
Terms for subject Plastics containing 装 料 | all forms | in specified order only
低温装料cold charge
供料装置delivery system
储料装置〈吹塑〉storage systems
储料装置gathering device
共挤塑波形包装材料coextruded corrugated packaging material
加料和牵引装置feeding and take-off device
压塑模装料filler plate
喂料装置draw-in gear
堆料装置gathering device
塑料包装plastic packaging
塑料包装plastic package
太阳能装置用塑料solar plastics
完全装料full charge
定量加料滑阀装置feed slide dosing device
定量加料装置weight feeding device
定量给料装置dosing plant
密炼机卸料装置discharge eqiupment of Banbury mixer
密炼机滑动式卸料装置sliding discharge equipment of banbury mixer
密炼机翻转式卸料装置turnover discharge equipment of Banbury mixer
底部装料包装bottom filling
手工装料manual loading
掺混机装料blender loader
收缩包装材料shrink wrapping
料斗装料hopper loader
料斗装料hopper filler
料斗车装卸hopper car handling
旋转活塞配料装置proportioning rotary piston device
材料试验装置material testing equipment
模具装料容积mould fill volume
模出料压光装置片材die glazing unit
泡沫塑料包装foam package
泡沫配料装置〈聚氨酯泡沫塑料〉foam dispensing machine
混料装置dispensing device
混料装置dispensing instrument
物料装卸material handling
用波纹材料包装corrugated packaging
真空料斗装料vacuum hopper loader
给料装置dispensing unit
编织包装材料woven packaging material
自动加,供automatic feed
自动装料automatic feeder
自动装料注塑机用automatic material loader
装人料feed stock
装人料feed bank
装料feed table
装料套接管feed socket
装料loading well
装料loading chamber
装料工具loading fixture
装料底板loading shoe
装料时间loading time
装料filler plate
装料feed board
装料板式模具filler plate mould
装料loading well
装料loading space
装料压模loading shoe
装料模槽loading cavity
charge pot装料模腔charge cavity
装料用的储室separate pot
装料压塑模具装料charging tray
装料loading space
装料loading well
装料loading chamber
装料loading cavity
装料filling space
装料feed arm
装料过程filling stage
装料速率loading rate
装料loading capacity
装料loading weight
装料加料load capacity
装料feeding capacity
装料闸门注塑机lock gate
装模料mould load
装模料温度mould loading temperature
装满料的fully charged
装饰装璜材料decorating media
装饰塑料层合板decorative plastic laminate
计重装料weight loading
计重加料装置weight feeding device
辊间装料roll mouth
配料和输送装置proportioning and handling device
配料装置黏合剂或树脂组分dispensing instrument
配料装置黏合剂或树脂组分dispensing device
重复装料示警灯double filling warning light
重复装料防止器double fill protection