
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
不能Parinaud syndrome
先天性聋网膜色素变性综合征Usher syndrome
前庭反射vestibular visual reflex
前庭性觉识别障碍综合征Dandy syndrome
反射audio-visual reflex
触觉刺激audiovisual-tactile stimulation
试验stare test
垂直凝性眼震vertical gaze nystagmus
复性远散光compound hyperopic astigmatism
昼盲非典型色素网膜炎及慢性多发性神经炎综合征hemeralopia atypical pigmentosa retinitis and chronic polyneuritis syndrome
性眼震gaze nystagmus
point of fixation
球后神经炎retrobulbar neuritis
下缺损修补repair of defect under direct vision
翁鲁维亚固试验stare test of Honrubia
耳聋侏儒色素性网膜炎综合征Cockayne syndrome
color visual field
色素性网膜炎糖尿病耳聋综合征Alstrom syndrome
动性眼震optokinetic nystagmus
动眼震试验optokinetic nystagmus test
听教具audiovisual aids
听的visual aural
听觉精神恢复法visuoauditory revival
听设备audio-visual aids
描迹试验following test
测量障碍试验calibration test
神经外鞘outer sheath of optic nerve
神经孔optic foramen
神经管骨折fracture of optic canal
神经血管环vascular circle of optic nerve
网膜颞侧下小动脉inferior temporal arteriole of retina
网膜颞侧下小静脉inferior temporal venule of retina
网膜鼻侧上小动脉superior nasal arteriole of retina
网膜鼻侧上小静脉superior nasal venule of retina
觉性失语visual aphasia
觉性失语optic aphasia
辨距不良试验ocular dysmetria test
非调节性内斜nonaccommodative esotropia
高处俯性眩晕height vertigo