
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
一次或多次one or more
一般惯常customary packing
上海航交所制定的中国出口集箱运价指数China Container Freight Index
不可分批split shipment not allowed
不当不正确improper packing
不负担卸车费用free in and out of trucks
不适于用集箱运输的货物container part load
不适合集箱货物unsuitable containerizable cargo
不限期的即期untimed prompt shipment
专用分层全集箱船full cellular container vessel
中间重intermediate reloading
买方出具的特定船通知routing orders
二十英尺集箱换算单位Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit
仅可使用一次的集disposable container
仅在货时计算速遣费dispatch loading only
低甲板型集lower deck containers
保护性包protective packaging
保温集thermal container
全拆Completely Knocked Down
租船合同全部共用卸时间all purposes
内/外包interior/exterior packing
内/外包inner/outer packing
内注式集interior post type container
冰阻ice preventing loading and discharging
冷藏箱等货前的技术检验pre-trip inspection
出口危险货物包容器性能检验证书危包证inspection certificate on performance tests of packing container for export dangerous goods
分期instalment shipment
20 英尺加重集heavy container
性能检验证书inspection certificate on performance tests of packing
指南packing instruction
常指木制packing case
计量measuring for packaging
计量scaling for packaging
半集箱船semi container ship
半高集half height container
FOB 卖方承担平舱费在内的船前费用FOB trimmed
FOB 卖方承担理舱费在内的船前费用FOB stowed
FOB 卖方承担理舱费、平舱费在内的船前费用FOB stowed and trimmed
危险货物包证明Dangerous Goods Packing Certificate
危险货物安全载书Dangerous Cargo Safe Stowage Certificate
卸集strip destuff a container
发货人箱和加封shipper's pack and seal
发货人自备集Shipper's Own Container
可转换集箱船convertible container ship
索环绳扣rope sling
lift on-lift off freighter
链条chain sling
水果canned fruits
水果tinned fruits
四十英尺集箱换算单位Forty-foot Equivalent Unit
国际集箱码头安全费Security Surcharges for Inter national Terminals
国际集箱运输租赁公司Container Transport International
复合包compound package
复合包composite package
外包大包装shipping packing
外包大包装transport packing
多元化气集Multiple Element Gas Containers
多用途通用general purpose container
大型散Very Large Bulk Carrier
契约运港contractual port of loading
租船合同实际使用时间的一半应计算为卸时间half time used to count (as laytime)
客货混mixed/combination (aircraft)
船提单on shipped Bill of Lading
带有冷却系统的保温集conair container
干杂货集dry cargo freight, van container
平台式集platform flat container
平底集container on flatcar
建议载量advisory capacity
快速fast as can (loading or discharge)
成堆block stowage
成组unit load
成组载设备unit load device
打包和packing and crating
托盘货机pallet loader
托盘运的货物palletized cargo
承运人有载选择权的提单optional stowage Bill of Lading
折叠式板架集folding flatrack
折叠式板架集collapsible flat rack
拆集devan strip a container
make bulk
指定品牌包packing of nominated brand
按习惯尽快Customary Quick Dispatch
中转port of transshipment
据报内said to contain (s.t.c.)
提货并包pick and pack
搬运及handling and loading
放置集position containers
in bulk
干货集装箱dry-bulk container
杂货breakbulk cargo
液体货物bulk liquids
舱容grain (capacity)
break breakbulk cargo
批量bulk cargo
break bulk cargo
货船breakbulk vessel
货运bulk freight
卸设备船gearless ship
既能液体又能装干货的散装船oil/bulk/ore vessel
物流最终配计划Final Assembly Scheme
最适合集箱货物prime containerizable cargo
来件assembling with components supplied
架集flat container
架集flat rack
框架集flat rack container
框架集platform based container
次级包secondary packaging
集装箱consolidated container
清洁已船提单clean on board Bill of Lading
滚卸roll-off (RoRo)
ro/ro vessel
满载集full loaded weight and container
满载集full loaded weight and capacity
玻璃钢集glass-reinforced polywood container
由 × × 船运的船上交货价free on board per a
租船合同由船长选择运数量quantity at captain's option
提单术语由货主载、计数Shipper's Load and Count
提单术语 由货主载、计数、加封Shipper's Load, Count and Seal
直到上火车时没有风险No Risk to Attach Till On Rail
真空包食品vacuum-packed food
shortloaded (short shipment)
码头场站terminal stuffing
码头场站terminal vanning
硬顶集hard top container
空集箱装运车empty container handler
箱格式导轨式箱船cellular container ship
纵向fore and aft stowage
绑扎集箱货物的吊环bull ring
罐状液体tank liquid bulk container
自动调整的集箱操作系统modular automated container handling
自备起重机的集箱船self-sustaining ship
船公司在货港向托运人征收的货物操作费port liner term charges
船公司自有集Carrier's Own Container
船方不负担卸理舱和平舱费用free in and out, stowed and trimmed
船方不负担卸理舱费用free in and out and stowed
船方不负担卸费用和税款free in and out and free taxes
租船合同船方不负责卸、理舱和平舱费Free In and Out, Stowed and Trimmed
租船合同船方不负责卸费Free In and Out
租船合同船方不负责卸费和平舱等费用Free In, Out and Trimmed
租船合同船方不负责卸费和理舱等费用Free In, Out and Stowed
租船合同船方不负责货、捆扎、加固、隔舱物料等费用Free In, Lashed, Secured, and Dunn aged
租船合同船方不负责货费Free In
租船合同船方不负责货费但负责卸货费Free In Liner out
船方不负责将货物人货车的费用Free In Wagon
船舶载量vessel canying capacity
租约术语节省的卸时间working time saved
螺旋式船机spiral shiploader
gunny bag
搬运设备handling equipment
租船合同卸两港both bends
租船合同卸两港both ends
租船合同卸两港班轮条款liner terms both ends
租船术语卸两港的速遣费为滞期费的一半、并按节省的全部时间计算despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends
卸工人stevedore (docker)
卸效率efficiency of cargo discharging/loading
租船合同卸时间两港合并计算laytime saved both ends
卸时间事实记录表laytime statement of facts
卸时间平均计算average laytime
卸期满expiry of laytime
卸桥loading platform
卸桥loading bridge
卸货时间laydays (laytime)
卸费loading and discharging charges
卸费率tariff rates for loading/discharging
期供货待定sub. stem
stuff (to)
箱报告vanning stuffing report
箱指令vanning order
船代理shipping agent
船前检验pre-shipment inspection
船前费用pre-shipment charges
船后没有风险No Risk After Shipment
船尺寸intaken measure
船指示consignment instructions
船期date of shipment
船通知shipping advice (note)
货单下货纸Shipping Order
货港port of dispatch
货港船侧至卸货港船侧from alongside to alongside
货率rate of loading
货码头loading dock
货船方免责free in
货计划loading plan
货通知notice of loading
铁路车清单wagon manifest
载表loading chart
shipping space
单据transport documents
单据shipping documents
date of shipment
运有效期validity for shipment
运港船边交货价Delivery Alongside Ship
运记录shipment record
运通知notice of shipment
运须知consignment instructions
nude cargo
设施齐备的集箱船fully cellular containership
负责监管卸的人load master
货物卸量volume of traffic handled
货物卸量tonnages of cargo transferred
货物集运输的费用bulk unitization charge
软包flexible package
边端固定式框架集fixed end flatrack
边缘临界箱化货物marginal containerizable cargo
过驳货/卸货overside loading/discharging
运费、保险费和freight, insurance and shipping charges
运输包transport packing
连续载日running lay days
适于海运的包seaworthy packing
适于用集箱运输container load
适合集箱货物适箱货suitable containerizable cargo
铁路卸线的通过能力traffic capacity of railway siding for cargo work
铁路集箱站rail container yard
销售包小包装sales package
销售包小包装consumer package
Unit Load Device
运价Unit Load Device Rate
承运公司提单consolidator's bill of lading
装卸作业区container terminal
装箱费container loading charge
箱下侧梁bottom side rail
箱专用码头exclusive container terminal
箱中转站container depot
船图箱位置grid number
船图上箱位置cell position
箱内陆中转站container inland depot (inland container depot)
箱发放通知放箱container release order
船公司的四位箱号container prefix
箱号码container number
箱堆container yard
箱堆叠container stack
箱堆场container depot
箱堆存计划yard plan
箱夹子clip on unit
箱平板车Container on Flat Car
箱底横梁cross bearer
箱底横梁cross member
箱底盘container chassis
箱底端配件bottom fittings
箱承租人/出租人container lessee/leasor
箱拼装container groupage
箱损坏报告equipment damage report
箱支架container bolster
箱整修refurbishment of container
箱服务价目表container service tariff
箱杂货两用船conventional container ship
箱检验报告container inspection report
箱/滚装两用船con-ro ship
箱班轮船公司container lines
箱类型号container type code
箱翻倒,掏箱清单container rehandling list
箱装卸服务piggyback service
箱装卸桥ship-to-shore crane
箱装载货物适箱货container load cargo
箱调运container repositioning
箱货物运价unitized consignments rate
箱转租container sublease
箱运费container freight charge
箱运输服务container service
箱配箱单Container Load Plan
jumbo bag
设备Unit Load Device
货船舶noncarrying vessel
非注册的飞机集non-aircraft container
非结构集non-structural igloo
非结构集non-structural container
非结构集nonstructural container
预计货时间Expected Time of Loading
预计货时间Estimated Time of Loading
预计开始货时间Expected Time of Commencing Loading
预计开始货时间Estimated Time of Commencing Loading
飞机载单元aircraft unit load device
飞机集aircraft container
飞机集aircraft pallet
飞机集板网套aircraft pallet net
卸车high loader