
Terms for subject Technology containing 褶皱 | all forms | in specified order only
上薄褶皱supratenuous fold (同沉积褶皱)
不协调褶皱disharmonic fold
不完全褶皱incomplete fold
不定形褶皱amoeboid fold
不对称褶皱asymmetrical folding
不整合褶皱discordant fold
不稳定褶皱inconstant fold
不规则流褶皱irregular flow fold
不调和褶皱inharmonious fold
不连续褶皱non-sequent fold
不连续褶皱non-sequent folding
不连续褶皱interrupted folding
东南沿海褶皱South-Eastern coat fold system
中强褶皱背斜聚集带accumulation zone of middle-strong folding anticline
中等倾伏褶皱moderately plunging fold
中隆褶皱median fold
褶皱prominent fold
褶皱main fold
交错褶皱alternative folding
人字形褶皱kink fold
从属褶皱parasitical fold
从属褶皱parasitic fold
褶皱recumbent fold
褶皱lying fold
伏卧褶皱recumbent fold
伏卧褶皱lying fold
伏卧褶皱上翼arch limb
伴生褶皱associated folds
侏罗式褶皱Jura-type folds
侏罗式褶皱Jurassic type of folding
侧压褶皱buckle folding
倒转褶皱reverse fold
倒转褶皱overturning fold
倒转褶皱上翼arch limb
倾斜褶皱sloping folding
倾竖褶皱vertical fold
倾覆褶皱pitching fold
褶皱false folding
全形褶皱holomorphic folds
共轭褶皱conjugate folds
共轭褶皱conjugate fold system
共轴叠加褶皱coaxial superposed folds
具微褶皱with microfold
具陡倾轴面的简单褶皱simple fold systems with steeply dipping axial plane
再次褶皱posthumous folding
再次褶皱posthumous fold
准弯曲褶皱quasi-flexural fold
前陆褶皱作用foreland folding
剑鞘褶皱sheath fold
褶皱glide fold
褶皱cleavage fold
剪切褶皱shear folding
包络面褶皱enveloping surface fold
华北褶皱North China fold system
华南褶皱South China fold system
协和褶皱accordant fold
协调褶皱harmonic fold
单斜褶皱uniclinal fold
单斜褶皱monocline fold
压扁褶皱flattening fold
原地褶皱sedentary folding
原地褶皱sedentary fold
双闭合褶皱double zigzag fold
反向褶皱opposite fold limbs
反射块状褶皱reflecting-block folding
反扇形复式褶皱anti-fan complex fold
叠加褶皱overprinting fold
同心褶皱parallel fold
同心褶皱concentrical fold
同构造交叉褶皱simultaneous cross-folds
同沉积褶皱syndepositional fold
同沉积褶皱post-depositional fold
同轴褶皱homoaxial folds
后成交叉褶皱subsequent cross-folds
喜马拉雅褶皱Himalayan fold system
喜马拉雅地槽褶皱Himalayan geosynclinal fold region
固流褶皱rheid folding
圆柱形褶皱cylindric fold
圆滑褶皱rounded fold
圆锥状褶皱conic fold
地槽褶皱geosynclinal fold region
地质褶皱geological fold
地质褶皱geologic fold
W 型叠加褶皱W-type superposed folds
基底褶皱foundation folding
复合褶皱complex fold
复式褶皱complex fold
复活褶皱revived folding
复活褶皱posthumous folding
复活褶皱posthumous fold
褶皱major fold
大型褶皱macroscopic fold
宽展型褶皱open fold
寄生褶皱parasitical fold
对称褶皱symmetric fold
小型褶皱mesoscopic fold
尖角褶皱kink fold
尖角褶皱acute fold
层内褶皱intraformational fold
岩层褶皱rock fold
岩层褶皱folds in rock beds
岩层反向褶皱reverse fold in rock beds
岩层斜向褶皱syncline fold in rock beds
岩层等斜向褶皱isoclinal fold in rock beds
崩滑褶皱slump fold
褶皱left fold
左侧褶皱sinistral fold
帚状褶皱brush-type folds
平卧褶皱reclined fold
年青褶皱young folding zone
褶皱young folded belt
应变滑动褶皱strain slip folding
底辟褶皱plis diapir
底辟褶皱diapiric fold
异向拖褶皱incongruent drag fold
褶皱tension fold
弧状褶皱arcuate fold
弯曲褶皱flexural fold
弯曲褶皱flexured fold
弯曲褶皱flexure fold
弯曲褶皱buckle fold
弯曲褶皱作用flexure folding
弯曲褶皱作用flexure fold
弯曲褶皱作用buckle folding
弯流褶皱flexure-flow fold
弯滑褶皱flexure ship flooding
褶皱competent folding
褶皱competent fold
褶皱构造highly folded structure
Z 形褶皱Z-shaped fold
S 形褶皱S-shaped fold
M 形褶皱M-shaped fold
U 形叠加褶皱U-type superposed folds
扇形褶皱fan fold
扇形皱褶拱scalloped arch
扇状复式褶皱fan complex fold
扭曲褶皱contortion fold
折叠状褶皱accordion like wrinkles
拉张褶皱tension fold
拱滑褶皱cascade fold
挠曲褶皱flexure folding (作用)
挠曲褶皱flexure fold (作用)
挤入褶皱piercing fold
挤压褶皱compressive fold
挤压褶皱squeezed fold
挤压褶皱compressional folding (作用)
挤压褶皱构造compression fold
搭接褶皱overlapping fold
敞开褶皱open folding
敷挂褶皱sedentary folding
斜接褶皱mitre folding
斜歪褶皱inclined fold
斜歪倾伏褶皱inclined fold
斜歪水平褶皱inclined horizontal fold
斜跨叠加褶皱oblique superposed folds
断层褶皱活动fault-folding activity
断盘牵引褶皱drag folds of fault
断续型褶皱discontinuous fold
断裂褶皱fault-fold belt
断裂褶皱形成的山mountain formed of disrupted folds
褶皱new fold
新月形叠加褶皱crescent superposed folds
新生代褶皱Cenozoic fold
无序褶皱wild folds
日耳曼式褶皱German type folds
显微褶皱microscopic fold
板面中的褶皱quilted figure
构造褶皱tectonic fold
柔流褶皱flowage folding
梳状褶皱comb-shaped fold
楔入褶皱wedging folds
横弯褶皱bend folding
横跨褶皱superimposed fold
横跨褶皱transverse fold
横跨叠加褶皱cross superposed folds
次级褶皱second-order folds
褶皱normal fold
正常扇状褶皱normal fanshaped fold
波状褶皱undulate folding
浅层褶皱shallow fold belt
深流褶皱rheomorphic fold
滑曲褶皱cascade fold
滑移褶皱strain slip folding
滨太平洋地槽褶皱marginal-Pacific geosynclinal fold region
漆状褶皱knee fold
片内褶皱intraformational folding
片内褶皱intraformational fold
独立褶皱independent folds
由断层与褶皱交切断层形成的圈闭trap formed by intersection of fault with fold
皱痕层理褶曲层理crinkled bedding
皱褶机goffer machine
皱褶机gofer machine
皱褶机gauffer machine
皱褶板corrugated plate
皱褶缘ruffed border
皱褶钢板buckle plate
皱褶饰面wrinkle finish
盖层褶皱cover folding (作用)
盖层褶皱mantle folding
盖层褶皱cover fold (作用)
直立倾伏褶皱upright plunging fold
直立水平褶皱upright horizontal fold
相似褶皱similar folding
相符褶皱congruous fold
眼球形叠加褶皱augen superposed fold
短向斜褶皱brachy syncline fold
短向斜褶皱brachy-synclinal fold
短背斜褶皱brachy anticline fold
短背斜褶皱brachy-anticlinal fold
碎裂褶皱disjunction fold
穹起褶皱arched up folds
竖直褶皱vertical fold
等厚褶皱isopachous fold
褶皱tight fold
紧闭型褶皱tight fold
纵弯褶皱buckle folding
线形褶皱linear fold
线理与褶皱轴关系relationship between lineation and fold axis
缓倾伏褶皱gently plunging fold
缩减的褶皱lessening fold
背向褶皱backward folding
脱节褶皱disjunction fold
脱顶褶皱decollement fold
褶皱kink fold
膝折褶皱kink folding
膨胀褶皱swelling fold
舌状褶皱tongue-like fold
舟形褶皱canoe fold
萌芽褶皱incipient fold
蘑菇形叠加褶皱mushroom-shaped superposed folds
表层褶皱surface folding
表层褶皱decollement fold
表层褶皱和冲断层带shallow fold and thrust belts
褶皱accident of the ground
褶皱代号code of fold
褶皱伴生构造associated structures of fold
褶皱作用形成的山mountain formed by folding
褶皱作用深度depth of folding
褶皱倒向fold vergence
褶皱倾伏plunge of fold (角)
褶皱分布位置location of fold distribution
褶皱zone og folding
褶皱区岩溶folded region karst
褶皱卷入地层involved strata in fold
褶皱名称name of fold
褶皱名称folding name
褶皱圈闭fold trap
褶皱地质年代chronology of folding
褶皱地震folding earthquake
褶皱型石香肠fold-type boudin
褶皱基底folded basement
褶皱外缘坝folded outer edge bar
褶皱容矿构造ore-containing structure of fold
褶皱宽度width of fold
褶皱尺度fold scale
褶皱folding stratum
褶皱展布范围distribution range of fold
褶皱展布面积extent of fold
褶皱山脉fold mountain
褶皱岩层性质character of folded beds
褶皱zone of belt
褶皱folding belt
褶皱lower apex of fold
褶皱arc of folding
褶皱弯管creased pipe bend
褶皱强度fold intensity
褶皱强裂的构造highly folded structure
褶皱形成时间time of fold formation
褶皱推复folding nappe
褶皱推覆体folding nappe
褶皱断层山fold-fault mountain
褶皱时代确定依据basis for dating fold
褶皱period of folding
褶皱bundle of folds
褶皱bunchy folds
褶皱构造folded structure
褶皱构造倾伏地段plunge area of fold
褶皱构造地球化学fold tectono-geochemistry
褶皱构造的数学模拟mathematical simulation of folded structure
褶皱构造的数学模拟mathematic simulation of folded structure
褶皱枢纽控制点control point of fold-hinge
褶皱fold kern
褶皱fold core
褶皱检验fold test
褶皱波幅fold amplitude
褶皱波长fold wavelength
褶皱状混合岩folded migmatite
褶皱的位置location of fold
褶皱的圆柱面folded cylindrical surface
褶皱的地层folded strata
褶皱类型和性质type and property of folds
褶皱级别orders of fold
褶皱编号number of fold
褶皱编号和名称number and name of fold
褶皱bundle of folds
褶皱要素fold elements
褶皱要素数据data of fold elements
褶皱规模scale of fold
褶皱axis of the fold
褶皱轴位置location of fold axle
褶皱轴向trend of fold axis
褶皱轴线axial line of fold
褶皱轴迹弯曲地段bending area of fold axial trace
褶皱轴迹经过地点locations passed by axial-trace
褶皱轴面axial plane of fold
褶皱运动folding movement
褶皱fold train
褶皱长度length of fold
褶皱闭合度closure of fold
褶皱plane of fold
褶皱folded area
褶皱面向fold facing
褶皱upper apex of fold
褶皱fold apex
西太平洋岛弧地槽褶皱Geosynclinal fold region of Island Arcs of the western pacific
谐和褶皱作用harmonic folding
负荷褶皱loading fold
转向褶皱deflexion fold
轴面褶皱axial-surface fold
过分的褶皱steep folding
过渡型褶皱transition-type folds
逆扇形褶皱abnormal fan-shaped fold
逆掩褶皱overthrust fold
逆掩褶皱油气田thrust fold oil-gas field
逆掩断裂褶皱聚集带accumulation zone of thrust-fold
递增褶皱作用progressive folding
造陆褶皱epeirogenic folds
褶皱refolded fold
重力流动褶皱gravity flow folding
重叠褶皱superposed fold
重复褶皱repeated fold
重复褶皱folded fold
重复褶皱作用recurrent folding
锥形褶皱conical folding
锥形褶皱conic folding
锥形褶皱conic fold
褶皱closed fold
闭合褶皱closed fold
间断褶皱disjunctive fold
间断褶皱disjunction fold
褶皱装置anti-jackknife attachment
阿尔卑斯褶皱Alpine fold
阿尔卑斯式褶皱Alpine type of folding
阿尔泰褶皱Altay fold system
阿帕拉契亚断裂褶皱Appalachian fault-fold belt
附属褶皱parasitical fold
附属褶皱parasitic fold
限制褶皱non-sequent folding
限制褶皱non-sequent fold
隆曲褶皱bending folding
隆起褶皱bending folding
隆起褶皱bending fold
隆起褶皱arched up folds
隐刺穿褶皱blind piercement fold
隔壁褶皱septal folding
隔档褶皱ejective fold
隔档式褶皱widely spaced anticline
隔槽式褶皱widely spaced syncline
雁列褶皱en echelon folds
雁行褶皱en echelon folds
雁行褶皱echelon fold
雁行褶皱作用en echelon folding
雏形褶皱embryonic folding
非圆柱褶皱non-cylindrical fold
面理褶皱foliation fold
鞍形褶皱saddle fold
褶皱sheath fold
顶厚褶皱crest-thicken fold
顺层掩卧褶皱bedding recumbent folds
额尔古纳褶皱Ergun fold system