
Terms for subject General containing 见到 | all forms | in specified order only
你好,见到你很高兴。请问你的名字怎么读?Hi, nice to meet you. How shall I pronounce your name, please?
你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's
很高兴见到你,我是美国青年旅行社的旅游团领队Nice to meet you. I'm the tour leader from American Youth Travel Service
得到发表意见的机会be given an audience
我很少在舞会上或其他娱乐场合见到I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions
昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi
是的,你是詹森吧?很高兴见到你。欢迎来到缅甸Yes, Jason, right? Nice to meet you. Welcome to Myanmar
现在就跟我走吧,见见我的妻子和儿子。到我家去,一起吃饭Come with me now, and see my wife and son. Come and have dinner at our house
见到within sight
见到in sight
见到behold (beheld)
见到…就吐heave the gorge at
见到…就吐cast up the gorge at
见到…就吐cast the gorge at
M 见到M时at the sight of
见到look ahead to
见到look ahead for