
Terms containing 规定的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上面所规定的附加费用是根据运费率来计算的The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates
el.不另外规定的not elsewhere specified
tech.不合规定的润滑faulty lubrication
tech.不合规定的集料irregular aggregate
tech.不合规定的骨料irregular aggregate
China, law不按照规定的品种at variance with the variety prescribed
fenc.不符合规定的器材设备falsified equipment
interntl.trade.不符合规定的货物non-conforming goods
busin.不符合规定的货物non-confirming goods
interntl.trade.不符合合同规定的货物non-conformity of the goods
econ.不符合合同规定的货物nonconformity of the goods
econ.不符合同规定的货物the non-conformity of the goods
commer.与合同上所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
sport.为了使投掷有效、 掷出的链球必须落人规定的落地区In order to qualify as a legal throw the hammer must land in the throwing sector.
econ.为第一个试制样品规定的工时定额first piece time
econ.于此规定的最低租船费应由非洲近东有限公司付给联合货运公司The minimum charterage herein specified shall be paid by African Near East Limited to United Van Lines
China, polit.享有宪法和法律规定的权利be entitled to the rights prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
gen.规定的形式表格on the prescribed form
econ.你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme
econ.你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空舱费由你方承担You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you
China, polit.依照宪法规定的程序in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Constitution
China, polit.依照宪法、民族区域自治法和其他法律规定的权限行使自治权exercise the power of autonomy within the limits of their authority as prescribed by the Constitution, the Law on Regional National Autonomy and other laws
China, polit.依照法律规定的权限within the limits of their authority as prescribed by law
China, polit.依照法律规定的权限和程序in accordance with the statutory limits of power and procedures
China, polit.依照法律规定的权限和程序within the limits of power and according to the procedures as provided for by law
China, polit.依照法律规定的程序in accordance with procedures prescribed by law
nautic., tech.LRIT 信息系指第 V/19-1.5 条规定的信息LRIT information
gen.全国石油业协舍规定的润滑油标准色National Petroleum Association color
auto.公司规定的平均排放量corporate average regulated emission
securit.公司章程规定的发行量authorized issue
auto.公路行驶规定的载荷on-highway load
China, polit.《关于修改中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法的若干规定的决议》the Resolution on the Revision of Certain Provisions in the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the Peopled Republic of China
org.name.《关于修订 1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的统一国际航空运输的某些规定的公约》简称《海牙议定书》Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the International Carriage by Air Signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929
org.name.《关于修订统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约》简称《维斯比规则》Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading Brussels 1968
org.name.1999《关于统一国际航空运输若干规定的公约》简称《京都条约》Montreal Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air
interntl.trade.关于统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约海牙规则International Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading Hague mles
org.name.1924《关于统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约》简称《海牙规则》Hague Rules International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading
commer.凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还e.g. six or twelve months
commer.凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time
econ.出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement
met.出钢时规定的化学成分tapping specification
tech.制动到规定的速度retardation to target speed
org.name.制定核活动规定的委员会Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
el.制造厂规定的负荷advertised load
tech.协议书规定的货币currency of agreement
textile单方规定的配额unilateral quota
econ.单方规定的配额unilateral quotas
textile单边规定的配额unilateral set quota
anim.husb.印上规定的商标marking provisions
proj.manag.原始数据必须按照明确规定的程序处理Raw data must be managed by defined procedures
econ.反对滥用税收协定规定的预提税率protection against abuse of treaty with holding rates
China, law另有规定的除外except as otherwise stipulated
econ.5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense
gen.规定的饮食on a diet
tech.合同规定的一批或各单位package or units covered by the contract
interntl.trade.合同规定的一揽子交易package covered by the contract
interntl.trade.合同规定的一揽子或各单位package or units covered by the contract
interntl.trade.合同规定的不定期航行contractual tramping
interntl.trade.合同规定的义务contractual obligation
China, law合同规定的义务obligations imposed by the contract
busin.合同规定的义务contractual liability
dril.合同规定的井深contract depth
shipb.合同规定的交货地点delivery place as provided in the contract
shipb.合同规定的交货日期delivery date as provided in the contract
busin.合同规定的付款约定付款contractual payment
interntl.trade.合同规定的付款contractual payments
tech.合同规定的付款contractual payment
shipb.合同规定的价格stipulated price
busin.合同规定的价格contract stipulated price
busin.合同规定的价格contractual value
shipb.合同规定的价格contractual price
busin.合同规定的债务偿付contractual debt service
busin.合同规定的债权contractual claim
busin.合同规定的准备金contractual reserve
interntl.trade.合同规定的利息contract interest
busin.合同规定的利率contracted interest rate
busin.合同规定的劳务contractual service
busin.合同规定的包装contractual packing
shipb.合同规定的包装package covered in the contract
econ.合同规定的品质contractual quality
econ.合同规定的商品价格contract value
shipb.合同规定的图纸drawings for the contract
shipb.合同规定的图纸blueprints for the contract
busin.合同规定的工资约定工资contract wages
busin.合同规定的承运人contracting carrier
interntl.trade.合同规定的担保contractual guarantee
dril.合同规定的按进尺支付额contract footage rate payment
busin.合同规定的收益约定收益contractual income
econ.合同规定的救助contract salvage
dril.合同规定的日支付额contract day rate payment
interntl.trade.合同规定的时间限制contractual limits of time
IMF.合同规定的期限contractual maturity
busin.合同规定的期限contractual limit of time
busin.合同规定的权利contractual right
econ.品质、数量、装运等合同规定的条件contractual condition
busin.合同规定的津贴contractual allowance
interntl.trade.合同规定的管辖法院contractual forum
proj.manag.合同规定的索赔contractual claims
tech.合同规定的股利contractual dividend
interntl.trade.合同规定的航次contract voyage
interntl.trade.合同规定的航次contractual voyage
busin.合同规定的航次约定航次contract voyage
interntl.trade.合同规定的航线contractual route
econ.合同规定的装运期contractual shipment
interntl.trade.合同规定的责任contractual liability
tech.合同规定的责任contractual obligation
proj.manag.合同规定的货币currency of contract
busin.合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
busin.合同规定的货物即合同规定,买方不能向其它供货人购买本合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
econ.合同规定的质量contract quality
interntl.trade.合同规定的还债额contractual debt service
busin.合同规定的远期汇率contracted forward rate
busin.商业上规定的不索赔commercial disclaimer
econ.因为雇员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
China, law国家规定的价格price fixed by the state
China, law国家规定的技术标准technical standards set by the state
econ.国家规定的标准state-specified standard
commer.国际货币基金组织规定的黄金份额gold tranche
dril.国际钻井承包商协会规定的钻头编号IADC code
tech.规定的制度下in regime
avia.规定的构型参考失速速度reference stall speed in specified configuration
securit.在信托规定的范围内subject to a trust
China, polit.在明确规定.... 的前提下on the premise of explicit provisions that
China, polit.在法律规定的范围内within the limits prescribed by law
tech.外部规定的符号externally defined symbol
tech.契约规定的义务contractual obligation
tech.契约规定的义务contractual duty
interntl.trade.契约规定的准备金contract reserve
commer.契约规定的罚金contractual fines
econ.契约规定的责任contractual obligation
avia.规定的构型责任as designed configuration accountability
chess.term.在规定时限内完成规定的棋步数目complete the prescribed number of moves
el.客户规定的customer specified
telecom.客户规定的振铃customized ringing
telecom.客户规定的记录通知customized recorded announcement
avia.客户规定的记录通知customized record announcement
China, law宪法规定的权利Constitutional right
China, law宪法和法律规定的义务duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law
expl.对不可抗拒力规定的条款force majeure clause
interntl.trade.对于货物不符合合同规定的法律救济remedies for lack of conforming
securit.对固定资产规定的条件capital assets requirement
China, polit.对符合新法律规定的加以深化和细化make those that already comply with the stipulations of the new law stronger and more detailed
econ.对货币规定的浮动幅度currency band
China, polit.履行宪法和法律规定的义务perform the duties prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
interntl.trade.工会规定的工资率union wages
busin.工厂规定的探亲路费factory reunion transportation expense
IMF.《巴塞尔资本协议》规定的资本Basel capital
consult.建筑协会规定的利率building society rate
archit.建筑规范规定的specified by building specification
tech.建筑规范所规定的specified by building specification
tech.建筑规范所规定的specified by building code
econ.强制规定的最低储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
interntl.trade.中央银行对商业银行强制规定的最低存款储备compulsory minimum reserve requirement
econ.我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied
econ., int. law.我国规定的休息日rest days provided by our country
econ.我方将按照你方规定的方式和标准准备各种特许产品We shall prepare the licensed products in accordance with the formula and standards designated by you
tech.规定的比价rate established
busin.所得税规定的告示效应announcement effects of income tax
org.name.执行1982 年12 月10 日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定审查会议Review Conference on the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
org.name.执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement
org.name.执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定1995 Fish Stocks Agreement
org.name.执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定UN Fish Stocks Agreement
org.name.执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
commer.技术规范中规定的荷载specified rated load
auto.规定的技术维护routine servicing
commer.规定的限期承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
interntl.trade.按事物标准规定的管辖权subject-matter competence (of a court)
busin.按亏损结算与转回规定的税收抵免待遇loss carry back-carry forward credits
tech.按功能分区规定的地区use district
interntl.trade.按合同规定的牌价price of option
interntl.trade.按合同规定的牌价price of call
tech.按合同规定的维修contract-performed maintenance
econ.按型规定的as stated
earth.sc.按照规定的as stated
China, law按照规定的职责in compliance with one's defined duties
China, polit.按照法律规定的程序in accordance with the statutory procedures
securit.收购守则中规定的准则guideline laid down in the takeover code
econ.政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
commer.数字与规定的不符The figures do not correspond to those stipulated
shipb.文件规定的船舶吃水identification ship's draft
shipb.文件规定的船舶型宽identification ship's molded breadth
shipb.文件规定的船舶型深identification ship's molded depth
shipb.文件规定的船舶尺度identification ship's dimensions
shipb.文件规定的船舶总长identification ship's ove-rall length
shipb.文件规定的船舶总长度identification ship's overall length
auto.日本汽车工程师学会 SAE/NET按SAE 规定的功率,转矩等Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.
busin.明文规定的expressly stated
econ.代理商明文规定的代理权the ostensible authority
busin.明文规定的代理权ostensible authority
USA易燃织物法案《易燃织物法案》规定的强制性标准包括:Flammable Fabrics Act
econ.有明确规定的养老金缴纳方案defined-contribution plan
China, law有权依照法律规定的have the right to use procedures by law
securit.期货账户规定的保证金存款deposits required for futures accounts
tech.规定的not specified
oil未说明规定, 不规定的not specified
tech.未达标准规定的间隙wrong clearance
econ.本协议所规定的买方的权利不得转让The right of the buyer under this Agreement shall not be assigned
el.机组验收试验规定的总功率gross demonstrated capacity
busin.条文规定的准备金reserve required by the articles
econ.条约规定的可分性the separability of treaty provisions
busin.条约规定的可分性separability of treaty provisions
interntl.trade.条约规定的情况casus foederis
interntl.trade.条约各规定的可分性separability of treaty provisions
interntl.trade.根据免责规定的抗辩exculpatory exception
interntl.trade.根据国际货币基金组织规定的国际收支表balance of payments according to IMF formula
interntl.trade.根据定期合同规定的牌价price for account
econ.欧共体市场对家禽规定的最低进口价sluice-gate price
econ.此类装置不得以低于我方规定的价格出售Such devices will not be sold at less prices than those prescribed by us
nautic., tech.每个团体救生工具箱 1 袋,可视为有关规定的110%的部分。1 个1 个1 set per GSK container, which may be considered as part of the 110% as relevant requirement
commer.汇票金额少于信用证规定的金额short drawing
China, polit.法律规定的具体含义the specific meaning of a provision
econ.法律规定的契约义务obligation of a contract
commer.法律规定的权利vested rights
China, law法律规定的程序procedure prescribed by law
China, polit.法律规定的程序statutory procedures
China, law法律规定的责任限制的权利right to limitation of liability stipulated by law
China, law法律另有规定的除外unless the law has other provisions
telecom.活动内规定的上下文组inter-activity defined context set
commer.物价管理局规定的物价最高限额price ceilings stipulated by the Office of Price Administration
特别规定的动作figures specified in the description
auto.硬性规定的hard and fast
securit.禁止令或规定的执行imposition of prohibition or requirement
commer.税收协定规定的特惠待遇concessions under tax treaties
China, polit.章程规定的statutory
corp.gov.章程规定的任务constitutional mandate
interntl.trade.符合规定的产品eligible products
securit.符合规定的保证金eligible margin
fin.符合规定的准备金qualifying reserve
fin.符合规定的准备金账户qualifying reserve account
fin.符合规定的损失qualifying loss
fin.符合规定的支出qualifying expenditure
tech.符合规定的支出qualifying expenditures
interntl.trade.符合合同规定的货物goods of the contract description
securit.绕过这些规定的限制circumvent restrictions of the rule
econ.统一规定的价格prices on a unified basis
interntl.trade.统一提单的若干法律规定的国际公约布鲁塞尔公约1924 年 8 月 25 BInternational Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relation to Bills of Lading Brussels Convention
commer.统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading
interntl.trade.统一海事抵押权和留置权的若干规定的公约1926 年Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Mortgages and Liens
interntl.trade.统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation
interntl.trade.统一船舶碰撞若干法律规定的国际公约1910 年 9月 23 日International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law in regard to Collisions
securit.缴存规定的准备金deposit required reserves
tech.美国国家腐蚀工程师协会规定的金属表面喷砂处理的第三级commercial blast
auto.美国石油学会规定的等级API Quality
econ.美国税法中规定的外国公司国外收入的纳税递延deferral of the tax on foreign-source income of foreign corporation
tech.美国运输部规定的设计压力Department of Transportation design pressure
securit.联邦储备体系规定成员银行持有款额Federal Reserve requirements
econ.自动规定的最高利息voluntary maximum limit of money rates
interntl.trade.自动规定的最高利率voluntary maximum limit of money rates
econ.英国租购法案规定的默示条件与保证义务hire purchase contracts conditions and warranties
econ.虽然信用证规定的幅宽为20,我们只能按上述幅度开发票给你方Invoicing can only be made out to you stating the abovementioned width, although the stipulation in the credit is 20
navig.定的航向set course
auto.规定设计要求精度claimed accuracy
auto.规定计划质量program quality
auto.规定的REQD= required
tech.规定的set-upper limit
telecom.规定的上下文组defined context set
securit.规定的交易级别prescribed class of transaction
shipb.规定的交货期period stipulated for delivery
nautic., tech.规定的人流specific flow of persons
commer.规定的仲裁时效prescribed period of arbitration
securit.规定的价值prescribed value
commer.规定的价格stipulated price
nautic., tech.规定的作业范围specific operation zone
nautic., tech.规定的作业范围specific operating limits
commer.规定的佣金stipulated commission
busin.规定的例行抽样方案designated routine sampling plan
auto.客车规定的停车点compulsory stop
securit.规定的储备比率required reserve ratio
textile规定的准备金required reserve
econ.规定的法定的准备金required reserve
econ.规定的法定准备金the required reserve
securit.规定的分析范围required range analysis
econ.规定的利率explicit rate
commer.规定的利率regulated interest rate
interntl.trade.规定的到期日fixed maturity date
auto.规定的制动能力制动距离legal braking distance
auto.规定的制动能力制动距离legal braking ability
tech.规定的制动试验standing brake test
telecom.规定的合格条件specified qualification condition
el.mach.规定的启动转矩specified breakaway torque
securit.规定的回报required return
expl.规定的地带assigned area
securit.规定的基准customized benchmarks
tech.规定的基础basis for establishing
securit.规定的多数majority required
outd.规定的头盔approved helmet
tech.规定的安装方法specified method of erection
tech.规定的完成时间specified time for completion
interntl.trade.规定的定额stipulated norm
busin.合同规定的定额stipulated norm
interntl.trade.规定的将来日期付款payment at a fixed future time
commer.规定的工时stipulated working hours
tech.规定的总限度specified over-all limit
interntl.trade.规定的总限额specified over-all limit
econ.规定的总限额specified overall limit
avia.规定的情况报告mandatory occurrence report
China, law规定的情形之一one of the circumstances prescribed
sport.规定的打法set play (attack)
busin.保险规定的承保险别范围positive grant of cover
telecom.规定的技术条件specified criteria
securit.规定的投资盈利率required rate of return
securit.规定的披露required disclosure
securit.规定的担保背书确认confirmation of endorsement required
commer.规定的损失价值stipulated loss value
tech.规定的操作法established procedure
auto.规定的操作程序established procedure
fin.规定的支付期限time fixed for payment
securit.规定的收人和最高股权的限制性权利prescribed right to income and maximum equity
securit.规定的收益prescribed gain
electr.eng.规定的放电量specified discharge magnitude
avia.规定的故障缺陷报告mandatory defect reporting
commer.规定的数量stipulated quantity
nautic., tech.规定的方法specified method
tech.规定的施工时间specified construction time
tech.规定的时间specific time
interntl.trade.规定的时限prescription term
interntl.trade.规定的时限specified time-limits
econ.规定的时限the prescription term
commer.规定的时限prescribed time limit
econ.规定的最低数specified minimum
econ.规定的最低数the specified minimum
wind.规定的最初起动转矩specifies breakaway torque
tech.规定的最大供水量authorized full supply
securit.规定的最小配售额required minimum distribution
commer.规定的最高限额fixed celling
interntl.trade.规定的最高额authorized ceiling
econ.规定的期限fixed period
interntl.trade.规定的期限prescribed time-limit
commer.规定的期限prescribed period
tech.规定的prescribed rights
securit.规定的权益prescribed interest
securit.规定的权益投资计划prescribed interest schemes
commer.规定的权限specified power
chem.规定的材料规格specified material specification
tech.规定的条件defined terms
tech.规定的架设方法specified method of erection
tech.规定的标准specified standard
econ.规定的格式established form
interntl.trade.规定的比价rate established
tech.规定的活荷载required live load
securit.规定的流动资金金额required liquid capital
auto.规定的灭火器compulsory fire extinguisher
auto.规定的焊缝specified weld
nautic., tech.规定的环境条件specific environment condition
nautic., tech.规定的环境条件specific environmental condition
nautic., tech.规定的环境条件specific environment
securit.规定的用途prescribed purpose
compr.规定的电压降specified voltage reduction
securit.规定的目的prescribed purpose
securit.规定的票据prescribed instrument
econ.规定的租金fixed sum royalty
tech.规定的操作程序established procedure
horticult.规定的管制有害生物specified regulated pest
tech.规定的精确度claimed accuracy
securit.规定的股份权益prescribed interest in share
securit.规定的背书endorsement required
auto.轮胎规定的胎壁信息required sidewall information
nautic., tech.规定的航行和服务区域specified operating or service areas
gen.技术规范中规定的荷载specified rated lood
nautic., tech.规定的营运和环境条件specified operating and environmental conditions
auto.货车出售前或修理前规定的行驶里程predetermined haulage
gen.规定的表格prescribed form
securit.规定的要求prescribed requirement
规定的语言prescribed language
securit.规定的货币prescribed currency
commer.规定的质量stipulated quality
interntl.trade.规定的费率administered rates
econ.规定的费率administered rate
tech.规定的费率administrative rate
securit.规定的费用required fee
econ.规定的费用regulated fees
securit.规定的费用prescribed fee
securit.规定的资金拥有量required capital level
sport.规定的赛程prescribed course
expl.规定的输人值assigned input value
econ.规定的生产过程established procedure
compr.规定的运行工况specified operation conditions
tech.规定的运行工况specified operation condition
tech.规定的运行点specified operating point
interntl.trade.规定的违约偿金stipulated damages
interntl.trade.规定的违约偿金liquidated damage
el.规定的限值stipulated limits
securit.规定的限额prescribed limit
el.继电器规定的非回动值specified non-drop-out value
gen.规定的reference area
psychol.规定的领导者行为prescribed leader behaviour
securit.证券交易所规定的防止技术风险的预警措施precaution measures against technical risks required by Exchange
securit.证券法规定的新股发行条件conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares
textile试验方法规定的允差test method tolerance
expl.该评估与岩石含水量规定的值密切相关、而与实际爆破设计方案或实施的爆破强度无关These estimates are very sensitive to the value used for the moisture content of the rock and are quite independent of the actual blast design or blasting intensity applied
auto.说明书规定的铭牌,额定,名义功率specified horsepower
auto.调度表规定的停歇时间scheduled downtime
commer.质量与合同规定的标准不符We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
anim.husb.贴上规定的商标marking provisions
proj.manag.超越合同规定的索赔ex-contractual claims
outd.规定的全程cover the prescribed course in its entirety
auto.车辆试验规定的行驶英里数mileage bogey
busin.达到合同规定的标准measure up to contracted standard
manag.过多规定的组织overdefined organization
interntl.trade.运价表规定的条件tariff condition
busin.运价表规定的条件tariff conditions
econ.这些货物应按事先规定的价格岀售Such goods shall be sold at the price prescribed in advance
econ.这里所规定的条款不得认为是授予许可证The conditions herein shall not be construed as the grant of a license
tech.违反规定的停车时间penalty period
fishery违反入渔规定的捕捞活动fishing in violation of access restrictions
econ.违反合同规定的选择权breach of option
tech.违反有价证券规定的选择权bad delivery of securities
China, law违反本法规定的行为act in violation of the provision of this law
China, polit.违反法律规定的权限exceed the limits of power as provided for by law
China, polit.违反法律规定的程序in violation of the procedures as provided for by law
China, law违反法律规定的诉讼程序violated the litigation procedure prescribed by law
UN, polit.违反空中规定的事件Air violations
tech.违反许可规定的施工construction contrary to permit
commer.违背合同中规定的选择权breach of option
footb.退到规定的距离以外retire to the proper distance
railw.严格遵守规定的限度范围adhere to assigned limits
interntl.trade.遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证trading warranty
econ.遵守船舶装运货物种类规定的保证the trading warranty
econ.遵守船舶转货种类规定的保证trading warranty
China, polit.部门规章规定的事项matters governed by the rules of departments
econ.重新安排还债期限前按合约规定的应偿还债务contractual debt service due prior to rescheduling
tech.钻到规定的深度bottom out
econ.除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务项目You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
econ.除非陈述了令人信服的理由,不得随意撤销本条例规定的代表的职务No representative provided for in this article will be dismissed from his post unless cogent reasons are stated
interntl.trade.需要规定的事项赔偿责任除外subject matters besides liability for regulation
shipb.需要规定的事项subject matters for regulation
el.规定的not defined
proj.manag.非合同规定的索赔non-contractual claim
tech.非合同规定的索赔ex-contractual claims
avia.飞行计划规定的汽油载荷flight plan gasoline load
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