
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 规则 | all forms | in specified order only
一般预算规则general budget rule
一般预算规则budget universality principle
偿还规则rules for repurchase
关于执5 计行董事定期选举事宜的规则委员会Committee on Rules for the year Regular Election of Executive Directors IMF, Executive Board
单一目的的支出规则single-purpose expenditure rule
原产地规则rules of origin customs
反倾销规则antidumping rules
基金组织的规则和做法standard practices of the Fund
基金组织的规则和做法rules and practices of the Fund
《基金组织附则和规章》By-Laws, Rules and Regulations
完全流动性规则full liquidity rule
执董会议事程序规则procedural guidelines IMF Executive Board
指定规则rules for designation
游戏规则rule of the game
筛选规则filter rule
补充头寸的规则rules for reconstitution
购回规则rules for repurchase
资本充足率规则capital adequacy rules
资本充足率规则Basel capital adequacy ratio