
Terms for subject Finances containing 规则 | all forms | in specified order only
一套严格的预算规则a set of strict budgetary rules
上市规则listing rules
规则到期日odd date
规则到期日远期交易odd date forward transaction
规则odd period
规则的背书irregular endorsement (indorsement)
《中央结算系统一般规则General Rules of CCASS
《主板上市规则Main Board Listing Rules
交易规则trading rules
会计规则accounting rules
会计规则accounting regulations
停板规则trading halt rules
充分披露规则adequate disclosure rule
全球规则global rules
全球金融规则global financial rules
再发性交易处理规则guidelines for recurring transactions
分担规则和义务share rules and obligations
分部经营业绩的利润相互转变规则profit convariability rule in divisional performance
《创业板上市规则即"《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》 (Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)"GEM Listing Rules
制表规则rules of tabulating
单一规则single rule
卖空规则short-sale rule
可交换规则interchangeability rule
可交换规则fungability rules
可交换规则fungibility rule
可替换规则interchangeability rule
可替换规则fungability rules
可替换规则fungibility rule
《商业票据托收统一规则Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper
喊价规则call rule
在遵循一致性原则基础上制定规章以及措施formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner
场内规则on-market rules
场外规则off-market rules
《外汇契约统一规则Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contract
《契约保证统一规则Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees
市场经济基本规则market fundamentalist
开盘报价规则opening quotations rules
当期股息规则nimble dividend rule
成本与市价孰低规则whichever is lower cost or market price
投标规则bidding rule
投资扩建规则capital expansion program
投资额不消失规则disappearing basis rule
报价规则quotation rule
报升规则uptick rule
改写游戏规则remake the rules of the game
无超额亏蚀规则no-over-loss rule
最佳价格规则best price rule
《期权交易规则Options Trading Rules
《期权结算规则Options Clearing Rules
沃尔克规则Volcker rule (该规则由奥巴马在2010年1月公布,因其由前美联储主席、奥巴马政府的经济复苏顾问委员会主席保罗•沃尔克 (Paul Volcker)提出而得名,其主要内容是禁止银行业自营交易,将自营交易与商业银行业务分离,目的是减少引发本轮金融危机的风险投资行为)
涨点规则uptick rule
《申索规则Claims Rules
电子化财政资源规则报表系统e-FRRR system
确定营业收入的实际成本规则historical-cost rules for revenue recognition
簿记规则rule of book-keeping
《纳斯达克全球市场交易规则NASDAQ Global Market Trading Rules
规则变数折旧法uniformity varying amounts method of depreciation
谨慎人规则prudent man rule
财务信息披露规则financial disclosure rules
财务报表编制规则rules for preparation of financial statements
财务报表编制规则regulations concerning financial statements
财政资源规则financial resources rules
货币规则monetary rule
过账规则posting rule
违责处理规则default rules
道德规则ethics ruling
银行信贷规则rule of bank credit
限价卖空规则tick rule
限制规则collar rule
预算规则budget rules
《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》 Rules of the Exchange 《交易所规则》Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited