
Terms for subject Desert science containing 观测 | all forms | in specified order only
三点观测tripartite observation
加班观测local extra-observation
卫星观测satellite station
地下水观测observation well for groundwater
地政观测seismological observatory
地球化学观测geochemical observation
地球资源观测系统资料中心Earth Resources Observation System Data Center
地球资源观测系统资料中心EROS Data Center
地震观测seismic observation
地震观测seismological network
地面观测surface observation
地面观测surface air observation
地面天气观测surface weather observation
大气污染观测air pollution observation station
天气观测weather observation
天气观测synoptic observation
天气观测时间synoptic hour
定时观测term hour
对地观测系统Earth Observation System
撒哈拉和萨赫勒观测台规划Sahara and Sahel Observatory Programme
撒哈拉和萨赫勒观测规划Sahara and Sahel Observatory Program
气候观测meteorological observation
水位观测gauging station
水土流失观测soil and water losses observation
水文观测river gauging
水文观测river gaging
水文观测gaging station
水文观测hydrological network
水文地质观测hydrogeological observation
河水观测river observing station
河道观测stream measurement
洪水观测flood observations
洪水过程观测研究flood routing
点照观测spot light observation (野生动物数量调查的一种方法,即以一定量光源,在野外夜间照明,并缓慢移动,记录点照范围内所遇的动物,然后进行数量统计)
物候观测phenological observation
特定观测area of special observation
肉眼观测naked-eye observation
自动水文观测系统automatic hydrologic observing system
观测observational shaft
观测员偏见observer bias (观测员倾向于根据罗盘仪的起始方向记录风的分布,而不是根据罗盘仪的中间方向记录风的分布)
观测observation field
观测方法observation method
观测observational day
观测hour of observation
观测纲要observing program
观测计划observing program
观测资料observation data
观测高度observation height
长期观测long-time observation
长期观测long-period observation
集成化洪水观测和预警系统Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System
雷达观测radar observation
雷达天气观测radar weather observation
高山观测mountain observation