
Terms for subject United Nations containing 解 放 | all forms | in specified order only
中非人民解放运动Movement for the Liberation of the Central African People ruling party
刚 果 解 放 运 动movement for the liberation of the Congo
刚果解放阵线Front de libération du Congo
北基伍解放阵线Front pour la libération du Nord-Kivu
卡纳克解放联合阵线Front uni de libération kanak New Caledonia
卢民主力量 = 解放卢旺达民主力量Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda
大西部解放阵线Front de Liberation du Grand Ouest
安哥拉民族解放阵线解阵Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola
民主力量同盟/乌民族军=民主力量同盟/解放乌干达民族军Allied Democratic Forces/National Army for the Liberation of Uganda
民族解放力量Forces for National Liberation
民族解放力量鲁瓦萨FNL Rwasa
民族解放委员会National Liberation Council
由执政的安哥拉人民解放运动人运MPLA Movimento Popular para a Libertação de Angola ruling party
胡图人民解放党——民族解放力量穆加巴拉博纳PALIPEHUTU-FNL Mugabarabona
苏丹解放Sudan Liberation Army
苏丹人民解放Sudan People’s Liberation Army
苏丹人民解放运动/解放军Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army
萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía el-Hamra y de Río de Oro
萨基亚阿姆拉和里奥德奥罗人民解放阵线Frente POLISARIO Western Sahara
解放刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟alliance of democratic forces for the liberation of Congo/Zaire: led by Kabila
解放胡图人民党PALIPEHUTU-FNL Party for the Liberation of the Hutu People
阿富汗民族解放阵线Afghan National Liberation Front