
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
个性测量测法individual character measures the method of observing
人口密集乡村景densely populated village landscape
全球测系统global observation system
全球气候测系统Global Climate Observation System
全球海平面测系统global sea-level observing system
北京地球纵教育研究中心Beijing Earthview Environment Education and Research Center
受保护自然景protected landscape
土壤氮素表盈亏apparent budget of soil nitrogen
地文景physiographic landscape
地球测卫星earth observatory satelliteEOS
地球测系统遥感监测earth observing system telemetry
地球化学景geochemical landscape
地球景geographic landscape
城市景town scape
基本乐模型basic optimist model
基本悲模型basic pessimistic model
基线测站baseline observing station
大气微物理学atmospheric microphysics
经济与政策环境macroeconomics and policy environment
经济分析macroeconomic analysis
经济基本状况macroeconomic fundamentals
经济平衡macroeconomic equilibrium
经济形势分析macroeconomic situation analysis
经济政策macro economic policy
经济环境macroeconomic environment
经济现象macroeconomic phenomenon
定位oriented investigation
室内赏植物indoor ornamental plant
健康诊断landscape health diagnosis
动态landscape dynamic
变化landscape dynamic
口向应landscape response
多样性landscape diversity
尺度landscape scale
建筑与附属性建筑landscape architecture and appertaining architecture
影响度landscape impact degree
指数landscape index (metrics)
格局变化landscape pattern change
格局指数indices of landscape pattern
梯度landscape gradient
气候学landscape climatology
生态学landscape ecology
生态背景值landscape ecological background value
界面landscape boundary
空间格局landscape spatial pattern
粒级grain size of landscape
结构landscape structure
要素分类方法classification method for landscape component
配置configuring the landscape
林业微主体forestry micro-main body
森林景结构分析structure analysis of forest landscape
森林景资源forest landscape resources
植物景plant landscape
气候climatological observation
气象测平台meteorological observation platform
气象测气球meteorological balloon
海洋自然景marine natural landscape
生态景ecological landscape
生态系ecosystem approach
科学发展the scientific concept/ outlook o£ development
损伤基元meso-damage element
群组cohort observation
自成景independent landscape
草地景资源landscape resources of rangeland
街道交通量street survey
耗氧量apparent oxygen utilizationAOU
赏竹ornamental bamboo
长期定位site-specific long-term observation
风筝kite observation
风蚀景wind eroded landscape