
Terms for subject Business containing 规则 | all forms | in specified order only
上市规则listing rule
规则下降irregularly lower
规则估计程序atypical estimation procedure
规则农场abnormal farm
规则循环irregular cycle
规则波动irregular fluctuation
规则短期波动irregular short-term fluctuations
规则负荷abnormal load
不变规则invariant rules
不成文规则unwritten rule
二倍标准误差规则twice-the-standard-error rule
亏损结转规则loss carry forward rule
交互多准则规划interactive multicriterion programming
交付期规则due date rule
交通规则Rules of Road
交通规则regulation of traffic
交通管理规则regulations of traffic
价格规则price discipline
任意决策规则optional decision rule
保单解释规则rules for construction of policy
借贷记账规则debit and credit rules
偿还期规则payout period rule
先验信息与不变量规则invariant rules and prior informations
公会规则Memorandum of Association
公司间定价规则inter-company pricing rules
公平竞争规则fair competition rules
公路交通规则Motorways Traffic Regulations
关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading
函数规则function rule
分部经营业绩的利润协变规则profit covariability rule in divisional performance
制定规则institute rules
加法规则addition rule
十进制规则rule of ten
反函数规则inverse function rule
合理化规则streamlined rules
国际公路车辆运输规则Transport International Routier
国际海事仲裁规则此规则于1978年6月由国际商会通过,正式向各会员国推荐International Maritime Arbitration Rules
国际谈判规则international negotiating rules
国际贸易条件规则International Codes for Trade Terms
基本规则fundamental rule
多准则线性规划multicriterion linear programming
多准则规划multicriterion programming
多数裁定规则majority rule
大规模生产法则law of production on a large scale
实际成本规则historical cost rules
审判规则adjudication rule
小组决策规则team decision rule
工商管理规则industrial and commercial management regulations
工序富裕时间最少规则minimum slack time per operation rule
常规例外法则原则law of exception to routine
平衡器规则equalizer rule
应用规则utility regulation
成本与市价孰低规则rule of cost or market
成本与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
执行规则enforcement rules
指数规则rule of exponentials
规则de regie
授权规则rule conferring power
排序规则sequencing rule
搜索决策规则search decision rule
摊销规则amortization rule
数量规则quantitative regulation
施行规则rules for implementation
规则涨落erratic ups and downs
最低装箱规则minimum rule
最佳不变量规则best invariant rule
最多留剩作业数规则most remaining operations rule
最大最大规则maximax rule
最短留剩时间规则shortest remaining time rule
最终承认规则ultimate rule of recognition
最长剩余时间规则longest remaining time rule
最长操作规则longest operation rule
月不规则工时数monthly irregular hours worked
松弛时间规则slack time rule
松弛时间/留剩作业规则slack/ remaining operations rule
构成规则formation rule
标准化规则normalization rule
样本选择规则sample selection rule
检验规则test rule
概率规则rule of probability
概率乘法规则multiplication rule of probability
求和规则summation rules
汉堡规则指 1978 年3月在汉堡召开的71国大会通过的"海上货物运输公约草案",以取代海牙规则Hamburg Rules
法定规则statutory rules
法律选择规则choice of law rules
注意规则attention rule
欧洲各海运国所签海牙-维斯比规则即:"修改统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约协定书"Hague-Visby Rules
清偿规则liquidity rule
港口规则port rule
溢装规则overflow rule
灵敏度检验通用规则general rule for sensory tests
灵活规则elastic regulations
特别标签规则special labeling requirement
特定规则adhoc rules
特定决策规则adhoc decision rules
现代管理规则modern management rule
现行采购规则current guidelines for procurement
理算规则adjustment rule
直接运输规则rule of the direct consignment
相对成本不变规则law of constant relative cost
确定营业收入的实现规则realization rule for revenue recognition
确定营业收入的实际成本规则historical cost rule for revenue recognition
程序规则Rules of Procedures
程序规则rules of order
管理规则administrative rules
管理财务规则administrative and financial regulation
紧急许可管制规则emergency permit control regulation
累计原产地规则cumulative rules of origin
约克-安特卫普规则指理算共同海损的损失和费用的规则York-Antwerp Rules
约定规则conventional rule
线性无偏规则linear unbiased rule
组建规则formation rule
绝对优先规则absolute priority rule
统一分期付款规则uniform consumer credit code
统一运费等级及规则Uniform Freight Classification Ratings, Rules & Regulations
统计规则statistical rules
统计决策规则statistical decision-rule
维斯比规则即布鲁塞尔议定书,系统一某些提单规则的议定书Visby Rules
综合性多边规则comprehensive multilateral rule
网状赔偿责任规则network liability rule
联营公司内部定价规则intercompany pricing rule
自愿对外信用限制规则voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines
航运公会集装箱规则container rule of freight conference
营业规则rule of operation
行为规则working rules
行为规则rule of conduct
行为与随机化规则behavioral and randomized rule
裁判规则adjudication rule
规则制定set of rules
规则变化函数smoothly varying function
规则变数折旧法depreciation-uniformity varying amount method
规则和惯例rule and practices
规则手册rule book
规则振动regular oscillation
规则指远期外汇上所订的市场惯用的日期even date
规则、标准及说明rules, standards and instructions
规模回收法则law of returns to scale
规范性规则regulatory rules
计算规则counting rule
计算规则computational rules
订单最早到期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
设定义务规则rule imposing duty
调解与仲裁规则rules of conciliation and arbitration
财务规则rule of finance
财务会计规则financial and accounting rules
财务报表编制规则rule for the preparation of financial statement
贸易规则commercial rules
赋予权规则rule conferring right
赛伊销售法规则Say's rule of marketing
超车规则overtaking rule
运价表的不规则应用irregular application of tariff
进口检疫规则foreign quarantine regulation
适用于各种情况包括各种偶然性规则blanket rule
遵守规则keep to rules
"钩至钩"规则"tackle to tackle" rule
阶段项目规划准则phased project planning guideline
限制责任规则limitation of liability rule
随机规则random rule
静态规则static rule