
Terms for subject Business containing 计数 | all forms | in specified order only
一式计数模型counter model type I
上年累计数last year cumulative
计数no account
计数regardless of quantity
不可计算函数uncomputable function
中位数估计值median estimate
临时估计数provisional estimate
二进制数字计算机binary digital computer
交叉计数criss-cross method
人口统计数demographic data
计数据处理accounting data processing
计数据用途usefulness of accounting data
会计基本数据underlying accounting data
计数estimated amount
估计值数学偏差mathematical bias in estimate
估计总数estimated total
加数计算器total adding counter
加法计数adding machine tape
十进位计数decimal scale
十进制计数decade counting tube
博尔达计数Barda count
卤素计数halogen counter
卤素猝灭计数halogen-quenched counter
去年同期累计数accumulated amount of corresponding period last year
参数估计量parameter estimate
参数生产计划parametric production planning
双向计数backward-forward counter
只计算整数票no factional vote
可忽略不计数negligible number
可计人平均数的收入average income
可计时件数countable number of events
固定参数统计模型fixed parameter statistical model
固定系数统计模型fixed coefficient statistical model
基准统计数benchmark statistics
基准统计数bench mark statistics
基本工程设计数Basic Engineering Design Data
增加经费需求估计数estimated additional requirement
统计外来估计数extraneous estimate
多重时间数列设计multiple time-series design
大型数字计算机系统large-scale digital computing system
家庭收支统计数family budget statistics
尾数不计penny elimination
岁入预计数estimated revenue
工业统计数industrial statistic data
工具变数估计instrumental variable estimation
工具变数估计量instrumental variable estimator
常数项估计值constant term estimate
平均数估计标准差standard deviation of estimate of mean
年数合计法sum-of-the-year-digits method
应以出勤日数计算calculated man-day in attendance
应计养老金增值数pensionable multiplier
应计养老金数额pensionable amount
总估计数total estimate
折旧年数合计法sum-of-the-year-digits method of depreciation
指导性计划数字indicative planning figure
指数计数exponential notation
指数计index gauge
指数计算法index calculation
按件计数交接货物handing over lot by lot
按平均数计算on an average
按年基数净收益计算的留成率net income retaining percentage on base year net income
按日历年度计算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
按股权金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote yardstick
损失估计数estimated amount of damage
数值估计numerical estimates
数值计算机numerical computer
数字式电子计算机electronic digital computer
数字模拟混合计算机hybrid digital-analog computer
数字计算mathematical calculation
数字计算机码digital-computer code
数字计算机码digital computer code
数字计算设备digital evaluation equipment
数学程序设计系统Mathematical Programming System
数据最优化计算机data optimizing computer
数据统计statistics of data
数据计算机校验mechanical checks of data
数控计算机computer numeral controlled
数统计模型'stochastic regressor statistical model
数量估计单quantity estimate sheet
整数计算会计以元为单位,无小数点cents-less accounting
方格计数criss-cross method
无参数统计nonparametric statistics
无效统计函数inefficient statistic function
最大似然系数估计量maximum likelihood coefficient estimator
最大概数估计式maximum likelihood estimator
最小平方参数估计值least squares parameter estimate
最小方差无偏估计数minimum variance unbiased estimation
最小范数二次无偏估计式minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator
期望平均数估计estimate of expected mean
未计少数权益前的收益income before minority interest
本年累计数current year cumulative
本期为止的累计数accumulated amount end of current period
模一数计算系统analog ue -digital computing system
模拟数据分配器与计算机analog data distributor and computer
正态分布函数近似计算公式approximation formulas for the normal distribution function
每分数计数count per minute
水产业统计数fishery census
物价指数计算标准multiple standard
现金岀纳机复位计数reset counters in cash registers
理货计数tally sheet
理货计数cargo tally sheet
用电子数据处理的计算机computer in electronic data-processing
用计算机终端进行数据传输data transmission by terminal computers
用计算机终端进行数据传递data transmission by terminal device
电子数字积分器与计算机electronic numerical integrator and computer
电子数字积分计算机electronic numerical integrator and calculator
电子计算机数据electronic computer data
电子计算机数据处理electronic computer data processing
硬币计数coin counting machine
粗统计数crude statistics
累计净提款数cumulative net drawing
累计平均数cumulative mean
累计总数accumulated total
累计折现系数accumulative discount coefficient
累计折现系数accumulated coefficient for converting present value
累计支出款数cumulative disbursement
累计时值系数accumulative future value coefficient
累计时值系数accumulated time value coefficient
累计频数图cumulative frequency diagram
累计频数表cumulative frequency table
组平均数估计量group average estimator
计数值可靠性估计statistical estimation of number reliability
计数据分析analysis of historical data
计数据处理statistical processing of data
计数据管理management of statistic data
计数statistical array
计数quantity statistical
统计因数statistical factor
统计工厂数据拟合satisfactory fit
统计观察数据statistical findings
统计频数statistical frequency
综合统计数comprehensive statistics
联合广义最小平方系数估计量joint GLS coefficient estimator
自动计数automatic register
自动数字计算器Automatic Digital Calculator
自动数据获取和计算机系统Automatic Data Acquisition and Computer System
规范统计数canonical statistics
计划增长数programme growth
计划完成相对数relative quantities of fulfillment of plan
计划成本系数planned cost fraction
计划成本系数planned cost coefficient
计划指定数字program earmarking
计划控制数program control number
计划数量指标和质量指标quantitative and qualitative indicators of plan
计数count up
计数/分counts per minute
计数"in-tally" sheet
计数变量counting variable
计数型抽样验收attributes sampling
计数抽样检验sampling inspection by the attributes
计数scaling method
计算个人所得税应税额时的不计列数individual exclusion
计算变数counter variable
计算数据calculating data
计算数据分析analysis of counted data
计算机数值控制computer numerical control
计算机数据储存computer store
计算机数据处理系统computer data processing system
计算机数据存储装置computer data memory unit
计算机数据库computer data storage bank
计算机数据库computer data bank
计算机数据文件computerized data file
计算机数据系统computer data retrieval system
计算机数控computerized numerical control
计算机辅助数值法computer assisted numerical techniques
计算机辅助数据评价computer assisted data evaluation
计费参数charging parameter
计费数据报告charge data report
计量数据metrological data
输入计算机变数input machine variable
运价加权计算数weighted assessment of freight rate
连续统计数continuous statistics
选择序列计数selective sequence counter
通用电子数字计算机digital electronic universal computing engine
通过关联数技术评价的援助计划Planning Assistance Through technical Evaluation of Relevance Numbers
《金融时报》 保险统计学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
雇员人数计划plan for the required number of employees
需求函数统计偏离statistical deviation of demand function
预计年限总数折旧法depreciation-sum of expected life period method
预计收入分配数anticipated revenue allotment