频段高度计卫星Saral satellite with argos and altika (印度与法国合作研制的海洋卫星)
数据采集分析计算机computer of data acquisition and analysis
数据采集和计算机系统data acquisition and computer system
数据采集多程序设计系统data acquisition multiprogramming system
数量级准确度的计算order-of-magnitude calculation
整周计数integral count (值)
整数计算机integral computer (小数点在最后的定点计算机)
方位信号计数bearing counter
星体数据同化计算机star data assimilation computer
星系计数galaxy count
有机计数organic counter
本底计数background counts
机械数字积分计算机mechanical and numerical integrator and computer
权函数估计weight function estimation
标记计数检验mark counting check
核子计数nucleus counter
模拟-数字混合计算机combined analog-digital computer
模拟数字计算机analog-digital computer
模拟数据分配器和计算机analog data distributor and computer
计数plus count
正向计数counting forward
正比计数器阵proportional counter array
步进计数step-by-step counting
比例计数proportional counter
气体计数gas counters
气体放电辐射计数gas discharging radiation counter tube
气候数据自动数字通信计划automated digital weather communication program
气动数字计算机pneumatic digital computer
气动数据分析计划aerodynamic data analysis program
流体数字自动计算机fluid-operated digital automatic computer
测距计数range counter
混合型数模计算机hybrid digital-analog computer (系统)
清除计算机显示器上显示数据p-zero-zero (用于载人航天器上,读如 poo, 口语)
漂移计数shift counter
火星数据分析计划mars data analysis program
物理数据库设计physical data base design
环形计数器链ring counter chain
现代数字计算机modern-day digital computer
用数字计算机技术预测辐射效应prediction of radiation effects by digital computer techniques
电子数字积分计算机electronic numerical integrator and computer
电子数字积分计算机electronic numeric integranter and calculator
电子数字积分计算机electronic digital integrated computer
电子数字积分计算机electronic digital integrator computer
电导粒子计数conductometric particle counter
电晕计数corona counter
盖革计数Geiger counter
目标参数估计target parameter estimation
离子计数ion counter
科学仪器计算机和数据处理scientific instrument computer and data handling
移动式数字计算机mobile digital computer
程序单位计数program unit counter
稳定数据计算机stabilization data computer
窄带量子计数narrow-band quantum counter
符合计数coincidence counting
符合计数coincidence counter
簇射计数shower counter
精密计时数据chronometric data
精确/快速计数precision/rapid counter
系数电位计coefficient-setting potentiometer
时间码索引计数index count
累计时间计数elapsed-time counter
累计飞行时数accumulated flight hour
红外量子计数infrared quantum counter
统计参数statistical parameter
脉冲计数式探空仪pulse-counting sonde
脉冲计数模件pulse counting module
脉冲可逆计数pulse up-down counter
自动快速数字计算系统rapid digital automatic computing system
自动快速数字计算系统rapid automatic digital computing system
自动数字计算机automatically digital computer
自动数字跟踪分析计算机automatic digital tracking analyser computer
自动数据处理资源估计程序automatic data processing resource estimation procedures
自动数据采集与计算机设备automatic data acquisition and computer complex
自动程序设计和数据处理系统automatic programming and data system
自回归系数初估计autoregressive coefficient initial estimation
荧光粒子自动计数automatic fluorescent particle counter
计数信号的频率frequency of the counted signal
触发计数flip-flop counter
计划自动化数据库系统program automated library system (美国空间站)
Z 计数Z-count (以 29 位二进制数表示的 GPS 的基本时间单位)
计数counting detector
计数器分辨率counter resolution
计数器式加速度表counting accelerometer
计数器式高度表counter altimeter
计数器指针式高度表counter-pointer altimeter
计数器数字鼓指针式高度表counter-drum-pointer altimeter
计数式风速表counter anemometer
计数时间count time
计数检验inspection by attributes
计数率表counting ratemeter
计数counting vial
计数电路counting circuit
计数管假计数spurious tube counts
计数管描迹仪counter hodoscope
计数管望远镜counter telescope
计数触发器trigger flip-flop
计时数据输入输出timing data input-output
计算数学mathematics of computation
计算机信号数据转换器computer signal data converter
计算机化数值控制computerized numerical control
计算机化数据系统computerized date system
计算机控制自动数据采集系统computerized automatic data acquisition system
计算机数字网computer digital network
计算机数据处理computer data processing
计算机数据处理系统computer-based data-handling system
计算机数据字computer data word
计算机数据开关板computer data switchboard
计算机数据输入系统computer data entry system
计算机生成的数据computer-generated data
计算机辅助可靠性数据分析computer aided reliability data analysis
计算机辅助可靠性数据系统computer aided reliability data system
计算机辅助工程数据检索系统engineering data computer assisted retrieval system
计算机辅助数据鉴定computer-assisted data evaluation
计算机辅助设计数字控制computer-aided design numerical control
计算能力指数computing power index
设计安全系数design safety factor
设计审定数据design approval data
设计极限载荷系数design limit load factors
设计载荷因数design load factor
误码计数bit error counter
读地址计数read address counter
调准倒数计时装置alignment countdown set
负载重复计数load repeat counter
距离计数range count
转数计数revolution counter
转数计revolution meter
转数计revolution indicator
转移与计数寄存器branch and count register
转速计数rotational speed counter
运载器[火箭]数字计算机launch vehicle digital computer
运载器[火箭]数字计算机数据适配器launch vehicle digital computer/data adapter
远距离[遥控]计算机数据终端remote computer data terminal
递加计数plus count
递阶参数估计hierarchical parameter estimation
通用计数universal counter
通用数字计算机universal digital computer
通用数字计算机general purpose digital computer
速率捷联计算机数控rate strapdown computer digital control
逻辑数据库设计logic data base design
遥控指令计数telecommand count
重合计数coincidence counter
闪烁计数scintillating counter
闪烁计数器望远镜scintillation counter telescope
闪烁计数检测器scintillation counter detector
闪烁正比计数scintillation proportional counter
非参数回归估计non-parametric recurrent estimation
非数值计算nonnumeric calculation
非数值计算处理机nonnumeric processor
非法入口计数illegal entry count
频率计数frequency counter
飞船数字计算机设备BTsVK onboard numerical calculation complex (苏联联盟-T 载人飞船上的,俄文缩写英译)
飞行控制数字计算机flight control digital computer
马赫数监控计算机monitor Mach computer
马赫数计算机Mach-number computer
马赫数配平计算机Mach trim computer
高级航空电子设备数字计算机advanced avionics digital computer