
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
一次使用expendable equipment
一次有效one-shot device
一级组first level of packaging
万向架支承的天线自动指向automatic gimballed antenna vectoring equipment
三级组third-level of packaging
三联发射triple launcher
上承货架deck carrier assembly (美国空间站上的)
上级配件next higher assembly
陀螺上锁caging system
下挂式导弹发射hitch-type missile launcher
不可修的non-repairable assembly
不可回收expendable equipment
不对称asymmetric loading
专用配系统dedicated assembly system
专用工special tooling
专用工艺special tooling
专用工艺special technological tooling
专用控制dedicated control unit
两级聚能two-stage shaped charge
两足步行式连续推进continuous step by step propulsion unit
个人救生personal survival equipment
个人防护personal protection equipment
中型反坦克武器medium antiarmor antitank weapon
中央处理central processing facility
中央接口central interface unit
中央测量central measurement unit
中央计时central timing unit
中心计算centering computing facility
中止飞行接口abort interface unit
导弹中段制导midcourse guidance unit
中段制导置自动测试台midcourse guidance unit automatic test station
中程导弹发射medium range missile launcher
中等量高爆炸药high explosive medium-capacity
中继线加密trunk encryption device
中试pilot plant
中高度光电medium-altitude electro-optical
串联tandem charge (反坦克导弹的弹头装药)
临时temporary setting
伞形杀伤增强umbrella-type lethality enhancer
伞形杀伤增强lethality enhancer of umbrella type
传动driving mechanism
传动drive mechanism
传感器接口sensor interface unit
传感器电子sensor electronics unit
传爆管booster-cup charge
传输transport unit
protective concealment
侦察camouflage detection
发射井camouflage silo
器材camouflage device
工事camouflage works
技术camouflage technology
camouflage clothing
材料camouflage materials
涂料camouflage paint
目标camouflage target
deception code
camouflage code
织物camouflage fabric
camouflage net
、隐蔽和欺骗camouflage, concealment and deception
、隐蔽和欺骗camouflage, concealment, and deception
伪随机噪声信号pseudo-random noise signal assembly
焊技术flip chip technology
焊技术flip chip bonding technology
flip chip
芯片flip chip
分子自组molecular self-assembly
分度dividing apparatus
分散scatter loading (程序的)
分段发动机组segmented motor stacking
分段式segmented grain loading
分段组segmented assembly
分离机械separating mechanism
分离引爆detonation device
分离程序机构separation sequencer
分离连接separation-connection device
分系统定位辅助subsystem positioning aid device
entry into service
部队装备readiness rate
初始程序入程序initial program loader
初始程序的initial program load
业务E-service encapsulation service
业务encapsulation service (在空间链路子网传送中,数据单元包入 CCSDS 包的一种业务)
入库package and storage
协议数据单元encapsulation protocol data unit
子层encapsulation sublayer
安全载荷encapsulating security payload
、搬运、储存和运输packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
标记packing mark
检验package inspection
箱式发射器can launcher
规约数据单元encapsulation protocol data unit (具有 CCSDS 分格格式的经包装业务处理得出的数据单元)
设计packaged design
运输package and ship
重量packed weight
包带式连接释放clamp bands linkage and release device
化学燃料动力置的chemically-powered (区别于核动力)
化学自动置设计局KBKhA (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
化学自动置设计局Khimautomatiki (俄罗斯,生产能源号火箭的低温芯级发动机等,俄文缩写英译)
北极地带应急arctic survival gear
同步synchronous gear
同步传输synchronous transmission device
后勤logistic equipment
后安aft attach ring
后端back end unit
向上upload (从终端输入中央计算机)
圆筒形cylindrical charge
在轨in-orbit assembly
在轨assembly in space
在轨组on-orbit assembly
在轨组assembly on orbit
在轨组检查和维修in-orbit assembly inspection & repair
地下发射underground launcher
地址识别address recognition unit
地平altazimuth mounting
地平式azimuth mounting (安装天文望远镜筒的一种机械装置)
地平线扫描earth horizon scanner
地心引力对时间的减速GVST deceleration units of gravity versus time
地球物理自动跟踪geophysical automatic tracking unit
地面水面发射surface-launched unit
地面冷却ground cooling unit
地面发射above-ground launcher
地面发射程序ground launch sequencer
地面控制ground controller
地面数据ground data equipment
地面电源控制ground-power control unit (控制器)
地面空调ground air conditioning unit
地面箱形发射above-ground coffin launcher (导弹水平放置)
处理机接口processor interface unit
备件spare assembly, maintenance and servicing
备份惯性测量redundant inertial measurement unit
备用standby equipment
备用stand by installation
复合multiple armor
复合complex armor
复合发射combination missile launcher
复合致动combination actuator
复水包rehydratable packaging
外力发射external-force launcher
外围接口peripheral interface unit
外挂物弹射投放置 European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company NV EADS 欧洲航空防务与航天有限公司ejector release unit for external stores
外空生物学和辐射exobiology and radiation assembly (欧洲尤里卡平台上的)
多余物检查foreign matter check device
多功能惯性基准multifunction inertial reference assembly
多功能成像搜索/跟踪红外multifunction imaging search/ track infrared
多功能转换/显示multifunction switching/display
多协议封multi protocol encapsulation
多单元聚能药弹头multi-unit shaped-charge warhead
多发填设备multi-missile loading equipment
多波段伪multiband camouflage
多用途导弹发射multipurpose launcher
多用途导弹发射multipurpose missile launcher
多管式火箭发射cluster launcher
多管式发射cluster launcher
多系统总设施multi-systems integration facility
多级喷射器multistage ejector system
多联发射架multiple launcher (装置)
多联发射箱multiple launching container
多联垂直发射装置multiple vertical launcher
多联导弹发射装置multiple missile launcher
多联式发射装置multiple-arm launcher
多聚能药战斗部multi-shaped charge warhead
多路转换器与终端multiplexer and terminal unit
多重置共用sharing of duplicate equipment
大型工业结构industry large structures assembly
大气再生atmosphere regenerative assembly
大气数据air data unit
天体方位同步传动azimuth synchro drive gear
天然伪natural camouflage
天线antenna assembly
天线安antenna setting angle
天线安误差antenna installing error
天线定向电子antenna pointing electronics
天线定相antenna phasing unit
天线控制antenna control unit
天线控制antenna control device
太阳定向器sun finder assembly
太阳电池控制solar array control device (航天器的)
太阳电池阵驱动solar array drive assembly (航天器的)
太阳能发电设备实验solar power unit demonstrator
太阳能电推进solar electric propulsion
太阳风成分实验solar wind composition experiment (美国阿波罗登月航天员在月面上用的)
头体分离nose-body separation device
头盔helmet-mounted unit
头盔显示helmet display unit
头端满填药柱head-end web grain
威胁性threat hardware
灌注化合物potting compound
因子package factor
预包装液体推进剂导弹packaged liquid missile
式液体空气加力火箭packaged liquid air augmented rocket
技术工艺encapsulation technology
测试encapsulation testing
电路packaged circuit
射击发射诸元fire data setting
射击控制模拟fire control simulator unit
射击诸元fire data loading
射流fluidic device
射频radio frequency device
射频离子推力器radio-frequency ion thruster assembly
药管帽small bayonet cap
小功率通信low-power communication device
小型成像 X 射线光谱仪验证demonstration of a compact imaging X-ray spectrometer (欧洲智慧1号月球探测器上的)
小型推进miniature propulsion unit
小型火箭发射pannier (装在飞机小型外挂架上的)
帖板倒inverted installation method (电子装联中的一种安装方法)
带式供弹发射belt-feed launcher
带式自动化键合封tape automated bond package
带悬弹柱的机载火箭发射post aircraft rocket launcher
带燃料储箱的火箭启动magazine-fed rocket discharger
带锁紧置的液压缸cylinder with locking device
帧接收和回报frame acceptance and reporting mechanism
开伞拉绳自动分离automatic ripcord release set
开舱盖传动hatch drive system
开锁unlocking device
异体同构周边对接androgynous docking mechanism
异体同构周边对接androgynous peripheral docking unit
引信fuze setting
引信fuze device
引信信号处理fuze signal processing device
引信忌动antidefuzing device
引信执行actuating mechanism of fuze
引信敏感fuze sensing device
引信机械machine fuze setting
引燃initiating mechanism
引爆initiation device
引爆ignition unit
引爆管点火squib firing unit
性能监控performance monitoring unit
性能监控performance monitor unit
操纵感力ajax unit
载荷感觉feel system (助力系统的)
成像image forming unit
成列直插封开关in-line package switch
成套服clothing assembly
战场监视battlefield surveillance
战役伪campaign camouflage
战斗destruct package
战斗弹发射operational missile launcher
战斗部填系数charging coefficient of warhead
导弹战斗部备组armament team
战斗部warhead charge
战略武器发射strategic-weapon launcher
截面填因子section loading factor
指令和信号command and signalling unit
指令处理instruction processing unit
指令形成command generation device
指令性改与检查mandatory modification and inspection
指令数据管理central data management unit
导弹指令自毁信号接收command destruct receiver
指挥自动化equipments of command automation
搜索和同步acquisition and synchronization unit
搜索雷达search-radar installation
支承弹车canister supporting and missile loading vehicle
支承式导弹发射bearing missile launcher
支撑式导弹发射support-type launcher
星体跟踪star-follower (天文导航用)
星跟踪仪star tracker unit
最佳安optimum installation angle
最后的系统安final systems installation
月球舱外活动遮光lunar extravehicular visor assembly
月球通信中继lunar communication relay unit
月球雷达着陆radar lunar landing device
月球飞行lunar flying unit (美国国家航空航天局)
月面实验lunar surface experiment package
有减振置的着陆系统cushion landing system
有动力置的飞行器powered vehicle
有效effective charge
有效载荷运箱payload canister
有效载荷配测试厂房payload assembly and test building
有效载荷地面处理payload ground handling mechanism
有效载荷接口payload interface unit
有效载荷操作配中心Payload Operations and Integration Center
有效载荷检测payload check-out unit
有效载荷测试payload test set
有效载荷综合试验payload integration test set
有源声active acoustic device
有稳定制导置的火箭tranquilized bird
有限态finite state device
有限长度的发射finite-length launcher
有限长度的发射finite-length launcher (导轨式发射装置)
航天供氧suit oxygen supply
航天充气囊suit bladder
航天压力调节器suit pressure regulator
航天通风suit ventilation
配套clothing assembly
航天风机suit ventilator
木星极光分布实验Jovian auroral distribution experiment (美国朱诺木星探测器上的)
木琴式发射xylophone launcher
发动机生产pre-engine production
未完全配好的整发弹complete round subassembled
未铠卫星unarmored satellite
末端执行器耦合end-effector coupling device (机器人的)
标位location device
标准standard charge
标准药量normal charge
标准配模式组件standard ized assembly module
标准件配式航天装置系统building block space system
标准供氧standard oxygen gear
标准点火standard firing unit
标示designation device
树式火箭发射tree rocket launcher (中间发射管两侧弹槽式火箭发射装置)
树脂封resin package
校准仪器calibration equipment
校正corrective device
校正compensation device
校靶boresight fixture assembly
校验设备和训练人员的自动personal exercising and checkout
植物伪vegetation camouflage
模块化信息处理modular information processing equipment
模块式信息处理modular information processing equipment
模块式无容器加工modular containerless processing facility (美国空间站上的)
模块式机动飞行modular maneuvering unit
模块式燃烧modular combustion facility (美国空间站上研究燃烧过程的)
模块式红外发射modularized infrared transmitting set (用于对付红外寻的导弹)
模块式设备存放modularised equipment stowage assembly
模塑封molded package
模拟simulative built-up
横滚电子控制electronic control assembly roll (导弹姿态控制)
欧洲空间实验室有效载荷配和协调机构Spacelab Payload Integration and Co-ordination in Europe (设在德国)
气体调温air adjustment temperature device
气动减速drogue device
气动分离pneumatic release device
气动弹性发射aerodynamic divergence device
气化晶体生长vapor crystal facility
气压弹机构pneumatic gun charger
气密nugget (美国口语)
气密性检查air tightness test device
氧化oxidation unit
氧化剂废气处理oxidant waste gas treatment device
氧化剂扩散oxidizer disperser
氮气加温heating device for nitrogen gas
氮气吹除nitrogen purge unit
水下主动寻的underwater self-homing device
水下发射submerged launcher
水下自动导航underwater self-homing device
温度测量temperature measurement unit
温控temperature control unit
漂浮flotation gear
漂浮flotation device
爆炸explosive device
爆炸explosive assembly
爆炸置系统explosive device system
爆炸bursting charge
爆炸explosive element
爆炸explosive filler
爆炸explosive filling
爆炸burster charge
爆炸burst charge
爆炸blast charge
爆炸螺栓安explosive bolt access
爆破destructive charge
爆破blast charge
爆破试验burst test setup
球形spherical charge
生产型飞行器改production vehicle modification
生产工艺production tooling
生物反馈biofeedback device
用于配和测试的发射语言assembly/test oriented launch language
用减振置着陆cushioned landing
用户数据和操作系统组测试设施CDOS integration and test facility
真空振动药法vacuum vibratory charge
程序带program tape unit
稳定光学跟踪stabilized optical tracking device
紧固clamp device
缓冲shock absorber
编码code device
耦合器接口coupler interface unit
耦合显示置一光学coupling display Unit-Optics
耦合显示置一惯性测量部件coupling display unit-IMU (inertial measurement unit)
耳左电传爆non-electric booster device
耳轴trunnion assembly (舰载导弹发射装置的)
耳轴销连接trunnion pin attachment device (美国 MMU 载人机动装置扶手上的)
脉冲分离pulse separator
脉冲探测pulse detection unit
航向保持course keeping control
航向程序course programmer
航天space equipment
航天员机动飞行astronaut maneuvering unit
航天员稳定器机动astronaut stabilizer maneuvering unit
航天器配楼spacecraft assembly building
航天器配测试厂房spacecraft assembly and test building
航天器配设施spacecraft assembly facility
航天器总spacecraft integration
航天器总测试楼MIK-KO (苏联,俄文缩写英译)
航天服内通信系统space suit communication system
航天服冷却suit cooling unit
航天稳定器机动astronautic stabilizer maneuvering unit
航空备器材区Air materiel area (美国空军)
航空电子设备控制avionics control unit
航空航天回收aerospace recovery facility
航空航天技术备制品aerospace hardware
航空航天照相侦察aerospace photographic reconnaissance equipment
航线数据route data setting
舰一潜导弹发射系统ship-to-submarine missile launching system
舰一空导弹发射系统ship-to-air missile launching system
舰一舰导弹发射系统ship-to-ship missile launching system
舰上发射sea-going launcher
舰-地导弹发射系统ship-to-ground missile launching system
舰艇导弹发射系统shipborne missile launching system
舰载导弹发射系统surface ship missile launching system
舰载导弹发射shipboard missile launcher
舰载导弹导流shipborne missile deflector
舱外修理空间监督space inspection device for extravehicular repairs (西欧研究中的一种卫星服务操作系统)
舱外机动extravehicular mobility unit
舱外机动飞行置减污染系统extravehicular maneuvering unit decontamination system
舱外活动extravehicular mobility unit
舱外活动结构实验experimental assembly of structures in extravehicular activity (美国航天飞机上的)
舱外活动面盔extravehicular visor assembly
舱外移动extravehicular excursion unit
舱外行走移动extravehicular excursion unit
舱外行走extravehicular excursion unit
舱段总设施module integration facility
舱段连接bay section connection device
蜂窝式发射honeycomb launcher
调准倒数计时alignment countdown set
调整adjuster (adjustor)
调用load on call
调谐tuned device
调零null adjuster
货物运设备cargo-handling equipment
质量排出mass expulsive device (航天器姿态控制系统的一种执行机构)
送料feeding equipment
送料feeding device
适于入程序的形式loader-compatible form
逃逸动力escape motor set
选择波门selection-gate setting
选择解码selective decode unit (二次监视雷达)
选择识别selective identification feature
选择识别selective identification facility
透明封化合物clear potting compound
通信设备communication equipment
通信接口communications interface unit
通信-电子伪与诱骗communications-electronics cover and deception
通孔安插装技术through hole mount technology
通用地址读出general address reading device
通用数据系统universal data set [system]
通用流体实验general fluid experiment facilities
通用路由包协议generic routing encapsulation
通道接口channel interface unit
速动fast-action device
速度参考velocity reference unit
陀螺锁定caging unit
陀螺锁定机构caging device
锁紧locking latch
锚形anchor grain
锥孔hollow-cone charge
锥形shaped charge
锥柱形conocyl grain (固体火箭发动机的)
旋翼锥角限制anti-coning device
键盘和显示keyboard and display unit
防化学、防生物、防辐射三防过滤chemical, biological, and radioactive filter
防卸除引信antidefuzing device
防回弹resilience-proof device
防尘dust-proof device
防护protective equipment
防护protective device
防护protection unit
防护protecting device
防护伪protection camouflage
防拆antiwithdrawal device (引信的)
防振shockproof device
防振anti-vibration device
防撞avoidance equipment
防毒气gas protective equipment
防污染anti-pollution device
防潜流sneak current arrester
防爆explosion proof apparatus
防空伪antiaircraft camouflage
防空警报air-defence alerting device
防触发爆炸contact-burst preclusion (核武器引信系统的)
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