
Terms containing 解 除合同 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.乙方公司接收后,这些合同和债务不应予以解除These tracts and debts shall not be released upon the take-over by Party B of the company
China, law单方解除劳动合同revoke a labor contract unilaterally
proj.manag.合同的解除dissolution of contract
proj.manag.合同的解除contractual release
interntl.trade.合同的解除rescission of contract
commer.合同自动解除automatic cancellation of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
busin.合同自动解除即买卖合同中的不可抗力条款规定,如发生不可抗力事故,合同即自动解除automatic cancellation of the contract
tech.合同解除termination of contract
commer.合同解除discharge of contract
busin.合同解除dissolution of contract
busin.合同解除rescission of contract
tech.合同解除release of contract
China, law合同解除权right to rescind a contract
China, law解除劳动合同revoke a labor contract
China, law解除劳动合同have one's labor contract revoked
tech.解除合同demolition contract
tech.解除合同dissolution of contract
tech.解除合同terminate a contract
econ.解除合同discharge a contract (契约)
proj.manag.解除合同rescind the contract
oil解除合同rescission of the contract
bridg.constr.解除合同termination of contract
tech.解除合同revocation of contract
textile解除合同rescissory contract
China, law解除合同terminate the contract
tech.解除合同discharge of contract
securit.解除合同rescission of contract
interntl.trade.解除合同义务条件condition subsequent
tech.解除合同日期cancelling date
tech.解除合同条款cancelling clause
securit.解除合同的法定权力statutory right of recision
commer.解除合同的约束be absolved from a contract
interntl.trade.解除合同的补偿费compensation for cancellation of contracts
interntl.trade.解除合同的诉讼action of rescission
econ.解除合同的诉讼the action of rescission
busin.解除合同的诉讼action of recession
proj.manag.解除合同补偿费compensation for cancellation of contract
busin.解除合同补偿费compensation for cancellation of contracts
tech.解除合同诉讼action of rescission
tech.解除合同赔偿费compensation for cancellation of contract
busin.解除或履行了合同discharge of contract
shipb.解除租船合同cancelling charter party
shipb.解除租船合同的日期cancelling date of charter party
China, law订立和解除劳动合同conclusion or revocation of a labor contract