
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不受到歧be free from discrimination
不受歧be free from discrimination
不受歧not be discriminated against
中国电艺术家协会Chinese Television Artists Association
价格歧discriminate in terms of prices
全国人大常委会会议频直播系统live television coverage of meetings of the Standing Committee on the Internet
副巡deputy inspector
助理巡assistant counsel
受歧be discriminated against
性标志visible sign
国家广播电影电总局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
基于残疾的歧discrimination on the basis of disability
安全safe range of visibility
就业歧discrimination in employment
inspector (monitor)
广播电传输网radio and television transmission networks
television viewing rate
和破坏我国社会主义制度be hostile to China's socialist system and try to undermine it
数码激光video compact disc
新闻广播电事业press, radio and television broadcasting undertaking
传染病病人discriminate against infectious disease patients
、侮辱少数民族discriminate or humiliate an ethnic group
信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion
和压迫妇女discriminate against and oppress women
妇女discriminating against women
学生discriminate against students
性收费项目discriminatory charging items
性的禁止、限制措施prohibitive, restrictive measures that are discriminatory in nature
性资质要求discriminatory qualification requirement
性限制discriminating restriction
戒毒人员discriminate against a person receiving treatment of drug addiction
残疾人discrimination against person with disabilities
民族歧ethnic discrimination
民族歧和压迫discrimination against and oppression of any nationality
气象监设备meteorological monitoring equipment
消除一切形式种族歧国际公约International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination
消除就业歧eliminate discrimination in employment
子女利益neglect of the interests of offspring
煽动民族仇恨、民族歧incite national enmity or discrimination
居住residential surveillance
助航设施visual navaid
组织集中arrange inspection tours
法律flout the law
被监居住under residential surveillance
被监居住be subject to residential surveillance
deemed to
为已订立deemed to have concluded
为拒绝承兑deemed non-acceptance
为按份共有deemed to be shared ownership
为未申报deemed to have made no declaration
为要约deemed an offer
为许可construed as the granting of permission
听资料audio-visual materials
inspection tours
conduct a survey of
carry out an inspection
察工作scrutinize work
情节in the light of the circumstance
读与机读be readable both visually and by computer
邮件收寄验checking the inside of mail received for delivery
制度建设pay particular attention to making institutional improvements
集中arrange inspection tours
集中organize inspection tours
check the inside
高度重be very concerned about (smth)
高度重carefully consider
高度重place a high value on
高度重pay close attention to
高度重attach great importance to
高度重并且采取坚决有力措施maintain a high degree of vigilance and take firm and effective measures
高度重此项立法工作attach great importance to the enactment of the law
高度重此项立法工作attach great importance to formulating this legislation
高度重,狠抓place a high value on
高度重,狠抓pay particular attention to (doing)
高度重,狠抓pay close attention to (doing)
高度重……的立法工作place great importance on formulating and passing a law on (smth)
高度重监督法的制定工作pay close attention to the formulation of the Law on Oversight