
Terms for subject Technology containing 规尺 | all forms | in specified order only
分级规格尺寸graded sizes
划线规尺marking gage
划线规尺joiner's gauge
划线规尺marking gauge
划线规尺joiner's gage
整修混凝土板边缘的双面规尺double edging tool
规尺radial bar
塞规自动定尺寸内圆磨床gauge-matic internal grinder
塞规自动定尺寸内圆磨床gage-matic internal grinder
塞规自动控制尺寸法gauge-matic method
塞规自动控制尺寸法gage-matic method
规尺dead size
实际规格尺寸actual size
尺寸控制量规sizing gauge
尺寸控制量规sizing gage
尺寸标准规范dimensional standard specification
工程图的尺寸标示规贝dimensioning rule
规尺stock size
按规定尺寸加工finish to size
按规定比例尺测图survey on scale
按规定比例尺测图scale survey
木工规尺joiner's gauge
木工规尺joiner's gage
规尺regular size
游标卡尺的量具测径规vernier callipers gage
游标卡尺的量具测径规vernier calipers gage
直尺圆规作图法construction with ruler and compasses
直尺规straight edge
码尺圆规yardstick compass
砌墙高度规准尺keeping gauge
砌墙高度规准尺keeping the gauge
砌墙高度规准尺keeping the gage
砌墙高度规准尺keeping gage
砌砖规尺砌砖长尺jointing rule
精加工至规定尺寸finish to size
细木工规尺spider gauge
细木工规尺spider gage
螺旋规尺screw gauge
螺旋规尺screw gage
规准尺gauge stick
规准尺gage stick
规定尺寸given size
规定尺寸basic size
规定尺寸的琢石dimension stone
规定比例尺expressed scale
规定比例尺required scale
规定比例尺established scale
规格尺寸format dimensions
规格尺寸检査dimensional check
锯成规定尺寸材sawn sized lumber
集料分级规格尺寸graded sizes
骨料分级规格尺寸graded sizes