
Terms containing 观 测 数据 | all forms | in specified order only
earth.sc.主海洋观测数据master oceanographic observation data set
earth.sc.佛罗里达州海岸观测数据Florida Coastal Data Network
earth.sc.作业海洋数据观测浮标operating ocean data buoys
earth.sc.全球观测数据处理系统世界气象组织global data processing system WMO
space全球观测数据处理系统global data processing system (世界气象组织的)
avia.全球观测数据处理系统global data processing system (世界气象组织)
earth.sc.全球大气研究计划全球观测数据处理系统GARP global data processing system
earth.sc.卫星收集的浮标观测数据satellite collection of buoy observations data
forestr.卫星观测取得的植被指数数据satellite-derived vegetation index data
tech.地下水动态观测数据data of groundwater regime observation
UK, space地球观测数据中心Earth Observation Data Centre
earth.sc.地球观测数据中心Earth Observation Data Centre
earth.sc.地球观测数据管理系统Earth Observation Data Management System
el.地球观测卫星数据及信息系统earth observation satellite data and information system
geophys.地球观测系统数据与信息系统earth observing system data and information system
USA, space地球观测系统数据信息系统earth observing system data and information system
earth.sc.地球观测系统数据和信息系统Earth observing system data and information system
tech.地球资源观测卫星数据中心earth resource observation satellite data center
space地球资源观测系统数据中心EROS DC Earth Resources Observation System Data Center (美国地质勘调局)
environ.地球资源观测系统数据中心EROS Data Center
environ.地球资源观测系统数据中心earth resources observation system Data Center
USA, space地球资源观测系统数据中心Earth Resources Observation Systems EROS Data Center (EDC)
earth.sc.地球资源观测系统数据中心美国地质调查局EROS Data CenterUSGS
earth.sc.地球资源观测系统数据中心数字图像增强系统EDC digital image enhancement system
earth.sc.地球资源观测系统数据中心的数字图像处理系统EDC digital image processing system
eng.geol.实际观测数据factual observation data
earth.sc.德国地球观测数据Earth Observation Data Service
space数据收集和观测平台定位系统data collection and platform location system
earth.sc.无线电探空观测数据radiosonde observation data
tech.标准观测数据standard observer data
earth.sc.海洋数据观测浮标ocean data buoy
earth.sc.海洋数据观测站浮标ocean data station buoy
navig.海洋观测主数据集Master Ocean Observation Data Set
earth.sc.空间和特定观测系统数据中心Space-Based and Special Observing System Data Center
earth.sc.经验观测数据同化assimilation of empirically observed data
el.自动化气象观测系统数据采集系统AWOS data acquisition system
space舰队海洋数据[资料]观测fleet observation of oceanographic data
earth.sc.舰队海洋数据观测fleet observation of oceanographic data
construct.观测实验数据observed data
met.观测数据observational data
space观测数据observed data
tech.观测数据data of observation
geol.观测数据observation data
eng.geol.观测数据数组observed data array
space观测数据组合combination of observable data
tech.观测数据误差error of observation data
tech.观测网点数据采集data collection of observation net and points
tech.观测资料数据observational data
tech.运量观测数据traffic figures
tech.钻探水文地质观测数据hydrogeological observation data in drilling
tech.钻探水文地质观测数据hydrogeologic observation data in drilling