
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 西南 | all forms | in specified order only
东南巴西大陆裂隙系统Continental Rift System of Southeast Brazil
东南热带大西洋联合调査Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic
南大西洋中层水South Atlantic Central Water
南大西洋地区South Atlantic
南大西洋地区South Atlantic Area
南大西洋地磁异常South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly
南大西洋地磁异常South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly
南大西洋开阔海湾South Atlantic Bight
南大西洋洋流South Atlantic Current
南大西洋辐合区South Atlantic Convergence Zone
南大西洋辐合带South Atlantic Convergence Zone
南极洲西部流线研究计划West Antarctic Streamline Project
南罗得西亚非洲Southern Rhodesia
南罗得西亚地质学会Southern Rhodesia Geological Society
南罗得西亚地质调查局South Rhodesia Geological Survey
南美洲/南大西洋South America/South Atlantic
南美洲大西洋边缘South American Atlantic Margin
南美洲西海岸区West Coast of South America
国立西南联合大学National South-West Associated University
地质学会西南协会Southwestern Association of Geological Societies
新西兰南极研究学会New Zealand Antarctic Society
新西兰南极研究计划New Zealand Antarctic Research Program
英国、澳大利亚、新西兰南极探险队British-Australian-New Zealand Antarctic Expedition
英国、澳大利亚、新西兰南极研究考察队British-Australian-New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
西南冶金地质勘查局中国South West Metallurgical and Geological Exploration Bureau
西南天山造山带中国Southwest Tianshan Orogen
西南太平洋地区Southwest Pacific
西南太平洋地区Southwest Pacific Area
西南太平洋地区Pacific Southwest
西南太平洋地震学会Seismological Society of the South-West Pacific
西南太平洋机构间委员会Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee
西南婆罗洲东南亚South West Borneo
西南实验性快速氧化物反应堆Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor
西南极冰原起端West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative
西南电力管理局Southwestern Power Administration
西南电力管理局Southwest Power Administration
西南研究所Southwest Research Institute
西南非洲非洲South West Africa
西南非洲统一金刚石矿业公司Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Co., Ltd.