
Terms for subject Technology containing 观测 | all forms | in specified order only
一等观测primary observation
三合台网观测tripartite net observation
三点观测triparted observation
三程循环观测three-way loop observation
三等水准观测手簿third order leveling field book
三维观测系统three-dimensional layout
天体上边观测高度observed altitude of upper limb
天体下边观测咼度observed altitude of lower limb
不切实际的观测wild observation
不可观测的值unobservable value
不可观测的变量non-observable variable
不可观测的随机变量unobservable random variable
不可观测的随机扰动unobservable random disturbance
不可观测unobservable quantity
不可靠观测unreliable observation
不同时观测non-simultaneous observation
不完全观测incomplete observation
不完全观测组平差adjustment of incomplete sets of observation
不完全方向观测incomplete round of direction observation
不完全方向观测broken direction observation
不完全统计观测incomplete statistical observation
不等精度观测unequal precision observation
与间无关的观测timeless observation
专门观测special observation
专门观测special observation borehole
世界定点海洋观测fixed oceanographical stations of the world
世界定点海洋观测fixed oceanographic stations of the world
中天观测meridian observation
中间观测intermediate sight
中间观测intermediate observation
临时性观测temporary observation point
临时性观测temporary observation station
临时性观测incidental observation station
观测听法subjective audiometry
观测main observation hole
观测线primary line of sight
主要观测primary station
主要潮汐观测primary tide station
主要潮流观测primary tide station
主要潮流观测站潮汐主要观测站control tide station
乡村运量观测rural traffic survey
似同步观测subsynchronous observation
伽马射线观测gamma-ray observation
低水位观测low-water observation
低流量观测low flow observation
体视观测stereoscopic observation
倒垂观测inverse plummet observation
倾斜观测incline sight
倾斜观测inclination observation
偏心观测eccentric observation
偏流观测drift observation
光学观测optic observation
光学观测系统viewing optical system
光学观测系统viewing optic system
光学频闪观测optical strobe
光学频闪观测optic strobe
光电观测photoelectrical observation
光电观测photoelectric observation
全国性观测national observation net
全圆观测method of round
全圆方向观测method of direction observation in rounds
全圆方向观测close of horizon
全球臭氧观测系统global ozone observation system
公路交通观测road traffic survey
公路交通观测highway traffic survey
分区观测zone observation
分层观测stratified observation
分组观测observation in groups
分组观测测站平差station adjustment of observation in groups
初始观测日期initial observation date
前向观察激光测距仪forward observer laser rangefinder
前方观察员激光测距机forward observer laser rangefinder
北大西洋海洋观测North Atlantic Ocean Station
北太平洋观测计划North Pacific experiment
区域交通观测areawide count
区域基本天气观测站网regional basic synoptic network
单一尺寸观测single dimension observation
单向观测one-way observation
单向观测non-reciprocal observation
单次观测single observation
单点经纬仪观测single-theodolite observation
单眼观测monocular vision
单站观测预报single observation forecast
单镜观测single-lens observation
单镜观测monocular observation
卫星观测satellite observation station
卫星观测系统satellite-missile observation system
卫星观测satellite observation ship
卫星收集的气象观测资料satellite collection of meteorological observation
卫星跟踪观测satellite tracking observation
合作观测cooperative observer
同时观测cocurrent observation
同时观测simultaneous observation method
同时观测cocurrent observation method
同时观测的天体高度simultaneous altitudes
同步观测synchronous observation
同步潮位观测observation of synchronous tide stage
后向观测back observation
含沙量观测sediment-laden observation
含沙量观测sediment-laden observation station
土坝浸润线观测observation of saturation line in soil dam
土壤湿度动态观测observation well for soil moisture regime
观测者眼角处的张角angle at eye of observer
地下观测under ground observation laboratory
地下观测室尺寸size of under ground observation laboratory
地下观测室深度depth of underground observation laboratory
地下水观测observation well of groundwater
地下水观测groundwater observation well
地下水动态观测groundwater behaviour observation
地下水动态观测underground water behaviours observation
地下水动态观测underground water behaviors observation
地下水动态观测groundwater behavior observation
地下水动态观测工作布置arrangement of groundwater water behaviour observation
地下水动态观测工作布置arrangement of groundwater water behavior observation
地下水动态观测数据data of groundwater regime observation
地下水动态观测项目item of ground water behaviour observation
地下水动态观测项目item of ground water behavior observation
地中渗透仪观测lysimeter method
地倾斜观测earth crust dip monitor
地区交通量观测areawide count
地区性观测regional observation net
地基应力观测observation of foundation stress
地应力观测natural stress observation
地形观测field observation
地点观测point measurement
地球观测卫星earth-orbiting satellite
地球观测卫星earth's survey satellite
地球观测卫星earth observatory satellite
地球观测实验系统system probatoire observation de la terrestre
地球观测ground observation post
地球物理观测卫星geophysical observation satellite
地球资源观测与信息分析系统earth resource observation and information system
地球资源观测卫星earth resource test satellite
地球资源观测卫星数据中心earth resource observation satellite data center
地球资源观测系统earth resource observation system
地磁观测magnetic observatory
地表水观测observation point of surface water
地表水位动态观测behaviour observation of surface water level
地表水位动态观测behavior observation of surface water level
地表水动态观测behaviour observation of surface water
地表水动态观测behavior observation of surface water
地表水流量观测flow observation of surface water
地表移动观测surface movement observation
地表移动观测surface movement observation station
地貌观测observation point of geomorphology
地貌观测点记录表record table of morphological observation point
地貌观测点记录表record table of morphologic observation point
地震观测seismographic observation
地震观测seismologic observation
地震观测seismographical observation
地震观测seismometric observation
地震观测seismic measurement
地震观测manual of seismometry
地震观测manual of earthquake observation
地震观测earthquake observing station
地震观测seismographical observatory
地震观测seismological observatory
地震观测seismologic observatory
地震观测seismic observatory
地震观测earthquake observatory
地震记录观测seismic record viewer
地面观测surface based observing station
地面观测ground observation station
地面下沉观测monitoring of land subsidence
地面天气观测站网surface weather observation network
地面气象观测surface meteorological observation
地面气象观测surface meteorologic observation
坝体位移观测monitoring of displacement of dam
坝基扬压力观测monitoring of uplift pressure on the dam
多余观测redundant in determination
多余观测redundant observation
多余观测abundant observation
大地测量中的多余观测number of conditions
多普勒卫星观测Doppler satellite observation
多次观测multiple observation
多次覆盖观测系统multiple covering layout
夜间观测night viewing device
大坝观测仪器apparatus for dam observation
大坝变形观测dam deformation observation
大型观测浮标monster buoy
大气观测atmospheric observation
大气观测atmospheric observation network
大范围运量观测coverage count
大范围运量观测coverage count station
大面积观测blanket-count station
天体观测astronomical observation
天体观测astronomic observation
天体观测卫星orbiting astronomical observatory
天体观测卫星orbiting astronomic observatory
天体观测round of sights
天底观测nadir observation
天文观测astronomic observation
天文观测astronomical measurement
天文观测astronomic sight
天文观测astronomic measurement
天文观测navigation dome
天文观测astral dome
天文观测navigation dome
天文观测astral dome
天文观测计数器counter for astronomical observation
天文观测计数器counter for astronomic observation
天气观测synoptical observation
天气观测weather-observing station
天气观测synoptical station
天气观测synoptic station
天气观测站网synoptical network
天气观测站网synoptic network
天然露头观测observation point of natural outcrop
天顶距观测zenith measurement
太平洋气象观测Pacific meteorological network
太平洋海洋观测oceanographical observation of the Pacific
太平洋海洋观测oceanographic observation of the Pacific
太阳观测sun observation
太阳观测solar observation
太阳观测与预报网solar observing and forecasting network
太阳观测附件solar attachment
太阳中天观测noon sight
失效率的观测observed failure rate
夸大立体观测exaggerated stereoview
子午观测meridian observation
孔隙水压力观测observation of water pressure
小住宅区的观测observation of settlements
小区观测plot observation
局部性观测local observation net
崩坍观测avalanche observation
崩坍观测avalanche observation station
市街运量观测street traffic survey
带有条件方程的间接观测平差adjustment of indirected observation with condition equations
常规观测regular observation
常规观测温度计routine observation thermometer
平均修复时间的观测observed mean repair time
异时观测non-simultaneous observation
异时观测observation at interval
异时观测different time observation
弧形观测线半径radius of arched observation line
强振观测strong vibration observation
强震观测strong motion earthquake instrumentation
强震观测strong earthquake measurement
强震观测macroseismic observation
强震观测台阵ground motion array
强风暴观测severe-storm observation
恒星观测star observation
恢复水位观测时间observation period of recovered water level
截面观测cross-sectional observation
扇形观测系统fan layout
摄影观测photographical observation
摄影观测photographic observation
摆动观测oscillation observation
数值流观测numerical flow visualization
数值流观测numeric flow visualization
显微镜直接观测direct observation through microscope
普通动力观测conventionally-powered ship
普通点观测精度observation accuracy of ordinary station
最大观测降水量maximum observed precipitation
最高观测频率highest observed frequency
有人观测attended station
有遮蔽的观测sheltered station
有限观测时间finite observation time
服务观测service observing board
本底污染观测background pollution observation
机上观测aircraft-base observation
机械闪光仪:机械频闪观测mechanical stroboscope
机载观测资料自动发送系统automatic aircraft reporting system
条件观测conditional observation
条件观测平差adjustment of condition observations
条件间接观测方程indirect observation with conditional equation
标准观测standard observation
标准观测standard observer
标准观测数据standard observer data
标准正交观测格网orthonormal observation grid
标绘观测aeroplane spotter
校正观测量测量校正measurement update
样品观测sample observations
格网立体观测reseau stereoscopy
桥梁观测bridge observation
次要潮期观测secondary tide station
次要潮汐观测subordinate tidal station
正态分布的观测normally distributed observations
正规观测authorized station
正视观测orthogonal observation
正锤线观测direct plummet observation
气候观测climatic observation
气候观测climatic observation station
气压计观测barometric observation
气压计观测barometrical observation
气压计观测barometer observation
气象观测weather observation
气象观测meteorological observation station
气象观测meteorologic observatory
气象观测meteorologic observation station
气象观测meteorological observer
气象观测weather observer
气象观测meteorologic observer
气象观测observation field
气象观测meteorological station
气象观测meteorologic station
气象观测站网meteorological observation network
气象观测站网meteorologic observation network
气象观测meteorological observation ship
气象观测weather observation ship
气象观测meteorologic observation ship
气象观测飞机meteorological aircraft
气象观测飞机meteorologic aircraft
气象观测飞行weather observation flight
水下观测underwater observation
水下观测trawl board
水下电视观测under water television observation
水位观测仪器instrument of gauge observation
水位观测仪器instrument of gage observation
水位观测gauge chamber
水位观测gage chamber
水位观测断面stage measurement cross-section
水位观测精度accuracy of water-level observation
水位观测频率frequency of water-level observation
水位地质观测点密度density of hydrogeological observation points
水位地质观测点密度density of hydrogeologic observation points
水坝观测dam measurement
水平位移观测horizontal displacement observation
水平方向观测手薄horizontal angle of book
水平角方向观测direction method of measuring horizontal angles
水库观测reservoir observation
水库淤积观测reservoir sedimentation observation
水文观测stream measurement
水文观测stream-flow gaging
水文观测stream-flow gauging
水文观测stream-flow measurement
水文观测hydrographical observation
水文观测hydrographic observation
水文观测gauge well
水文观测gaging well
水文观测gauging well
水文观测gage well
水文观测断面hydrometrical section
水文观测断面hydrometric section
水文观测hydrological post
水文观测hydrologic post
水文观测点记录表record table of hydrogeological observation point
水文观测点记录表record table of hydrogeologic observation point
水文观测stream-flow measurement station
水文观测anchor station
水文地质观测hydrogeological observation hole
水文地质观测hydrogeologic observation hole
水文地质观测observation point of hydrogeology
水流观测flow observation
水流观测current observation station
永久性观测permanent counting station
污水观测observation point of waste water
洞室围岩压力观测monitoring of surrounding rock pressure
洞室围岩变形观测monitoring of deformation of surrounding rock of tunnel
流动观测mobile observation
流动观测系统mobile observation system
流态观测observation of flow pattern
流速观测velocity measurement
流速观测velocity gauging
流量观测时间time of flow observation
流量观测精度accuracy of discharge observation
流量观测频率frequency of discharge observation
测试车观测test car technique
测风气球观测pilot balloon observation
浮动水文观测平台floating instrument platform
浮动车观测moving vehicle method
浮动车观测moving observer method
浮动车观测floating car method
浮标一卫星观测系统buoy-satellite observation system
海上观测offshore station
海上观测offshore observation station
海上观测飞机observation seaplane
海上气象观测maritime meteorological observation
海上气象观测maritime meteorologic observation
海上气象观测ocean weather ship
海上自动气象观测marine automatic meteorological observing station
海上自动气象观测marine automatic meteorologic observing station
海洋地貌观测仪器marine landform observation apparatus
海洋天气观测marine weather observation ship
海洋气候观测marine meteorological observation
海洋气候观测marine meteorologic observation
海洋气象观测ocean meteorological observation
海洋气象观测maritime meteorological observation
海洋气象观测maritime meteorologic observation
海洋气象观测ocean meteorological station
海洋气象观测ocean weather ship
海洋气象观测ocean weather observation ship
海洋气象观测ocean station vessel
海洋气象自动观测浮标parachute weather buoy
海洋水文观测oceanographic hydrological observation
渗漏量观测leakage measurement
温度含盐量及海流观测报告temperature salinity and current report
漂浮观测drift station
漂浮式海洋气象自动观测floating oceanographical and meteorological automatic station
漂浮式海洋气象自动观测floating oceanographic and meteorologic automatic station
漂浮式自记海洋观测drifting recording station
潜望式偏航角观测periscopic drift-angle sight
潜望式风速观测periscopic wind gauge sight
潜望式风速观测periscopic wind gage sight
潜水器观测submersible observation
潮位观测tidal observation
潮水观测tide observation
潮水观测tidal observation
潮汐观测tide observation
潮汐观测tidal observation
潮汐观测tidal station
潮汐观测tidal observatory
潮汐观测tidal station
潮汐观测tidal observatory
潮汐次要观测subordinate station
潮汐次要观测secondary port
潮流观测tidal current observation
火焰观测flame failure detection
照相观测camera observation
爆破地震观测explosive seismic observation
爆破地震观测explosive vibration observation
爆破地震观测explosion seismic observation
爆破地震观测blasting vibration observation
片理观测observation point of schistosity
用仪器观测instrumental observation
用入射光观测observation by incident light
用反射光观测observation by reflected light
用透视光观测observation by transmitted light
电子仪器观测electrometric observation
电子增强观测electronic enhancement viewer
电离层观测卫星ionospheric sounding satellite
电视和红外辐射观测卫星television and infrared observing satellite
第四纪地质观测observation point of Quaternary
等价观测方程equivalent observation equation
等效观测equivalent observation
等精度观测equal observation
等速跟踪观测uniform tracing technique
等速跟踪观测uniform tracing method
等高观测equal-altitude observation
累积观测cumulative observation
累积失效概率的观测observed cumulative failure probability
罗盘观测compass deck
罗盘观测compass flat
罗盘观测compass platform
罗盘观测compass bridge
联合观测joint observation
联合观测joint observation value
脉动观测microseismic observation
航空观测aircraft observation
航空观测aerial observation
航空天气观测aviation weather observation
航空天气观测airways observation
航行障碍物观测observation of navigation obstruction
航迹观测sailing track observation
船上观测的冰情日记ship ice log
船用海洋观测系统shipboard oceanographical observation system
船用海洋观测系统shipboard oceanographic observation system
船用电子观测和记录发送系统shipboard synoptical system
船用电子观测和记录发送系统shipboard synoptic system
船舶观测ship observation
船舶气象观测ship meteorological observation
船舶雷达观测员训练器marine radar observer trainer
虚拟观测fictitious observation
虚拟观测方程fictitious observation equation
虚拟观测fictitious observable
虚拟观测量平差法adjustment with fictitious observed quantities
蠕变观测creep observation
一定时间内通过一定地点的行人数观测pedestrian count
行驶车辆观测floating car method
街道交通观测street observation
街道交通量观测street traffic survey
补充观测supplementary observation
补角观测closing horizon (指全圆观测法)
调差前观测精度measuring precision before adjustment
调差后观测精度measuring precision after adjustment
调查观测research observation
轨道地球物理观测orbiting geophysical observatory
轨道天文观测orbiting astronomical observatory
轨道天文观测orbiting astronomic observatory
轨道太阳观测orbiting solar observatory
逐时观测hourly observation
防空观测望远镜air-defence sighting telescope
阿雷西波电离层观测Arecibo ionospheric observatory
附加观测intermediate observation
降水观测仪器instrument of precipitation observation
降水渗入量观测infiltration observation
降水量观测rainfall observation
降雪量观测线snow course
露天观测exposed station
露天观测场地observation field
观测出错的风险risk of non-observed malfunctioning
非实验观测non-experimental observation
非独立观测dependent observation
非纵观测系统broadside layout
饱气带水分观测moisture observation in aeration zone
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