
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
临界距通道路径grazing path
立体照片stereoscope picture
量远镜relief telescope
side elevation
监前加法器look-ahead adder
正,主front elevation
局部cutaway view
双信息彩色电double-message system
back view
周年日心,恒星annual parallax
周日在运动apparent diurnal motion
红外线器分光计snooperscope spectrometer
工程指永久工程和 临时工程,或情况 指其中之一works mean the permanent works and the temporary works, or either of them as appropriate
彩色电接收机colour receiver
投影大屏幕screen size television
投影式电接收机projection receiver
望远镜opening of the telescope
前视front outline
elevational drawing
现场电录像field television video recording
图像信号接收机picture receiver
演播室内最重要的灯光hot light
电路中校正低频失真的电路tilt mixer
可移装置mobile-unit truck
反射镜viewing mirror
judas window
无辅助的unaided eye
检査sight control
控制sight control
线路输出actual monitor
经过透明壁的内phantom view
像管photoconductive tube
准直,瞄准误差collimation error
表观,显似凝聚力apparent cohesion
受迫,集中同步系统genlock equipment
有效apparent height
表观颜色apparent colour
野,界field coverage
表观应力apparent stress
sighting post
瞄准point of sight
界角angular field of view
线光测距离optical range
线阻碍物sight obstruction
表观螺距apparent pitch
觉汇合visual fusion
觉阻抗计visual impedance meter
lookout angle
摄影机角范围angular field of view
距法subtense method
图像电流picture current
频解调器picture demodulator
超越地平线传播beyond-the-horizon propagation
特写close-up view
圆周扫描荧光屏上的perspective representation
投影几何perspective geometry
terrain diagram
图表示perspective representation
闪烁,瞬变比较镜blink comparator
阶梯状剖staggered section view
受到限制restrictive sight distance
overhead view
黑白彩色电转换器colour adapter