
Terms for subject Environment containing 视界 | all forms
全球大气监视global atmosphere watch
受监视的影像分类supervised image classification A graphical representation processing technique by which an analyst selects groups of pixels, determines their spectral response signature and trains a computer system to recognize pixels based on this spectral response pattern (图形表示的加工工艺,分析师通过它选择象素组,决定其频谱响应特性并在此光谱反应模式的基础上训练电脑系统以识别像素。)
旋转式环境可视红外仪spinning environmental visible and infrared instrument
环境控制监视器environmental control monitor
电视television The process, equipment or programming involved in converting a succession of audiovisual images into corresponding electrical signals that are transmitted by means of electromagnetic waves to distant receivers or screens, at which the signals can be used to reproduce the original image (涉及一系列视听图象转换成相应的电信号的设备或程序,此电信号是通过电磁波的传输手段传输到遥远的接收器或屏幕,信号可用于复制原始图像。)
电视节目television programme A performance or production transmitted in audiovisual signals with electromagnetic waves (用电磁波传播视听信号的表演。)
监 〔注〕视watch over
监视 Mkeep M under observation
监视surveillance System that permits the continuous observation, measurement and evaluation of the progress of a process or phenomenon with the view to taking corrective measures (允许连续观测,测量和对一个过程或现象的看法进展评估采取纠正措施的系统。)
自我监视self-monitoring No definition needed (不需要定义。)
视听媒体audiovisual media Any means of communication transmitted to both the sense of hearing and the sense of sight, especially technologies directed to large audiences (利用了传递视觉和听觉的任意交流方式,特别是面对大量观众的技术。)
视听展示audio-visual presentation An exhibition, performance, demonstration or lecture utilizing communication media directed at both the sense of sight and the sense of hearing (使用视听媒体的展示,演出,或者演讲。)
视听设备audiovisual equipment Equipment designed to aid in learning and teaching by making use of both hearing and sight (用来从听觉和视觉方向辅助教学的设备。)
视频video A format or system used to record and transmit visual or audiovisual information by translating moving or still images into electrical signals (用于记录和通过将动态或静态图像转换成电信号来传输视觉或视听信息的一种格式或系统。)