
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
压力overburden pressure
土重压力overburden earth pressure
有效压力overburden pressure
盖压力overburden pressure
不透水盖层impervious blanket
不透水盖层impervious cover
作用overturning action
overturning force
及滑走稳定stability against overturning and sliding
稳定overturning stability
稳定stability against overturning
稳定系数safety factor of overturning
稳定系数factor of stability against overturning
荷载overturning load
overturning axis
养生curing mat
盖层ice cover, cover of ice
原始上压力virginal overburden pressure
盖层mantle of soil
基底倾稳定overturning stability of base of foundation
基底倾稳定系数overturning stability factor of base of foundation
墩台倾稳定overturning stability of pier and abutment
墩台基底倾稳定系数overturning stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment
抗倾overturning resistance
抗倾安全safety of against overturning
抗倾稳定性stability against overturning
最小土厚度minimum depth of soil cover
最小土厚度minimum soil cover over
最小土厚度minimum soil cover depth
有效上压力effective overburden pressure
桥台倾overturning of abutment
桥墩倾overturning of pier
横向倾稳定系数coefficient of transversal overturning stability
横向倾稳定系数transversely overturning stability coefficient
横向倾稳定系数factor of lateral overturning stability
沥青asphalt covering
纵向倾稳定系数coefficient of longitudinal overturning stability
表面盖层surface coating
overlying strata
overburden soil
earth covering
盖养生mat curing
盖压力overburden pressure
盖厚度thickness of backfill
盖厚度thickness of cover
盖土overburden soil
盖土mulching soil
盖层superimposed bed
盖层over burden superstratum
盖岩层overlying stratum
盖深度depth of cover
盖能力coating ability
隔温盖层thermal insulating cover